100字范文 > 公私合营 State-individual cooperation英语短句 例句大全

公私合营 State-individual cooperation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-29 16:59:59


公私合营 State-individual cooperation英语短句 例句大全

公私合营,State-individual cooperation

1)State-individual cooperation公私合营


1.joint state-private ownership of individual enterprises or enterprises of a whole trade公私合营、全行业公私合营

2.In 1956 they applied to run the store jointly with the state.1956年他们申请公私合营。

3.In 1954 our firm became a joint state-privately operated one.1954年,我们公司改为公私合营了。

4.Study on the Public-Private Partnership in Delivery of Health Service in China;我国医疗卫生服务提供的公私合营模式研究

5.Shift in Power in Joint State-Private Enterprises as Seen from Changes in Their Top Management从“高管层”变动看公私合营企业权力的转移

6.It takes various forms, not just that of joint state-private management.国家资本主义不是只有公私合营一种形式,而是有各种形式。

7.In joint state-private industrial and commercial enterprises, capitalists still get a fixed rate of interest on their capital, that is to say, exploitation still exists.在工商业的公私合营企业中,资本家还拿取定息,也就是还有剥削;

8.The Pattern of Public-Private Joint Management of Foreign System of Water Supply and its Implications on Rural Water Supply in China国外供水系统公私合营模式及对我国农村供水的启示

9.Investment Company and State-private Joint Ownership:Study on Centering on Xingye Investment Incorporated Company of Beijing20世纪50年代的投资公司与公私合营——以北京兴业投资公司为中心的考察

10.collaborative clinic公营和私营机构合办的诊所

11.Public and Private Sector Management Group公营和私营部门管理组

12.The whole task is to be accomplished by the public, private and co-operative enterprises.所有这些,由公营、私营和合作社经营三方面完成任务。

13.Mixed development is a means to encourage further private sector involvement in the public housing programme.混合发展是鼓励私营机构进一步参与公营房屋计划的方法之一。

14.They are operated and managed by two private operators under management contracts with government.这些停车场分别由两家私营公司根据管理合约经营及管理。

15.mandatory private provident fund system强制性私营公积金制度

16.After the merger, it was still Shanghai Hecheng Electric Equipment Works and managed by state and private owner.合并后,仍称上海和成电器厂,企业属性为公私和营。

17.Application of Public-Private Partnership in Quasi-commercial Infrastructure Project;公私合作模式在准经营性基础设施项目中的应用

18.The Provisions on Corrupt Crimes in the Private Sectorin "United National Convention against Corruption"and Its Enlightenment;《联合国反腐败公约》关于私营部门内腐败犯罪的规定及启示


public pri-vate partnership公私营合作

3)public-private partnership(PPP)公私合营(PPP)

1.Governments often provide incentives to attract private sector involvement in public-private partnership(PPP) projects.政府往往需要提供激励措施才能吸引私营资本在基础设施公私合营(PPP)项目的投资。

4)Public-Private Joint Venture公私合资合营

5)public private partnership公私营合作模式

6)joint public-private owned公私合营产权


