100字范文 > 民航业 civil aviation英语短句 例句大全

民航业 civil aviation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-11 23:34:57


民航业 civil aviation英语短句 例句大全

民航业,civil aviation

1)civil aviation民航业

1.China scivil aviation has witnessed an unprecedented development with the continuous market expansion after the execution of reform and open up program.改革开放以来,我国民航业得到了长足的发展,市场规模不断扩大。

2.The analysis of the curve model of ticket price incivil aviation demonstrates that the higher ticket prices seriously impede the growth of consuming needs,and result in the abnormal imbalance of supply and demands.对民航票价的曲折需求曲线模型分析表明,中国民航业过高的票价严重阻碍了消费需求的增长,造成了非正常的供求失衡。

3.Under the influence of traditional industrial - protection policy, the globalization and the schedule of WTO requirement, the discussion of whether it is necessary to take protection measures to ourcivil aviation goes onto the stage.受传统的产业保护政策、经济全球化及WTO相关开放时间表影响,是否进一步开放航权或是继续给予民航业政策保护成为学术界近期争论的一个焦点。


1.Code Sharing and the Civil Aviation Industry;航空公司之间的代码共享及其对民航业的影响

2.Research on Service Recovery Strategies for Airline Delay of Civil Aviation in China我国民航业航班延误服务补救策略研究

3.An Innovative Study Framework on Industrial Organization of Civil Aviation in Transition Period--Resupply for the Experience Test of China Civil Aviation转型期民航产业组织分析框架创新——中国民航业的经验检验

4.Legal Thinking About Foreign Investment Into China"s Civil Aiviation外资资本进入民航业引发的法律思考

5.Deregulate the airline industry.对民航工业解除管制

6.On Civilian Aviation Construction Led by Nanking Kuomintang Government, 1927-1937;南京国民政府民用航空业研究(1927~1937)

7.The Civil Aviation Administration of China has decided to start the business of advance booking and ticketing on connecting and return flights.中国民航决定开始衔接航班和回程航班的预先订票、供票业务。

8.Information classification and codes of civil aviationGB/T16300-1996民用航空业信息分类与代码

9.We should carry forward the reform of the power, telecommunications and civil aviation industries.继续完成电力、电信、民航等行业改革。

10.Business interests: Made his fortune from oil, aluminium and airline Aeroflot.商业兴趣:以石油、制铝和民用航空发家。

11.Research on Coordination of Supply Chain in Civil Aerospace Industry;民用航空制造业供应链协调管理研究

12.Study of Civil Aviation Industry in China on the Basis of SCP Paradigm;基于SCP范式的中国民航运输产业分析

13.Study on Strategic Positioning of China s Nongovernmental International Shipping Enterprises;中国民营国际航运企业战略定位研究

14.Research on China Civil Aviation Transportation Enterprises Strategy Implementation;我国现代民航运输企业战略实施研究

15.Research on Antimonopoly Law Problem of Civil Aviation Enterprises in China;我国民航企业的反垄断法律问题研究

16.The Study of Development Strategy of China s Civil Aviation MRO Enterprise;中国民用航空维修企业发展战略研究

17.A Study on the Low-Cost Strategy Application Inside Airline Enterprises in China;中国民航企业实施低成本战略的探讨

18.Research on Establishment of CEO System in Civil Aviation Enterprises of China;关于中国民航企业建立CEO制度的研究


civil aviation industry民航业

1.Analysis on Chinese Civil Aviation Industry Organization;我国民航业产业组织分析

2.Access Barriers in the Chinese Civil Aviation Industry;中国民航业进入壁垒研究

3., probes into the road of the reform and development of our country’scivil aviation industry.试图用新制度经济学理论来解释飞行员集体返航事件,并运用制度均衡理论、有效规则理论、制度博弈论以及意识形态论等,探讨了我国民航业的改革发展之路。

3)civil aviation enterprise民航企业

1.However,the system of CEO management is not quite mature and complete in China,and the process of establishing the system of CEO management incivil aviation enterprises of China also is not even or smooth.当前,在中国实施CEO制度尚处于起步阶段,在中国民航企业中,实施CEO制度仍存在诸多障碍。

4)civil aviation enterprises民航企业

1.Based on the analysis of fundamental criteria of the evaluation index system of informationalization level incivil aviation enterprises, The further discussion on how to process the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of informationalization level is given, then the evaluation methods and the evaluation index system of the civil aviation informationalization are presented.从民航企业信息化的背景出发,对民航企业信息化进行系统分析;介绍了民航企业信息化的评价方法和评价指标体系,通过综合评价指标体系设计和实施水平评价指标体系设计,对民航企业信息化实施水平和绩效进行评价,进而提出实施民航企业信息化的技术对策。


1.Problems and Solution ofAirline Informatization;民航企业信息化中的问题与对策

2.This paper analyzes the present situation of airline human cost,productivity and motivation through examples.通过案例分析 ,从人力成本、工作效率、员工激励状况等角度分析了民航企业工资管理的现状 ,并运用人力资源管理理论以及组织行为学和经济学的相关理论和方法 ,从岗位职务分析、岗位规范、工资率的确定、绩效工资、年薪制等分配体系的改革方面提出了对

3.Based on the definition and benefit analysis of safety investments of civil aviation,the analysis model for airline\"s economic contribution rate of safety investments was built by combining the production function.通过对民航安全投入定义、特点及安全投入效益的分析,结合生产函数的有关概念及分析方法,建立了民航企业安全投入的经济贡献率分析模型。

6)civil aviation industry民航企业

1.Based on the fact that the internationalcivil aviation industry has witnessed, since the 1990s, a structure-reshuffling through international cooperation among airlines to extend their businesses, the paper holds that such cooperation in terms of code sharing poses a great challenge to the whole aviation industry while promoting its overall development.随着国际民航业自由化、联盟化的发展,以及我国民航市场的逐步放开,我国航空公司和外航之间的代码共享将越来越多,有关民航企业的国际联盟行为及其产生的问题研究也显得非常必要。


