100字范文 > 高职学报 vocational college journal英语短句 例句大全

高职学报 vocational college journal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-07 06:39:09


高职学报 vocational college journal英语短句 例句大全

高职学报,vocational college journal

1)vocational college journal高职学报

1.Three measures forvocational college journals to serve local economy;高职学报服务地方经济的3项举措

2.Starting from the facts of editorial work in vocational college, this paper presents some problems in editing modernization and discusses the measures of establishing journal website, contributing system, editorial department database and web inquiry system on the basis of feasible situation ofvocational college journal.从高职学报编辑部的实际情况出发,提出了高职学报在编辑现代化方面存在的问题,并在高职学报目前可行的情况下探讨了建立学报网站、投稿系统、编辑部数据库以及网上查询系统等措施。

3.To carry out innovative study in three aspects of thevocational college journal as editing function, communicative strategy and evaluation mechanism helps to demonstrate the academic, applied and serving roles of the journal and to promote its healthy development.对高职学报的编辑功能、交流策略以及评价机制3个方面进行创新研究,旨在使高职学报更好地体现学术性、应用性和服务性,有效地推进高职学报健康发展。


1.Study on characteristic location of higher vocational education journal based on characteristics of higher vocational education基于高职教育特色的高职学报特色定位研究

2.To Raise the Selective Abilities of Editors of Academic Journals of Vocational Institutes;高职学报应重视提升编辑的选择能力

3.Discussion and analysis on editor s innovative thinking of journal of higher vocational education;高职学报编辑主体的创造性思维探析

4.Investigation and Evaluation of Status Quo of Journals in Higher Vocational Colleges of the Whole Country;全国高职学报办刊现状的调查与评估

5.How to Cultivate and Maintain the Contributor Group of Vocational Colleges Journal;论高职高专院校学报的作者队伍建设

6.On the Quality Safeguard System of the Journal of the Senior Polytechnic;论高职高专学报质量保障体系的构建

7.Statistical Analysis of the Journals of Higher Vocational Colleges in Guangdong Province广东省高职高专院校学报的统计分析

8.Report on practice of college English graded teaching in teacher s institute of vocation and technology;职技高师大学英语分级教学实践报告

9.The professional ethics have direct influences on the quality of the journal.高校学报编辑的职业道德直接影响学报的质量。

10.A case study: on the construction of higher vocational institute’s journal;高职院校学报建设的个案分析——以《十堰职业技术学院学报》为例

11.Adhere Publishing Professional Ethics and Improve the Quality of Journal Publication恪守出版职业道德,提高学报办刊质量

12.Analysis and Strategies on Profession Lassitude of University Journals Editors;高校学报编辑职业倦怠的分析与对策

13.The Difficult Situation College Journals Are Facing and Its Countermeasures;高职院校内刊学报面临的困境与对策

14.On the Issue of Contribution Sources of In-House Publication Journals in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校内刊学报开发稿源策略分析

15.Brand Value Theory of Journals of Examplary Vocational Colleges;示范性高职建设院校学报“名片”价值论

16.Journals of Higher Vocational College should Take the Path of Integration with Scientific Research;简论高职院校学报与科研的“整合”

17.Do Not Ignore the Phenomenon of Professional Sluggishness of the Editors of University Journals;不容忽视高校学报编辑职业倦怠现象

18.The Journals of the Higher Vocation Schools Should be Combined into Scientific Research;高职院校学报应走与科研“整合”之路


Higher vocational journal高职学报

1.With the constant enhancement of the influences of higher vocational journals in the field of nationwide higher vocational education,attention and study have been focused on the problem of impact factors.随着高职学报在全国高职领域的影响不断扩大,其影响因子问题成为人们关注和研究的焦点。

3)higher vocational journals高职学报

1.Faced with intense market competition,higher vocational journals implement the development strategy of brand - name construction in order to survive and further advance, which is an inevitable option.面对激烈的市场竞争,高职学报为了更好地生存与发展,实施品牌建设发展战略成为必然选择。

4)college journal高职高专学报

1.Orientation and feature: two issues forcollege journals;找准定位 培育特色——论高职高专学报面临的2个重要问题

5)journal of higher vocational and adult school高职成高学报

6)journal in higher vocational education高职学院学报


