100字范文 > 淮阴师范学院学报 Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College英语短句 例句大全

淮阴师范学院学报 Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-20 17:04:04


淮阴师范学院学报 Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College英语短句 例句大全

淮阴师范学院学报,Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College

1)Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College淮阴师范学院学报

1.The Study of the Published Papers in theJournal of Huaiyin Teachers College from 1998 to 《淮阴师范学院学报》1998—载文研究


1.The Study of the Published Papers in the Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College from 1998 to 《淮阴师范学院学报》1998—载文研究

2.The Statistical Analyses of Articles and Their Authors in the Philosophy and Social Science Edition of Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College in 1998-;1998—《淮阴师范学院学报·哲学社会科学版》载文与作者统计分析

3.Survey and Analysis on Students Using Internet in Middle and Small Cities;关于中小城市大学生上网群体的分析——以淮阴师范学院的调查为例

4.Analysis on the Opinion leaders in BBS of college student--Taking Huaiyin Normal University of XiCi BBS for Instance大学生网络论坛中的意见领袖分析——以淮阴师范学院西祠讨论版为例

5.Optimized Management of the Acquisition and Processing Department of the Library of the Huainan Normal University淮南师范学院图书馆采编部的优化管理

6.Institutional Transformation and the Characteristics Development--To Take Huaibei Coal Normal College as an Example体制转换与特色发展——以淮北煤炭师范学院为例

7.An Analysis of Quotations in Articles of The Academic Journal of Xianyang Normal University(1998-);《咸阳师范学院学报》1998-引文分析

8.A Statistical Analysis of the Authors of Xianyang Normal University Journal;《咸阳师范学院学报》作者统计分析

9.An investigation of students moral behaviour in Guangzhou Normal University;广州师范学院师范生道德行为观的调查报告

10.Study on Construction New HIT;关于建设新型淮阴工学院的一些思考

11.Student teachers study at a training college.师范生在师范院校学习。

12.An Analysis on Papers in JOURNAL OF QUJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY(Natural Science)from 2001 to ;《曲靖师范学院学报》(自然科学)2001~载文分析

13.Statistical Analysis of the Papers Published on Journal of Nanyang Teachers College from 1997 to 2001;《南阳师范学院学报(自然科学版)》1997—2001年载文分析

14.On the Characteristics and the Source of Contribution of Natural Science Journals of China’s Normal Universities师范学院类学报自然科学版的特色与稿源

15.Statistics and analysis of articles of J.HNU indexed in MRDB;MR收录《黄冈师范学院学报》论文统计与分析

16.The Statistical Analysis and Research of the Quoted Text of Nearly 5 Years in Journal of Wenzhou Normal College (2000~ );《温州师范学院学报》近5年(2000~)引文的分析研究

17.Survey on the Ideological Education to College Studentsin the Year of in Guangxi Teachers Education University;广西师范学院大学生思想教育调研报告

18.Analyses of the Cited Paper of Journal of Wenzhou Normal College;《温州师范学院学报》近6年被引分析研究



3)HIT Journal淮阴工学院学报

1.Quoted Passage Analysis ofHIT Journal;《淮阴工学院学报》引文分析

4)insertion statistics淮阴工学院

5)normal college师范学院

1.This paper introduces the connotations of the reference service,analyzes the problems existing in the reference work innormal college library,and advances some suggestions on strengthening the reference work innormal college library.介绍了参考咨询的内涵和方法,分析了师范学院图书馆参考咨询工作存在的问题,提出了加强师范学院图书馆参考咨询工作的建议和措施。

2.This article gave an analysis of the real backgrounds of orienting localnormal colleges in the western parts of China.本文分析了西部地方性师范学院定位的现实背景,对这些学校定位时应注意的原则,以及办学层次、发展目标、教研科研方向等问题进行探讨,提出自己的看法。

3.Based on the required high quality by new century and the goal of running thenormal college,the reform of physical teaching put the "health is the first"and lifelong physical education as instructive thinking,the curriculums and teaching content as focal points.根据新世纪对高素质人才的要求和师范学院办学目标 ,体育教学改革把“健康第一”和“终身体育”作为指导思想 ,把课程设置和教学内容改革作为的重点 ,通过加强体育理论教学 ,注重体育能力的培养和改进评价方法 ,强化教学管理等途径 ,增强学生体育意识 ,提高体育能力 ,参加体育锻炼的人数增多 ,身体素质有明显提高 ,体育教学改革取得一定的成效 。

6)normal university师范学院

1.To satisfy the needs of the development of advanced productive potentialities and the education of coastal area,normal university must be built.创建广西沿海师范学院是顺应先进生产力发展要求和沿海地区教育事业发展需要的。


