100字范文 > 仰卧位 Supine position英语短句 例句大全

仰卧位 Supine position英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-02 14:42:20


仰卧位 Supine position英语短句 例句大全

仰卧位,Supine position

1)Supine position仰卧位

1.BACKGROUNDTo discuss the curative effects of supine position with C-arm fluoroscopic guided percutaneous iliosacral screw fixation for posterior pelvis ring injury.[背景]探讨仰卧位C形臂引导下经皮骶髂螺钉固定治疗骨盆后环损伤的疗效。

2.Then, marking the transducer positions where CVP was equal with that of supine position.方法:选择脊柱外科手术患者40例,ASAⅠ-Ⅱ级,入室心电监护,监测ECG、BP、HR、SPO_2,常规诱导,气管插管,接麻醉呼吸机,机械通气,维持适当麻醉深度,右颈内静脉中路穿刺,置管12cm,接传感器,校零,仰卧位时,在第四肋腋中线(右心房中点体表投射位置)及第四肋胸壁前后径4/5处(右心房最高点体表投射位置)测定CVP值,分别标记为A、B两点。

3.Objective:To explore the position relationship between kidney and colon under supine and prone positions,and judge the possibly increased risk of colon injury during percutaneous nephrostomy in prone position comparing with that in supine position.方法:回顾分析30例患者的20侧左肾和13侧右肾的肾CT+CTU影像资料(肾CT为仰卧位,CTU为俯卧位)。


1.He may be turned from side to supine to prone position.他可以从侧卧位转成仰卧位或俯卧位。

2.PCNL in Supine Position for Renal Complicated Calculi斜仰卧位经皮肾镜治疗复杂性肾结石

3.B. If client cannot tolerate sitting, supine position is allowed for anterior chest and side-lying position is used for posterior chest.如病人无法坐起,可取仰卧位听诊前胸,侧卧位听诊后背。

4.A case with placental abruption induced by dorsal position hypotension syndrome after anesthesia麻醉后仰卧位低血压综合征致胎盘早剥1例

5.The general condition is down,and take to lie on the back after the pregnant woman urinate,and then sweep to check in the belly.一般情况下 ,孕妇排尿后取仰卧位 ,在腹部扫查。

6.The Clinical Research of Supine Traction Treatment of Vertebroarterial Cervical Spondylopathy仰卧位牵引治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的临床研究

7.Marked thickening of interlobular septa predominantly inoling the lung bases is isible on both supine and prone scans.显著增厚的小叶间隔主要位于肺的基低部,仰卧位和俯卧位均可见(见图3、图5)。

8.The Study and Application of Exposure Technique for Axial View Patella Radiography with Patient in Supine Position仰卧位髌骨轴位X线摄影投照技术的应用与研究

9.Effect of position-intervening on the occurrence of supine Hypertensive syndrome during caesarean section体位干预对剖宫产术中仰卧位低血压综合征的影响

10.Clinical observation on the curative effects of traction at supine position or at sitting-dynamic-angle position on different kinds of cervical spondylosis仰卧位和坐位动态成角牵引治疗各型颈椎病的疗效观察

parative Study of Prevention of Supine Hypotensive Syndrome During Caesarean Operation预防剖宫产术中仰卧位低血压综合征的比较研究

12.Objective To reduce the incidence of supine hypotensive syndrome during caesarean operation.目的降低剖宫产术中仰卧位低血压综合征的发生率。

13.Clinical Analysis of 26 Cases of Hypotension Syndrome Caused by cesarean Section on Supine Position Under Peridural Anesthesia仰卧位硬膜外麻醉下剖宫产术致低血压综合征26例临床分析

14.The Research on Percutaneous Internal Fixation Using Sacroiliac Screw in Dorsal Position for Treatment of Pelvic Posterior Ring Injuries;仰卧位经皮骶髂置钉固定术治疗骨盆后环损伤的研究

15.Prevention of SHS and nursing of parturient by analyzing 36 cases;36例剖宫产产妇仰卧位低血压综合征的预防和护理

16.The Clinical Research about Rotational Maneuver of the Supine Position to Treat CSA仰卧位旋转手法治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的临床研究

17.Dosimetry Study of Left Breast Irradiation with Supine Technique左乳腺癌保乳术后仰卧位放射治疗中的剂量学研究

18.Novel technique for craniospinal radiotherapy with patient supine一种全新的仰卧位全中枢神经系统放射治疗技术(英文)


supine prostrate仰卧位、俯卧位

3)supine position ventilation仰卧位通气

1.Method Nineteen patients were allocated to two groups,with one group(n=11)receivingsupine position ventilation,and the other group(n=8)receiving prone position ventilation.目的通过ARDS患者仰卧位通气与俯卧位通气血流动力学指标和血气指标,探讨俯卧位通气在ARDS肺保护作用。

4)Supine bicycle仰卧位蹬车

5)Cervical traction in the supine position仰卧位牵引

6)supine chest sternum仰卧位胸片


