100字范文 > 协同 cooperation英语短句 例句大全

协同 cooperation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-17 18:48:25


协同 cooperation英语短句 例句大全



1.Application of Java Object - stream in Product Cooperation Design System;Java对象流技术在产品协同设计系统中的应用研究

2.The analysis and application ofcooperation in the multidisciplinary cooperative design process;产品多领域协同设计中协同与协同度分析及应用

3.Investigation on Schema of Cooperation of DL-IPSec and Firewall;双层IPSec与防火墙协同工作的一个设计方案


1.cooperative site协同部位,协同位点

2.Research on Cooperation Motion and Cooperation Method of Humachine Cooperation Manipulator;人机协同机械手协同运动及协同方法的研究

3.Research and Implementation of Collaboration Control Mechanism in CoGIS;协同标注系统中的协同控制机制研究

4.Collaborative Information Management and Integration Based on Collaborative Commerce;基于协同商务的信息协同管理与集成

5.Study on distributed collaborative supply chain decision technology;供应链协同决策及分布协同机制研究

6.Research on Cooperative Model for Aerospace Cooperative Design in Distributive Places;航天异地协同设计中协同模型的研究

7.Research on Convergence Development System on Logistics and Finance Based on Synergetics基于协同学的物流金融协同系统研究

8.Research on Cooperative Product Design System Based on ECP Protocol基于企业协同协议的协同设计系统研究

9.Research on regional cooperative healthcare system and synergetic mechanism based on synergetic基于协同学原理的区域协同医疗信息系统及协同模式研究

10.SW/HW Co-design for CSMA/CA Coprocessor in WSN Node SoCWSN中CSMA/CA协处理器的软硬协同设计

11.Cooperative multiple access protocol based network coding基于网络编码的协同多用户接入协议

12.Meaning Negotiating Mechanism in Collaborative Concept Mapping协同概念构图系统中的意义协商机制

13.A MAC Protocol Analysis of Formation Cooperation Based On Wireless Ad Hoc Networks编队协同中的Ad Hoc网络MAC协议

14.Public Rationality:Negotiation,Public Service and Co-governing with Virtue公共理性:协商、公共服务与协同善治

puter supported collaborative work计算机支持的协同工作

16.Division for Concerted Action and Special Projects协同行动和特别项目司

17.Consultative Meeting with Industry/Trade Associations同工贸协会的协商会议

18.in/out of phase being/not being in the same state at the same time同相[异相];同步[不同步];协调[不协调]



1.Research on quick response of apparel supply chain forcollaboration;面向协同的服装供应链快速反应机制研究

2.Study on Collaboration and Synthesis Management Framework and System Based on Process;基于流程的协同综合管理框架与体系

3.Approaches tocollaboration and concurrence in integrated product development;集成产品开发的协同和并行化实现途径


1.Mobile agentcoordination model with high adaptability;具有高适应性的移动Agent协同工作模型

2.The Value and Significance of Coordination in Management of Planning Projects;规划项目协同管理的价值和意义

3.A multi-agentcoordination technology for UCAV system;面向UCAV系统的交互Agent协同技术


1.FCC-Hydrotreating Synergy Improve Refinery Economics;加氢处理与催化裂化协同增加炼厂经济效益

2.Modeling and existence of enterprisesynergy mechanisms;企业群体协同机制的形式化建模及存在性研究

3.Synergy Theory and Its Application in Manufacturing informatization;协同及其在制造业信息化中的典型应用


1.Study on Information Integration System of Web-based Collaborative Supply Chain;基于WEB的协同供应链集成平台研究

2.Brief discussion oncollaborative manufacture system of iso-space;设计与制造异地协同平台的建立

3.Research for Remote Collaborative Products Development;企业远程协同产品开发研究


1.The results also indicate that Vanlube 996E exhibits strongest antioxidation synergy with Vanlube 961,and than Vanlube 7723 with Vanlube 961,thesynergism of Vanlube BHC with Vanlube 7723 or Vanlube 996E are weaker and their antioxidation performance is even weaker than Vanlube 996E itself.采用加压差示扫描量热法(PDSC)考察了酚型抗氧剂(Vanlube BHC)、烷基化苯胺抗氧剂(Vanlube961)、硫代氨基甲酸酯(Vanlube7723)和氨基甲酸酯复合抗氧剂(Vanlube996E)在聚α-烯烃(PAO)基础油中的抗氧性能和相互配伍后的协同效应。

2.CONCLUSION: The methods reveal directly the multitarget effects of Haitongpi tang on treating osteoarthritis,which is of great importance to find clues of potentialsynergism in Chinese medicine.结论:本方法直观地揭示了复方海桐皮汤的多靶点效应,对于解释复方的协同效应有重要意义。

3.The result showed that THY had good antifungal activity, and THY/FLC and THY/ AMB showedsynergism in antifungal interaction.结果表明,THY有较好的抗真菌活性,THY与FLC和AMB联合应用具有协同抗真菌作用,这为麝香草酚抗真菌活性的进一步研究和开发打下了基础。


