100字范文 > 科普环境信息场 information field of science popularization environment英语短句 例句大全

科普环境信息场 information field of science popularization environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-22 08:10:40


科普环境信息场 information field of science popularization environment英语短句 例句大全

科普环境信息场,information field of science popularization environment

1)information field of science popularization environment科普环境信息场

1.From the perspective of "Information Field of Science Popularization Environment" theory,"popularizing science "is to provide good service of "information field of science popularization environment"for the audiences,which is decided by three factors as "whom,what and how".从"科普环境信息场"理论的视角进行研究,"做科普"的内涵就是为受众营造良好的"科普环境信息场"服务,它体现在"为谁做"、"做什么"和"怎样做"三个方面。


1.Theoretical Research of"Information Field of Science Popularization Environment"--Popularizing Science Basingon"Information Field of Science Popularization Environment"Theory“科普环境信息场”理论研究——用“科普环境信息场”理论来理解科普

2.Research on intelligent GIS services in ubiquitous environment普适环境下的智能地理信息服务研究

3.Study on Science and Technology Olympics and Sport Information Environment Construction;“科技奥运”与体育信息环境建设研究

4.The Analysis of Researchers Information Behavior under the Networked Environment;网络环境下科研人员的信息行为分析

5.A Conceptual Framework for Developing ODL Research Oriented Information Environments;ODL科研信息环境的概念设计框架

6.Research on Service Mode of Subject-Based Information Gateways under Web2.0 EnvironmentWeb2.0环境下学科信息门户服务模式研究

7.A Research on Geodatabase-based Battlefield Environment Information Data Model;基于Geodatabase的战场环境信息数据模型研究

8.The Project of Information Engineering For Power Plants;市场环境下发电企业信息化建设方案

9.Effects of Informationized Battlefield on Servicemen Psychology and Its Countermeasures信息化战场环境与军人心理素质训练

10.In the information technology sector, where conditions unpredictably change at high speeds, a company" s business strategy can have disastrous consequences on the market" s web of relations.在信息科技领域,环境瞬息即变,公司的商业策略可以给市场关系带来灾难性的后果。

11.On Adult Educationa Research under Information Technology Environments;信息技术环境下普通高校成人教育研究的思考

12.Research on context reasoning in pervasive computing environments普适计算环境下上下文信息推理的研究

13.Subject Librarian and the University Key Subject Service under New Information Environment新信息环境下学科馆员与高校重点学科服务

14.Environment and Natural Resource Information Network环境和自然资源信息网(环境信息网)

15.Classified information resources of environmental science and environmental education on Internet国际互联网上环境科学与环境教育分类信息资源

16.Research on the Information Service Pattern of Documentation and Information System of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under Network Environment;网络环境下中科院文献信息系统服务模式研究

17.Research-based Teaching Model of Information Technology Subject in Network Condition;网络环境下信息技术学科研究型教学模式

18.A Probe into the Integration between Information Technology and Disciplines in Primary and Middle Schools in the Network Environment;网络环境下信息技术与中小学学科整合初探


information of the market environment市场环境信息

3)battlefield environment information战场环境信息

1.Catalogue service is an important function of battlefield environment support system oriented service architecture,and it aims to introduce the multi-source massivebattlefield environment information into task oriented datasets for operators.目录服务是面向服务架构的战场环境保障系统的重要功能,其根本目的是使分布、海量战场环境信息形成面向任务的数据集,供作战人员使用。

4)environmental information环境信息

1.The emergency system construction of urbanenvironmental information directed by 3S technology;基于3S技术的城市环境信息预警系统构建

2.The development and application on the city integratedenvironmental information system;城市环境信息综合查询分析系统开发与应用实践

5)information environment信息环境

1.Analysis of medical artists quality under theinformation environment;信息环境下医学美术工作者的素质分析

2.Incorporated joint attacking technology of aviation weapon system underinformation environment;信息环境下航空武器系统一体化联合攻击技术探讨

3.Some reflections on the impact of information technology oninformation environment;信息技术对信息环境影响的思考

6)environment information环境信息

1.The interpretation of theenvironment information recorded by charcoal in a Holocene section at ETC site in the middle reaches of Jinghe;泾河中游ETC全新世剖面木炭屑记录的环境信息解译

2.Kunmingenvironment information management system昆明市环境信息管理系统

3.Considering the complexity of the electromagnetic wave propagation environment,a wave propagation model was adopted which was composed of empirical model,deterministic model and half-empirical half-deterministic model,and an expression technique forenvironment information data in complex electromagnetic wave propagation environment was given.针对电波传播环境的复杂性,采用了一种将经验模型、半确定半经验模型和确定模型相结合的电波传播模型,并给出了复杂电波传播环境下相关环境信息数据的表达方法。


