100字范文 > 甘州区/灌区 Ganzhou District/ irrigation areas英语短句 例句大全

甘州区/灌区 Ganzhou District/ irrigation areas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-21 11:15:52


甘州区/灌区 Ganzhou District/ irrigation areas英语短句 例句大全

甘州区/灌区,Ganzhou District/ irrigation areas

1)Ganzhou District/ irrigation areas甘州区/灌区

2)Ganzhou District甘州区

1.Synthetic assessment of ecoenvironment in the arid inland basin based on multisource spatial data—a case study onGanzhou District of Zhangye City;基于多源空间数据的干旱区内陆河流域生态环境综合评价——以张掖市甘州区为例

2.Farmer Water Users Association Achievement Appraisement and Its Influenced Factors Analysis——A Case ofGanzhou District of Zhangye Municipality in the Middle Heihe River Basin;农民用水户协会运转绩效的综合评价与影响因素分析——以黑河中游张掖市甘州区为例

3.Evaluation and Analysis on the Development Level of Villages and Towns inGanzhou District of Zhangye City;张掖市甘州区乡镇发展水平评价及分析


1.Evaluation and Analysis on the Development Level of Villages and Towns in Ganzhou District of Zhangye City;张掖市甘州区乡镇发展水平评价及分析

2.Current situation and optimize tactics of population-arable land-grain system in oasis irrigation area --Taking Ganzhou district of Zhangye as an example;绿洲灌区人地粮系统的现状评价与优化策略——以张掖市甘州区为例

3.Analysis about the Relationship Between Livelihood Capital and Livelihood Strategies:Take Ganzhou in Zhangye City as a Example生计资本与生计策略关系研究——以张掖市甘州区为例

4.The Circulation of Farmland and Transformation of Operating Mode in Post-agricultural-tax Time-A Case Study of Shangqin Town in Ganzhou District后农业税时代农地流转与经营方式转变分析—以甘州区上秦镇为例

5.Women’s Attitude to Water User Association Management and Its Influential Factors: Take Ganzhou District of Zhangye City as a Case Study妇女参与用水户协会管理的意愿及影响因素——以张掖市甘州区为例

6.A study on regional innovation capacity evaluation in Gansu Province甘肃省市(州)区域创新能力评价研究

ments on Exploiting Tourism Resources of Paying Respects to Mountains and Lakes in South Gansu Autonomous Region of the Zang Nationality试论藏区朝山拜湖旅游资源开发——以甘肃省甘南藏族自治州为例

8.Effectiveness evaluation of health education on reproductive health behaviors among childbearing age women in Tibetan region in Gannan Autonomy State,Gansu Province健康教育对甘肃省甘南州藏区育龄妇女生殖健康相关行为的影响

9.A Study on the Grassland Flora from Maqu in Gannan Tibet Autonomous;甘南藏族自治州玛曲县草地植物区系研究

10.Situation and Development Strategy of Sugarcane Production in Jiangzhou Area of Chongzuo City;崇左市江州区甘蔗生产现状及发展对策

parison Trial of Brassica oleracea in High Altitude Area of Xishuangbanna西双版纳州高海拔地区结球甘蓝品种比较试验

12.Epidemiological Investigation of Rabbit Coccidiosis in Lanzhou,Gansu Province甘肃兰州地区屠宰市场兔球虫病流行病学调查

13.Evaluation on the Sixth Round Regional Trial of National Sugarcane Varieties in Zhangzhou国家甘蔗品种第六轮区试漳州蔗区品种初步评价

14.Analysis of assets and debts of agro-ecosystems in northwest China-A case study of the oasis agro-ecosystem of Liangzhou District,Gansu Province西北内陆区农业生态系统资产负债研究——以甘肃省凉州区为例

15.The Commentary on the Construction of Water-saving Society in Rural Areas in Gansu--Take the Tuta Village Liangzhou Area Wuwei City Gansu Province As an Example;甘肃农村地区节水型社会建设述评——以甘肃省武威市凉州区黄羊镇土塔村为例

16.Deeply Development of Tourism Products of Bamei Eco-tourism Region, Ganzi, Sichuan, China四川省甘孜藏族自治州八美生态旅游区旅游产品深度开发探讨

17.Issues and solutions on small amount credit from rural credit unions for peasant household --Taking Suzhou district in Gansu province as example农村信用社农户小额信贷存在的问题与对策——以甘肃省肃州区为例

18.Study on the Status and Intervention Effects of IDD in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province;甘肃省临夏州回族地区碘缺乏病现状及干预效果研究


Ganzhou District甘州区

1.Synthetic assessment of ecoenvironment in the arid inland basin based on multisource spatial data—a case study onGanzhou District of Zhangye City;基于多源空间数据的干旱区内陆河流域生态环境综合评价——以张掖市甘州区为例

2.Farmer Water Users Association Achievement Appraisement and Its Influenced Factors Analysis——A Case ofGanzhou District of Zhangye Municipality in the Middle Heihe River Basin;农民用水户协会运转绩效的综合评价与影响因素分析——以黑河中游张掖市甘州区为例

3.Evaluation and Analysis on the Development Level of Villages and Towns inGanzhou District of Zhangye City;张掖市甘州区乡镇发展水平评价及分析

3)Tongzhou irrigation area通州灌区

1.Studies on Organochloride Pesticides(OCPs)residues of soils and sediments in theTongzhou irrigation area of Beijing北京通州灌区土壤和河流底泥中有机氯农药残留的研究

4)pastoral areas of Gannan甘南州牧区

5)Yellow River irrigation zone of Lanzhou兰州引黄灌区

1.Weed communities and eco-niches in wheat fields of theYellow River irrigation zone of Lanzhou;兰州引黄灌区小麦田杂草群落及其生态位研究

6)Jingdian irrigation area甘肃景电灌区

1.Properties and genetic mechanisms of the secondary salinized soils inJingdian irrigation area of Gansu Province;甘肃景电灌区次生盐化土壤的性质及其发生机理


甘州石甘州石,又叫"甘酒石""育婴石""摧生石"。距黄羊川约16千米的古浪峡中,隔河与铁柜山相望。其色青白,形状凹凸不平,露出地面约3米,周长约19米(露出地面的),在它上面刻有"甘州石"。在它上面有几个深槽,相传是育龄妇女摸石所致。传说此石是甘州(古张掖)的石,是女娲补天剩的一颗,曾经堵过黑河的洪水,救了甘州人,原来昌松县洪池谷连着黄羊川,黄羊川地接石门峡,秋节洪水泛滥,造成灾害,春夏又缺水。人们盼望着堵住石门峡。拦蓄洪水,造福人类。太白金星路过昌松的人们心声,就去找石块,恰巧碰到女娲补天所剩的那块石头。就将它带回来截石门峡的水。回来刚到洪池谷边,被一个甘州道士发现了,他惊讶的说:“这是我们甘州的神圣的石头,怎会到这里来了?”话音未落,石头就不动了。甘州石又叫"育婴石",传说昌地方的妇女不孕不育,造成人烟稀少,那时老百姓特别迷信,所以到处求神拜佛感动了王母娘娘,她将自己的簪子上的银豆儿抛下来变成石头,她托梦给每一位妇女凡是要生儿育女者全要摸石,有的人想试一试,果然一摸, 便怀了孕,所以昌松人全来摸石,导致奇石上面留下了永恒的伤疤。它又叫"催生石",相传凉州有一个农家姑娘长的十分漂亮被县太爷抓去献给昏庸的皇帝,皇帝只宠幸了一夜,便有奸臣密道:“凉州之女不孕之事。”便弃之冷宫。姑娘惦记在世父母便用自身首饰买通太监,准备逃回故乡,行到洪池谷,腹痛难行,分娩期到,痛了几天未能生出自己的小宝宝。她想既然别人能怀孕,我便可以催生,果然一摸便生了自己的小宝宝,所以人们又叫它是“摧生石”。
