100字范文 > 广告符码 advertising code英语短句 例句大全

广告符码 advertising code英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-11 09:47:18


广告符码 advertising code英语短句 例句大全

广告符码,advertising code

1)advertising code广告符码

1.Consumption in an era of advertising andadvertising codes, and modern advertising and advertising pre-industrial society is fundamentally different.消费时代中的广告及广告符码,与前工业社会的广告有本质的不同。


1.Cultural Studies and Critique of Political Economy of Advertising Codes--Review of Sut Jhally s Advertising Theory;广告符码的文化研究与政治经济学批判——评加利(Sut Jhally)的广告理论

2.The Codes of Automobile Print Advertisements and the Research of Their Coding Models;汽车平面广告符号及其编码模式探究

3.Principles and Paradigms of Creating New Code of Non-language Advertising Symbols in Image Times;图像主因时代非语言广告符号的创新编码原则和范式

4.Abstract on figurative meaning of the symbols:Ideological code of advertising从抽象的意义到具象的符号——论广告编码的意识形态化

5.Can like this say: Coding that secret that advertise the magic power to consist in making the meaning, but the meaning produce in the sign to reach agreement the code.可以这样说:广告魅力的秘诀在于制造意义,而意义产生于符号的编码和解码。

6.Would it be gives any affect for googlebot when crawling my webpage caused by those encryption?必须记住一点,只要有可能影响到广告的行为,即使没有修改代码,也是不符合政策的。

7.The Advertising Literacy Education of Chinese Children in the Symbolized Advertising Era论广告符号化时代下中国儿童的广告素养教育

8.teletext character codes电视文字广播用的文字符号代码

9.Unique angle in advertisement research--Review on "TV Signs·Advertisement Theory" and "Advertisement China";广告研究的独特视角——评《电视符号·广告论》与《广告·中国》

10.Utensils and Sign--Traditional Utensils Culture and Ads Communication物与符号——传统物文化与广告传播

11.A Research of Advertising of Luxury Brands How to Create Culture Meaning under the Influence of Consumer Culture;消费文化下奢侈品广告的符号化研究

12.A Semiotic Study of Diesel Print Advertisements;Diesel平面广告的符号学研究

13.On the Meaning Production of Modern Advertising: A Perspective of Semiology;从符号学角度看现代广告的意义生产

14.Advertisement & Symbolic Consumption in the Scope of Consumption Culture;论消费文化视野下的广告与符号消费

15.Advertisement: The Cultural Carrier of Visual Signs and Value Metaphor;广告:视觉符号与价值隐喻的双重载体

16.Advertisement,Medium:the External Motive of Symbolic Fetishism;广告、媒介:符号拜物教的外在动因

17.Study on Structure,Logic and Dissymmetry of Semiotics in Advertising;论广告符号的结构、逻辑与不对称性

18.Symbolizing Images in Advertising Visual Language and its Impact;广告视觉语言的形象符号化及其影响


Desire of advertising code广告欲望符码

3)The Sign Decoding in Advertisement广告符号解码

4)advertisement symbol广告符号

1.The thesis,based on culture research,communication theory,semiotics and advertising theory,is designed to analyzeadvertisement symbol discourse by the method of document analysis and case research in order to reveal the power phenomenon in theadvertisement symbol.本文基于综合文化研究、传播学、符号学、广告学等多学科理论知识之上,运用文献分析法和个案研究法对广告符号进行具体话语分析,旨在揭示与阐明广告符号中存在的权力现象问题。

5)advertising semiotics广告符号学

6)Symbolized advertising广告符号化


