100字范文 > 触变挤压成形 thixo-co-extrusion英语短句 例句大全

触变挤压成形 thixo-co-extrusion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-31 05:25:17


触变挤压成形 thixo-co-extrusion英语短句 例句大全



1.As the extension and development of semi-solid forming,thethixo-co-extrusion of double-layer tube has important value and significance,in which the preparation of ring-shaped and column-shaped billets and their reheating are key technologies inthixo-co-extrusion of double-layer tube.作为金属半固态成形技术的延伸和发展,触变挤压成形双层复合管具有重要的价值和意义,其中环状和棒状坯料制备和二次加热是触变挤压成形双层复合管的关键技术。


1.Thixo-extrusion Forming of Semi-solid Magnesium AlloyAZ61镁合金半固态触变挤压成形工艺研究

2.Establishment of the Constitutive Relationship for Semi-solid AZ61 and Thixo-extrusion Forming;建立半固态AZ61镁合金的本构关系及触变挤压成形

3.Micro-mechanism and Control of Elastic-plastic Contact and Wear for Extrusion Forming Process;挤压成形弹—塑性接触磨损微观机理及磨损控制

4.Study on Extrusion Deformation Laws and Technics for the Covering Element;罩体冷挤压成型变形规律及工艺研究

5.extrusion stress(塑性变形的)挤压应力

6.To shape(a plastic, for instance) by forcing it through a die.挤压出用一模子把(如塑料等)挤压成形

7.Study on frictional effect between extrusion container and billet in forward extrusion forming挤压筒摩擦对正挤压成形影响的研究

8.a concavity in a surface produced by pressing.由于挤压而形成的凹陷。

9.Influence of backward extrusion punch shape to the extrusion process反挤压凸模形状对挤压成形工艺的影响

10.Contrast analysis of extending forming between continuous extrusion and forward extrusion连续挤压与正挤压在扩展成形中的对比分析

11.Preparation of Mg-Al Series Magnesium Alloy Semi-solid Billets and its Thixo-extrusion FormingMg-Al系镁合金半固态坯料制备及触变挤压研究

12.bradenhead squeeze pressure关闭井口套管闸门形成的挤压压力

13.The Microstructures and Properties of In-Situ Prepared Mg_2Si_p/Mg-Al Matrix Composites and Its" Extrusion Deformation;原位生成Mg_2Si_p/Mg-Al基复合材料及其挤压变形的组织与性能

14.Technological Analysis and Cold Extrusion of Two-exit Components with Ring Shape两出口环形件的冷挤压成形工艺研究

15.The cable made up of strands is squeezed into a circular shape.将钢丝束组成的缆挤压成圆形。

16.If you press this ball hard, it will change its shape.如果你用力挤压这个球,它就会变形。

17.bend or crush(sth)so as to spoil its natural shape扭曲或挤压(某物)使之变形

18.Study on Mechanical Behavior of AZ91 Magnesium Alloy Subjected to Hot Extrusion;挤压变形AZ91镁合金的力学行为研究



1.Preparation of Mg-Al Series Magnesium Alloy Semi-solid Billets and its Thixo-extrusion FormingMg-Al系镁合金半固态坯料制备及触变挤压研究

2.Usingthixo-extrusion dies,the thixoforming experiments of normal blank and semi-solid blank of AZ61 alloy were done in order to study the influence of processing parameters on the deformation force.通过触变挤压模具,对半固态AZ61触变挤压与常规态挤压进行试验,研究了不同成形工艺参数对变形力的影响,并对比了触变挤压数值模拟与试验的差别。

3.Thethixo-extrusion die was designed and made.设计并制造触变挤压模具,进行了高固相率半固态AZ61镁合金触变挤压和常规挤压实验,研究了不同成形工艺参数对变形力的影响。

3)extrusion forming挤压成形

1.Finite element analysis ofextrusion forming of deep hole tubular workpiece;深孔筒形件挤压成形有限元分析

2.Extrusion Forming for the Semi-solid ZA27 Alloys;半固态ZA27合金挤压成形的试验研究

3.Numerical simulation ofextrusion forming of self-piercing semi-tubular rivet;半空心自冲铆钉挤压成形数值模拟


1.The Relationship between Particles Distribution and Reaction-Bonded Silicon CarbideExtrusion Paste Rheology Property;反应烧结碳化硅挤压成形流变性与粒度分布的关系

2.A meshfree analysis of a 3-D Aluminum extrusion problem is implemented.阐述了配点型无网格法的基本原理,及其用于求解偏微分方程的步骤和方法,对Al在挤压成形过程中的塑性变形情况进行了三维无网格法模拟。

3.Based on special structure of tube joint and forming property of stainless steel,two processes can be selected to produce stainless steel tube joint forging,which are tubular billet forward extrusion-local upsetting double step combined process and tubular billet forward extrusion single step process.根据不锈钢管接头的形状结构特点和材料成形性能,确定该零件可采用正挤压———镦粗二次成形和一次正挤压成形两种工艺进行加工。

5)extrusion moulding压挤成形

6)extrusion molding挤压成形

1.The properties required of binders for ultrafine cemented carbide barextrusion molding and the design principle of binder system are illustrated.阐述了超细晶粒硬质合金棒料挤压成形剂所需具备的特性和成形剂体系的设计原则,据此设计了三组元的挤压成形剂,并对各组元的成分和配比进行了合理选择。

2.The character ofextrusion molding technique in die forging was stated.叙述了挤压成形工艺在模锻中的特点 ,结合商用面包车的转向节成形工艺和经验 ,找出一些规律 ,对叉类件的轴成形提供一个锤上模锻方


变断面型材挤压变断面型材挤压extrusion of variable cross section shapesb ianduanmian xjngeai Jiya变断面型材挤压(extrusion of variable。rossseetion shapes)用挤压法生产断面变化的型材,有阶段变断面型材和逐渐变断面型材之分,主要用作结构材料,它们的挤压方法也有所不同。阶段变断面型材的挤压方法有双位楔法和可拆卸模法两种:(1)双位楔法(图1)。在型材前端经第1模成形挤压后,松开压紧楔,后端部分用第2模挤压.氯篡嘟豁图1双位楔法挤压阶段变断面型材 1一压紧楔;2一第1模;3一第2模 (2)可拆卸模法。可拆卸模由3~4个模块组成。首先将小断面的可拆卸模装在模支承中并移至桥压筒进行挤压。挤压完毕后,移开模支承,同时,将模子同型材和模支承脱开,换上可挤压大断面型材的可拆卸模,并将模支承再移至挤压筒进行挤压。逐渐变断面型材的挤压方法有可移动模法和带锥度异形针法两种.(D可移动模法(图2)。在挤压过程中,活动模块借助于仿形尺的作用改变位置(上升或下降),从而逐渐改变模孔的形状和尺寸,挤出逐渐变断面型材。臀 图2可移动模法挤压逐渐变断面型材 1一不动模;2一活动模块;3一保护环;4一挤压筒;5一仿形尺(2)带锥度异形针法。采用带有锥度的异形针和相应的异形模挤压。 (王祝堂)
