100字范文 > 广告主 advertiser英语短句 例句大全

广告主 advertiser英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-07 18:41:19


广告主 advertiser英语短句 例句大全



1.Application of matrix in choosing sci-tech periodical’sadvertisers;矩阵法在科技期刊广告主选择中的应用

2.Beginning with the brief introduction of power relation,the paper points out that in the communication between theadvertiser and the consumer,theadvertiser controls verbal power,while the consumer is in the passive position,and is controlled by theadvertiser.从社会语言学权势关系的角度,分析了现代广告中所表现的广告主和消费者通过广告进行交际时的权势关系。


1.History of economic environment and advertiser in Beijing (Part Ⅱ);北京广告环境与广告主发展回顾(二)

2.Review of Beijing advertising environment and advertisers development (1979-1991);北京广告环境与广告主发展研究(1979-1991)

3.The theme of an advertisement must Be clear and distinctive.广告主题需要清晰突出。

4.Advertising industry features and advertisers mind-set of regions inhabited by ethnic groups in China;论我国少数民族地区广告行业特征及广告主广告投放心态

5.Political Influence on Advertising Theme:A Case Study of Shen Daily Issued between 1912 and 1919政治对广告主题的影响——以1912—19《申报》广告为例

6.Where, in violation of the state regulations, an advertisement owner, advertising agency, or advertisement carrier gives false publicity by taking the advantage of advertising a commodity or service,广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者违反国家规定,利用广告对商品或者服务作虚假宣传,

7.Sociolinguistics Analysis on Guangzhou Real Estate Advertising Slogans and Phrases;广州房地产广告主题语的社会语言学分析

8.Research in the Subject of Radio & TV Public Service Advertisment Based on the 30~(th) Anniversary of Reforming and Opening改革开放30年广播电视公益广告主题研究

9.Print Advertising /Sales Director印刷品广告/销售主任

10.campaign advertising that was Based solely on negatives.以批评为主的广告手法

11.The banner ad and interstitial ad are the two uppermost forms of the web ad.旗帜广告和弹出广告是当前网络广告最主要的两种形式。

12.Vice Advertisement --the Serious Problem Anatomy in Brand Molding by Advertising;恶俗广告——广告塑造品牌过程中的主要问题剖析

13.Re-understanding of Advertisement in China;为广告重新正名——从主流媒体的广告观开始

14.advertising rates广告费, 广告价格

15.She famous for selected materials, exquisite workmanship, excellent quality and providing good service.主要产品有“佳福”牌广告伞及雨衣;并配套生产格式广告帽、、篷、告条幅等系列广告产品。

16.Ruth introduces David to the Section Head,露丝把大卫介绍给广告部主任

17.advertising directed mainly at young consumers主要针对年轻消费者的广告.

18.B: But the manager from advertising never says anything.可是广告部的主管每次都不出声。


Principal part of advertising广告主体

3)advertising theme广告主题

1.Research into feeling acceptance degree of differentadvertising themes;不同广告主题情感接受度初步研究

2.Theadvertising theme is restricted by some kinds of factors.广告主题的确定受到多方面因素的制约。


5)advertising manager广告主任

6)advertising tag line广告主题句

1.This paper explores the utility maximization of English language in the use ofadvertising tag lines based on the analysis of sounds,wording,syntactic structures and rhetoric.文章通过对英语广告主题句音韵、词汇、句式、修辞分析,探索广告主题句创作的言语效用最大化,即经济学意义上的追求效用最大化。


