100字范文 > 农士工商 Agricultural Gentleman Industry and Commerce英语短句 例句大全

农士工商 Agricultural Gentleman Industry and Commerce英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-25 20:17:34


农士工商 Agricultural Gentleman Industry and Commerce英语短句 例句大全

农士工商,Agricultural Gentleman Industry and Commerce

1)Agricultural Gentleman Industry and Commerce农士工商


1.Thought of Xun Zi"s Minute Duty Division of Labor简论荀子分职分工思想——从“礼义”“法度”原则到“农士工商”职业序列变化

2.New "Simin" (Four Groups of People) Theory--the New Understanding of the Literati in Tang and Five-dynasties about "Officials,Farmers,Manufacturers and Merchants";新“四民”论——试论唐五代文人对“士农工商”的新认识

3.From "Bachelor,Officialdom,Peasantry and Merchant"to "Gentry,Merchant,Student and Millitary"--The Spilt of Social Strata Strueture of Hubei Province at the Late of the Oing Dynastry;从“士农工商”到“绅商学军”——清末湖北社会结构之裂变

4.The work of a farmer is done chiefly in the fields, but the work of a business man is done in an office.农民主要在地里干活,而工商界人士则在办公室里工作。

5.International Chamber of Commerce国际商会国际工农商会

6.Doctor of Business Administration [Lingnan University]工商管理博士〔岭南大学〕

7.integrate commerce with industry, agriculture and commerce itself增进工商、农商、商商之间的联合

8.Research of the measures of the Department of Business-Deparment of Agriculture,Industry and Commerce developing industry and commerce;清末商部——农工商部振兴工商措施述评

9.In industry and commerce, some comrades maintain that we should force the national bourgeoisie into bankruptcy, and some doing rural work refuse to co-operate with the enlightened gentry and intellectuals.在工商业问题上,有挤垮民族资产阶级的思想;在农村工作中,拒绝与开明士绅、知识分子合作。

10.The Ministry of Business--Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce and the Improvement on Traditional Agriculture;商部——农工商部与传统农业的改良

11.Fcderal Research Station for Farm Management and Agricultural瑞士农场管理与农业工程研究站

12.Doctor of Business Administration [Hong Kong Polytechnic University]工商管理博士〔香港理工大学〕

13.Master of Business Administration [Hong Kong Polytechnic University]工商管理硕士〔香港理工大学〕

14."North District"s Commerce, Industry and Agriculture and Fisheries Show"北区工商渔农展览会

15.Regional Consultation on the Agricultural Machinery Industry in Africa非洲农机工业区域协商

16.Union of Arab Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture阿拉伯农工商联合会

17.2. Protect the industrial, commercial, agricultural and livestock enterprises of the national bourgeoisie.(二)保护民族工商农牧业。

18.But they are decidedly not workers, peasants or soldiers, nor are they the friends of workers, peasants and soldiers.但是他们决不是工人、农民、兵士,也不是工人、农民、兵士的朋友。


offical ruling workers and merchant士农工商

3)MBA in Agribusiness农业工商管理硕士


5)Ministry of Agricultrue & Industry & Commerce农工商部

6)mercantile peasant-worker经商农民工

1.It has two sub-groups: employed peasant worker andmercantile peasant-worker, the latter of which was ignored for a long time.但农民工群体并不是钢板一块,而是由于职业特点,分化为务工农民工和经商农民工。


