100字范文 > 早期半卧位 Semi supine position in early stage英语短句 例句大全

早期半卧位 Semi supine position in early stage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-10 18:26:38


早期半卧位 Semi supine position in early stage英语短句 例句大全

早期半卧位,Semi supine position in early stage

1)Semi supine position in early stage早期半卧位

1.ResultsSemi supine position in early stage had positive effe.目的探讨全身麻醉腹部术后早期半卧位和康复的关系。

2)early semi-recumbent position早期半坐卧位

1.Effect ofearly semi-recumbent position combined with early mobilization on rehabilitation of patients undergoing abdomen operation;早期半坐卧位结合早期活动对腹部术后患者康复的影响

3)Semireclining position半卧位

1.Semireclining position were adopted after being taken horizontal position for 6 hours in the control group,and the semireclining position were directly taken in the experiment group after operation and the comparis.方法:选取全身麻醉、硬膜外麻醉、颈丛麻醉术后患者各100例,均随机分为对照组和实验组,对照组患者术后去枕平卧6h后改半卧位,实验组患者术后直接给半卧位或低半卧位,进行对照比较。

2.Methods 320 cases of full term primipara were randomly selected in which 160 cases (the study group) semireclining position and another 160 cases ( the control group) reclining position.方法将 32 0例单胎头位初产妇 ,随机分为半卧位组 (观察组 )和平卧位组 (对照组 )各 160例进行对照观察。


1.Sleep in semireclining position is an effective method of preventing GER in postoperative patients.(4)术后半卧位睡眠是预防反流的有效方法。

2.Application of Modified Semireclining Position for Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy胸腔镜下胸交感神经切断术中改良半卧位的应用

3.Application of semi-sitting and lying position for the prevention of PICC catheter heterotopic半坐卧位在预防PICC导管异位中的作用

4.Semi-Fowler"s or high Fowler"s, sitting on side of bed, or in chair with elbows resting on knees.半坐卧位或高坐卧位,坐于床缘,或坐椅,两肘置于膝盖。

5.Fowler Position for Inserting Gastric Tube for Patients with Impaired Consciousness意识障碍患者半坐卧位置胃管效果探讨

6.He may be turned from side to supine to prone position.他可以从侧卧位转成仰卧位或俯卧位。

7.The supported Fowler position improves cardiac output and ventilation and facilitates urinary and bowel elimination.支撑弗洛氏位(半坐卧位)改善心排血量和通气作用,促进大小便排泄。

8.To assume a prone position.俯卧摆出俯卧的位置

9.The influence of the semi-reclining position on the pressure-flow studies in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia半坐卧位对良性前列腺增生患者压力-流率测定的影响

10.The other three bedrooms are located at the back of the home.其余3间卧室位于主卧的后面。

11.A built-in bed or bunk, as on a ship or a train.舱位,卧铺位卧铺或上下铺位,如船或火车上的

12.She give up her sleeping berth to a pregnant woman她把卧 让给了一位孕妇

13.The assumption of the recumbent position is associated with shoulder pain.采取卧位和肩痛有关。

14.The Edinburgh sleeper leaves at 11.30 p.m .爱丁堡号卧车在晚上11点半发车。

15.semi-prostrate evergreen herb of western United States.半俯卧的常青的药草,分布在美国西部。

16.Drowsed with the fume of poppies, while thy hook你倒卧在收割一半的田垄,

17.Coronal CT Scan of Nasal Bone by Posterior Supine of the Head on Lateral Position侧卧位头后仰鼻骨冠状位CT扫描方法

18.A clinical observation of correcting breech position with the decubitus卧位纠正臀位一次成功的临床观察


early semi-recumbent position早期半坐卧位

1.Effect ofearly semi-recumbent position combined with early mobilization on rehabilitation of patients undergoing abdomen operation;早期半坐卧位结合早期活动对腹部术后患者康复的影响

3)Semireclining position半卧位

1.Semireclining position were adopted after being taken horizontal position for 6 hours in the control group,and the semireclining position were directly taken in the experiment group after operation and the comparis.方法:选取全身麻醉、硬膜外麻醉、颈丛麻醉术后患者各100例,均随机分为对照组和实验组,对照组患者术后去枕平卧6h后改半卧位,实验组患者术后直接给半卧位或低半卧位,进行对照比较。

2.Methods 320 cases of full term primipara were randomly selected in which 160 cases (the study group) semireclining position and another 160 cases ( the control group) reclining position.方法将 32 0例单胎头位初产妇 ,随机分为半卧位组 (观察组 )和平卧位组 (对照组 )各 160例进行对照观察。

4)semirecumbent position半坐卧位

1.Study of thesemirecumbent position prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia;半坐卧位预防呼吸机相关性肺炎的临床实验研究


6)Semi lying position and semirecumbent position半卧位或半坐卧位


