100字范文 > 干燥度配置植被理论 configuration of vegetation dryness theory英语短句 例句大全

干燥度配置植被理论 configuration of vegetation dryness theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-28 13:06:18


干燥度配置植被理论 configuration of vegetation dryness theory英语短句 例句大全

干燥度配置植被理论,configuration of vegetation dryness theory

1)configuration of vegetation dryness theory干燥度配置植被理论

2)dry degree of vegetation植被干燥度

3)vegetation configuration植被配置

1.According to the land reclamation of dump and the objectives of landscape planning and the principle ofvegetation configuration of dump,detailed analysis was made of the ecological benefits,social benefits and economic benefits bright about by land reclamation and planning.根据排土场土地复垦及景观规划目标以及排土场植被配置原则,详细分析了土地复垦与规划所带来的生态效益、社会效益及经济效益。


1.Study on Mechanism of Sandy Land Artificial Shrub Planting Disposition in Preventing Soil Wind Erosion in Yanchi County;盐池县沙地灌丛人工植被配置对土壤风蚀影响机理研究

2.Effects of Different Vegetation Types on Soil Nutrients and Soil Moisture of Dumping Site in Heidaigou Opencast Mine;黑岱沟露天矿排土场不同植被配置对土壤养分和土壤水分影响研究

3.Research on Shade-tolerance of Ground Covers and Its Application in Landscape;地被植物耐荫性研究及园林配置探讨

4.Application of Native Ground Cover Plants in Landscape Architecture of South China华南乡土地被植物特性及其园林配置

5.Research on the Scientific Allocation Method for Water Resources Concerning Water Requirement of the Vegetation;考虑植被生态需水的水资源合理配置方法研究

6.A Study on Vegetation Structure Regulation of Spatial Allocation in Protection Forest System;防护林体系空间配置中植被结构调整的研究

7.Study on Loess Slope Vegetation Selection and Combination in Zheng-xi Passenger Dedicated Line郑西客运专线黄土边坡植被选型与配置研究

8.Application for Cover Plants to the Green Building地被植物在绿色建筑绿化配置中的应用

parative Study on Plant Disposition Pattern in Earlier Vegetation Restoration of Rock slope for Expressway高速公路岩质边坡植被恢复初期不同植物配置模式的比较研究

10.Study on the Optimization Mode of the Restored Vegetation Community Structure in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Tarim River;塔里木河中下游植被重建中的群落结构配置优化模式研究

11.Vegetation Investigation and Landscape Construction on Riparian Zone of the Twain Rivers in Chongqing;重庆市主城区两江消落区植被调查及其景观配置

12.Tree Species Selection and Arrangement for Ecological Vegetation Rehabilitation in Cangjiang New Zone of Jinghong City景洪市沧江新区生态植被恢复中的树种选择与配置

13.The Effect of Distribution Pattern of Low Coverage Caragana korshinskii Sand Fixation Forest Work on the Vegetation Recovery低覆盖度柠条固沙林不同配置对植被修复的影响

14.An Analysis of the Landscape Plants about Arrangement of Selection and Designment;常见造景植物的配置选择及种植设计

15.The Ecological Analysis of Plant Arrangement Relating to the Classical Gardens in the Southern China;江南古典园林植物配置的生态学分析

16.A Preliminary Study on Waterfront Planting Allocation Patterns in Residential Communities in Shanghai;上海市居住区滨水植物配置模式研究

17.Reasearches on Plant Arrangement of Garden Green-Turning of Yulin City;榆林市园林绿化植物选择与配置研究

18.Study and Practice on the Planting Disposition of Expressway Greening;高速公路绿化植物配置研究及其实践


dry degree of vegetation植被干燥度

3)vegetation configuration植被配置

1.According to the land reclamation of dump and the objectives of landscape planning and the principle ofvegetation configuration of dump,detailed analysis was made of the ecological benefits,social benefits and economic benefits bright about by land reclamation and planning.根据排土场土地复垦及景观规划目标以及排土场植被配置原则,详细分析了土地复垦与规划所带来的生态效益、社会效益及经济效益。

4)drying theory干燥理论

5)dry index numbers of the forest植被干燥指数

6)different vegetation disposal不同植被配置

1.Based on the artificial rainfall simulation experiments,on the slope face withdifferent vegetation disposals,this paper studies the effects of different vegetation on the slope faces in the loess hilly regions upon the infiltration,runoff production and sediment yield.根据人工模拟降雨试验,在不同植被配置的坡面上,研究了黄土丘陵区坡面不同植被配置对入渗、产流产沙的影响。


