100字范文 > 吸毒成瘾者 drug addicts英语短句 例句大全

吸毒成瘾者 drug addicts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-20 16:03:19


吸毒成瘾者 drug addicts英语短句 例句大全

吸毒成瘾者,drug addicts

1)drug addicts吸毒成瘾者

parison of quality of life fordrug addicts in methadone maintenance treatment clinics,community and compulsory detoxification institutions in Sichuan Province四川省社区吸毒、社区美沙酮维持治疗、强制戒毒吸毒成瘾者生活质量比较


1.All addicts are sent to compulsory rehabilitation centers established by governments at all levels.对吸毒成瘾者,一律送到由各级政府统一建立的戒毒所强制戒毒;

parison of quality of life for drug addicts in methadone maintenance treatment clinics,community and compulsory detoxification institutions in Sichuan Province四川省社区吸毒、社区美沙酮维持治疗、强制戒毒吸毒成瘾者生活质量比较

3.Correlation Analyses of the Drug Abuse Motivation of Heroin Addicts and Their Addiction Behavior;海洛因成瘾者吸毒动机与成瘾行为的相关研究

4.Addicted to a narcotic.吸毒成瘾的对毒品上瘾的

5.People who suffer from addiction are called addicts.吸毒成瘾的人英文是addicts。

6.Have fail in his career, he become a thrall to drug.事业失败後,他吸毒成瘾。

7.Having failed in his career, he became a thrall to drug .事业失败後,他吸毒成瘾

8.A Research on Characteristics of Heroin Addicts Addiction Motivation;海洛因成瘾者吸毒动机及其特点的研究

9.The Research on the Relation of Addiction severity level and Depression on the Drug Addicts;吸毒者的成瘾程度与其抑郁程度的关系研究

10.People who are truly hooked will go to any lengths to satisfy their craving for the drug.真正吸毒成瘾的人为了满足毒瘾会不择手段。

11.This stuff is oky for a pleasure jolt.这个东西给无瘾的吸毒者吸正合适。

12.The Influence From the Different Scenarios to the Degree Drug Addict Self-control Ability不同情景对不同成瘾程度吸毒者自我控制能力的影响

13.The effect of hot system on the cool system in addicts with different addiction degree热系统在不同成瘾程度的吸毒者中对冷系统的影响

14.He"s a habitual smoker--he always has a cigarette after dinner.他是个吸烟成瘾者饭后总要吸一支烟。

15.A drug addict.吸毒鬼吸毒上瘾的人

16.Mexican Centre for Drug Addiction Studies墨西哥吸毒成瘾研究中心

17.Drug addicts often hallucinate.吸毒成瘾的人常常产生幻觉.

18.Study of a Test Paper Distinguishing Opiate Addicts吸毒(海洛因)成瘾检测试纸的研究


the demon of drug addiction.吸毒成瘾

3)drug dependent person吸毒上瘾者

4)He was addicted to drugs .他吸毒成瘾。

5)marijuana addict吸大麻成瘾者

6)Lapse into addiction开始吸毒成瘾


