100字范文 > 信息环境 information environment英语短句 例句大全

信息环境 information environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-09 17:54:04


信息环境 information environment英语短句 例句大全

信息环境,information environment

1)information environment信息环境

1.Analysis of medical artists quality under theinformation environment;信息环境下医学美术工作者的素质分析

2.Incorporated joint attacking technology of aviation weapon system underinformation environment;信息环境下航空武器系统一体化联合攻击技术探讨

3.Some reflections on the impact of information technology oninformation environment;信息技术对信息环境影响的思考


1.Research on Information Environment Strategy Based on Enterprise Informatization;基于企业信息化的信息环境战略研究

2.Environment and Natural Resource Information Network环境和自然资源信息网(环境信息网)

3.Environmental Chemical Data and Information Network环境化学品数据信息网

4.Pan-American Information Network on Environmental Health泛美环境卫生信息网

5.International Directory of Services of Environmental Information国际环境信息服务目录

6.Division of Environmental Information, Assessment and Early Warning环境信息、评估和预警司

7.Coordination-Information-Environment Programme协调-信息-环境方案

8.Information for Decision-making in Environment and Health环境与卫生决策信息

9.Strengthen the Organizational Construction of Environmental Information, Advance the Environmental Management Informationization加强环境信息机构建设 推进环境管理信息化

10.Environmental Health Regional Information Network环境卫生区域信息网(环境卫生网)

11.Misguiding and Recognition ofEnvironment Information in Internet Background;Internet环境下企业环境信息误导与识别

12.Research on Processing Teaching Information in Class under Informatization Environment;信息化环境下课堂教学信息处理研究

13.Study on Information Literacy of Vocational Education teacher under Morden Information Enviornment;信息化环境下职教师资信息素养研究

14.An Analysis of the Cultivation of Teachers Information Literacy under the Environment of Education Informationization;教育信息化环境与教师信息素养培养

15.Construction of Informationized Files For Enterprises Under Information Age;企业信息化环境下的档案信息化建设

16.The Application of Environmental Informatics in Circlic Economic System;环境信息学在循环经济系统中的应用

17.Guidelines on Access to Environmental Information and Public Participation in Environmental Decision- Making [ECE, 1995]关于取得环境信息和公众参与环境决策的准则

18.Environmental Informatization and Its Application in Environmental Noise Monitoring Management;环境信息化及其在环境噪声监测管理上的应用


environmental information环境信息

1.The emergency system construction of urbanenvironmental information directed by 3S technology;基于3S技术的城市环境信息预警系统构建

2.The development and application on the city integratedenvironmental information system;城市环境信息综合查询分析系统开发与应用实践

3)environment information环境信息

1.The interpretation of theenvironment information recorded by charcoal in a Holocene section at ETC site in the middle reaches of Jinghe;泾河中游ETC全新世剖面木炭屑记录的环境信息解译

2.Kunmingenvironment information management system昆明市环境信息管理系统

3.Considering the complexity of the electromagnetic wave propagation environment,a wave propagation model was adopted which was composed of empirical model,deterministic model and half-empirical half-deterministic model,and an expression technique forenvironment information data in complex electromagnetic wave propagation environment was given.针对电波传播环境的复杂性,采用了一种将经验模型、半确定半经验模型和确定模型相结合的电波传播模型,并给出了复杂电波传播环境下相关环境信息数据的表达方法。

4)environmental Informatics环境信息学

1.The theories and methodology of environmental informatics were discussed briefly.本文分析循环经济模式的物质循环和信息流的特点,尤其是循环经济活动对环境的作用以及在信息流方面的表现,讨论正在发展中的环境信息学理论与方法及其发展趋势,在此基础上,具体分析面向循环经济系统的环境信息学的特点,可能发挥的作用以及环境信息学在循环经济模式下如何开展研究和需要重点关注的问题。

5)water environment information水环境信息

1.For the sake of the complex spatial characteristics ofwater environment information, one way using GIS technology to deal with it is introduced.本文分析了国内外水环境研究现状,鉴于水环境信息具有很强的空间特征,提出了利用GIS技术进行水环境信息管理的基本方法。

6)Informatization environment信息化环境

1.This paper expounds the influence and challenge of informatization environment on the library management, and based on this, advances the basic thinking of realizing the cultural management of the library.论述了信息化环境对图书馆管理的影响与挑战,并在此基础上提出了图书馆实现文化管理的基本思路。

2.In theory,the integration of the SME informatization strategy and informatization environment is an important part of the enterprise informatization theory; From a practical point of view,the advent of the information society has brought unprecedented challenges and development opportunities for SME in China.从理论上讲,中小企业信息化策略与信息化环境的组合是中小企业信息化理论领域重要组成部分;从实践上看,信息社会的到来给我国的中小企业带来了前所未有的挑战和发展机遇,因此,无论是从理论方面、还是从实践的角度研究这一问题,对我国中小企业实施信息化都有着很重要的指导意义。


