100字范文 > 技术就绪水平 Technology Readiness Level英语短句 例句大全

技术就绪水平 Technology Readiness Level英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-10 21:06:01


技术就绪水平 Technology Readiness Level英语短句 例句大全

技术就绪水平,Technology Readiness Level

1)Technology Readiness Level技术就绪水平

1.This paper introduces an objective management method with the concepts of Work Breakdown Structure,Technology Readiness Level, etc.文章介绍了运用工作分解结构、技术就绪水平等概念进行目标管理的一种方法,并初步探讨了该方法在标准制修订项目中的运用。

2)technology achievement技术成就水平

1.According to time sequence,technology achievement gap among countries can be affected by three kinds of effects, that is, Matthew effect, convergence effect, and balance effect.本文运用其计算方法计算了全球134个国家和地区的技术成就指数,把UNDP(2001)的单年数据扩展为1985—的面板数据,发现高收入国家与中低收入国家的技术成就水平总体上呈收敛效应,但少数国家存在马太效应,表明全球各国的技术差距在逐渐缩小,发展中国家实施技术赶超战略有一定的成效。

3)technology readiness index技术就绪指数

4)Technology Level技术水平

1.This paper discusses the mutual relationship between management mode a nd technological level,points out the enterprisers should think much o f the actions that the technology level restricts the management mode.讨论了管理模式与技术水平的相互关系,指出企业应重视技术水平对管理模式的约束作用,在实践中选择最适合自己企业已有技术水平的管理模式,并在此基础上,随技术进步调整已有管理模式,使技术水平与管理模式两者相互匹配,同步发展。

2.In order to improve the state-owned enterprises R&D investment,it is necessary to ameliorate corporate governance and to raise technology level .要提高国有企业的研发投入,必须改善企业治理结构,提高整体的生产技术水平。


1.average aviator中等技术水平的飞行员

2.We should distinguish between the industrial level and the technological level.工业水平和技术水平应当区别。

3.The study of influential factors in Chinese sports aerobics;我国竞技健美操技术水平的影响因素

4.Orienteering High-level Sportsmen Testing Skill-level Contrasting Analysis;定向运动高水平运动员测试技术水平对比分析

5.Our technological level is not high and the categories of technologies are incomplete.我们的技术水平还不高,技术种类也还不全。

6.Strengthen the Construction of the Technical Center of the Enterprise so as to Raise the Productive and Technological Level of the Enterprise加强企业技术中心建设提高企业生产技术水平

7.How to Improve College Teachers Level of Modern Educational Technology;现代教育技术与高校教师教育技术水平的提高

8.Production Logging of Water Location Prospecting by Hydraulic Transmission in Horizontal Well水平井水力输送法找水生产测井技术

9.Research on Regional Water Supply Measure Technology in Plain River Network;平原水网地区区域供水计量技术研究

10.Opening Low Range of Water Boundary Oil Storage To Use Horizontal Well Technologies利用水平井技术开发低幅度边水油藏

11.On the trenchless construction technology of horizontal directional drilling in sewerage projects排水工程水平定向钻非开挖施工技术

12.They did quite well both technically and tactically.他们的技术和战术水平发挥都很好。

13.technical equipment lag behind for several dozes years, compared with the international advanced level;技术装备水平比国际先进水平落后数十年;

14.Welltest of Horizontal Well and Multiply-Fractured Horizontal Well;水平井及压裂水平井测试分析技术研究

15.Application of horizontal well technique in heavy oil reservoirs with edge and bottom water in Taiping Oilfield水平井技术在太平边底水稠油油藏的应用

16.The technology of hole trajectory primary section is the key of drilling in re-entry horizontal wells.侧?水平井轨迹起始段工艺技术,是侧?水平井?井工艺的关键技术。

17.Non- excavating horizontal directional drilling technique is a kind of newly developed construction technique.非开挖水平定向钻进技术是一项高新施工技术。

18.Technology advancement and accessment of technology advancement contributions;技术进步水平和技术进步贡献的计算方法


technology achievement技术成就水平

1.According to time sequence,technology achievement gap among countries can be affected by three kinds of effects, that is, Matthew effect, convergence effect, and balance effect.本文运用其计算方法计算了全球134个国家和地区的技术成就指数,把UNDP(2001)的单年数据扩展为1985—的面板数据,发现高收入国家与中低收入国家的技术成就水平总体上呈收敛效应,但少数国家存在马太效应,表明全球各国的技术差距在逐渐缩小,发展中国家实施技术赶超战略有一定的成效。

3)technology readiness index技术就绪指数

4)Technology Level技术水平

1.This paper discusses the mutual relationship between management mode a nd technological level,points out the enterprisers should think much o f the actions that the technology level restricts the management mode.讨论了管理模式与技术水平的相互关系,指出企业应重视技术水平对管理模式的约束作用,在实践中选择最适合自己企业已有技术水平的管理模式,并在此基础上,随技术进步调整已有管理模式,使技术水平与管理模式两者相互匹配,同步发展。

2.In order to improve the state-owned enterprises R&D investment,it is necessary to ameliorate corporate governance and to raise technology level .要提高国有企业的研发投入,必须改善企业治理结构,提高整体的生产技术水平。

5)Technical Level技术水平

1.The technical level and development trend of chinese AC VF drilling rigs;我国交流变频电动钻机的技术水平和发展趋势

2.The analysis of limited factors of our army s movable power station s technical level;我军移动电站技术水平制约因素分析

3.Technical Level Choice of FDI;国际直接投资的技术水平选择——一个基于东道国产业政策的博弈视角

6)technological level技术水平

1.Thetechnological level promotion of traditional industry by the corporation informationization;论企业信息化对传统工业的技术水平提升

2.It also makes an objective analysis and evaluation to the new facilities of the production line and thetechnological level.对新建的生产线装备和工艺技术水平作了客观地分析和评价。

3.This paper measures thetechnological level of store,supermarket,special store and franchised store in Beijing by C-D production function,calculates the technological growth rate of these four business entities from 2002 to ,and analyzes the factors leading to the differences in technological growth rate of these four businesses.本文通过改进了的C-D生产函数对北京市零售业中百货商场、超级市场、专业店、专卖店四种营业业态的技术水平,以及这四种营业业态2002-五年间的技术进步率进行了测算,并对造成各营业业态技术进步率差异的因素进行了分析。


