100字范文 > 民航运输 civil aviation transportation英语短句 例句大全

民航运输 civil aviation transportation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-20 11:12:40


民航运输 civil aviation transportation英语短句 例句大全

民航运输,civil aviation transportation

1)civil aviation transportation民航运输

1.This paper analyzes the economy of network in thecivil aviation transportation industry.民航运输业在网络经济效应的作用下,与市场容量扩张、需求增长等形成一种正反馈机制,从而引致该产业由垄断性到竞争性的动态演变,并由此引发了政府管制的变迁。


1.Air Services Negotiations Unit [Economic Services Bureau]民航运输谈判组〔经济局〕

2.Length of Civil Aviation Routes: refers to the length of all r outes for regular civil aviation flights.民用航空航线里程:指民航运输定期班机飞行的航线长度的总和。

3.Refers to the length of all routes for regular civil aviation flights.指民航运输定期班机飞行的航线长度的总和。

4.Study of Civil Aviation Industry in China on the Basis of SCP Paradigm;基于SCP范式的中国民航运输产业分析

5.Research on China Civil Aviation Transportation Enterprises Strategy Implementation;我国现代民航运输企业战略实施研究

bination evaluation method of air transport industry competence民航运输产业竞争力的组合评价方法

7. Financial Situation Analysis of Listed Enterprises Civil Aviation Ransportation上市民航运输企业财务分析

8.The Strategy Study of Air Transportation s Flight Talent Foster in Our Country;我国民航运输业飞行人才培养战略研究

9.Research on the Deregulation of the Airline Market in China;中国民航运输市场的管制放松政策分析

10.Analysis on Domestic Civil Aviation Price Reforms Based on Price Evolution;从价格的演变历程浅析国内民航运输价格改革

11.The Network Economy of Civil Aviation Transportation Industry and the Changes in Government Regulations;民航运输业的网络经济性与政府管制变迁

12.Research on the Reason of Institution Innovation of the Civil Aviation Industry Organization;中国民航运输产业组织2002年制度创新背景

13.On the Competence Evolvement of the Civil Aviation Transport Industry On the Basis of the Lifecycle Theory基于生命周期的民航运输产业竞争力演化研究

14.An Empirical Study of Market Reform in China"s Civil Aviation Industry中国民航运输业市场化改革变迁的实证研究

15.The action subject of civil aviation transportation is airlines.民用航空运输的行为主体是航空公司。

16.Air Transport Services Liberalization in WTO and Reform of China Civil Aviation;WTO航空运输服务贸易自由化与中国民航的改革

17.Analysis of Blind Areas Caused by Applying the Rules of International Air Cargo Transportation in CAAC;中国民航使用国际航空货物运输规则盲区分析

18.and by airways, 377,000 tons, up by 8.6 percent.民用航空运输37.7万吨,增长8.6%。


air transport民航运输

1.Weather information are very important inair transport, and the weather radar is the main way to get it.气象信息在民航运输中有着非常重要的作用,气象雷达是得到其的主要途径。

2.The division of theair transport regions,based on the economic developing characteristics and the regular pattern of theair transport industry,will not only provide the basis for planning the layout and recognize the pattern of the regional development,but also offer help for theair transport investment planning and decision-making in the future.根据我国航空运输业自身的经济发展特征和规律对航空运输经济区域划分进行研究,不仅能够为制定合理的航空运输规划布局提供依据,同时也有助于认清我国民航运输业区域发展格局,为未来航空运输业投资规划和决策提供支持。

3)air transportation民航运输

1.The Strategy Study of Air Transportation s Flight Talent Foster in Our Country;我国民航运输业飞行人才培养战略研究

2.The thesis stands the viewpoint of the industry developing, analyses the problems in the development ofair transportation, brings forward the judgment that one of the important approach for civil aviation to satisfy the demand of economy and society is to improve the fashion of transportation production, enhance the transportation efficiency, and construct the convenient aviation.本文站在行业发展的高度,系统地分析了民航发展所面临的问题,提出了新的发展时期,民航运输满足经济和社会发展要求的重要途经之一是改善运输生产方式、提高运输效率、打造便捷航空的论断。

4)civil aviation transportation industry民航运输业

1.To strengthen the China scivil aviation transportation industry,a full understanding of the deve-lopment modes forcivil aviation transportation industry integrating modern logistics and the trend of development in the future is necessary.为了增强我国民航运输业的实力,必须充分了解民航运输业融入现代物流的发展模式,正确把握未来的发展方向。

5)Civil aviation民航运输业

1.Civil aviation transportation, to a certain degree, is generally regarded as a natural monopoly industry.我国民航运输业从1980年开始了政府管制体制的改革步伐,实施了从行政性垄断经营逐步走向市场竞争的一系列过程。

2.This paper examines the issue of economic deregulation of civil aviation in China.民航运输业放松管制是指民航管理当局放松或取消诸多有关民航运输管理的管制条款(包括进入、退出、价格、投资、财务、会计等条款),将管理权力下放。

6)China"s civil aviation transport中国民航运输


