100字范文 > 入学考试科目 Subjects of Entrance Examination英语短句 例句大全

入学考试科目 Subjects of Entrance Examination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-09 06:23:04


入学考试科目 Subjects of Entrance Examination英语短句 例句大全

入学考试科目,Subjects of Entrance Examination

1)Subjects of Entrance Examination入学考试科目


1.Explore Present Setting Program of Postgraduate Entrance Examination Subjects Arrangement for Educational Technology Major教育技术学硕士研究生入学考试科目方案探析

2.Discussions about the Subject Reform of the Candidates for the Entrance Examination of Master s Degree in China;我国硕士研究生入学考试科目改革刍议

3.Analysis the Subject of American University Entrance-Examination with New Angle--Take the SAT II: American History and Social Studies for Example;分析美国大学入学考试科目的新视角——以SATII:美国历史与社会学科为例

4.Analysis for subject of western medicine syntheses in graduate students entrance examination;研究生入学考试中的西医综合科目试卷总体分析

5.The Extensiveness of Keju Study in View of Examination Subject and Contents从考试科目与内容看“科举学”的广博性

6.take CSE in 6 subjects中学文凭考试中报考6门科目.

7.The opinion to the subject《The Financial Management》 of self-learning examination.;对自学考试科目《财务管理学》的看法

8.GMAT [Graduate Management Admission Test]研究生管理学科入学考试

9.One has to pass the college entrance examinations for adult education to become a regular student in a TV university. Each semester there are examinations on the subjects being studied.要成为电视大学的正式学生必须通过成人高考入学考试。每一个学期对所学的科目还要进行考试。

10.The Study of Humanities and Social Sciences Postgraduate Entrance Examination"s Humanity人文社会科学类研究生入学考试的人文性研究

11.Subject Officer [Hong Kong Examinations Authority]科目主任〔香港考试局〕

12.subject committee [Hong Kong Examinations Authority]科目委员会〔香港考试局〕

13.A trainee must take exam in each topic he work on.受训人员所学的每一科目都必须参加考试。

14.Entrance Examination Events and Management System of Checking Mark Research about the 5 Years Professional Training Students of Physical Education college of Jimei University;集大体院五专入学考试项目与登分管理的研究

15.Shallowly discuss the university student how to reference a course of the Visual Basic of the nation computer grade test (second level);浅谈大学生如何备考全国计算机等级考试(二级)——Visual Basic科目

16.board of secondary school studies[澳]中学学科考试委员会

17.university entrants大学入学试的考生.

18.CEEB (College Entrance Examination Board)大学入学考试委员会


test subjects考试科目

1.Design and realization for test system that supports construction oftest subjects;支持自主创建考试科目的考试系统设计与实现

3)subject exams学科考试

1.It is most significant for primary a nd middle schools in terms ofsubject exams to reform the idea of exams in the case of new curriculums.新课程背景下的中小学学科考试改革最为重要的是考试观念的变革,在考试内容方面,应注意因教施考、全面检测、注重能力、突出应用、发展个性,在考试形式方面应采取多种形式。

4)entrance examination入学考试

1.Survey and Research of Postgraduate Entrance Examination for Educational Technology Major;教育技术学专业硕士研究生入学考试课程现状调查及分析

2.Based on reviewing the progress of the subject reform of the candidates for the master sentrance examination in China,the paper sums up the characteristics of the reform as follows:reducing the subjects in the preliminary examination,setting an universal examination questions and time,shifting the contents from a single subject to comprehensive abilities.梳理我国硕士研究生入学考试科目改革的历程,总结出改革的特点为:减少初试科目;走向国家统一命题、统一考试;考试内容从单一的学科考试走向综合能力考试。

3.Theentrance examination faced with the challenge such as entering higher schools or employment, educational level or ability, general or specific character and so on .各国大学入学考试改革共同面临着升学与就业、学历与能力、共性与个性的矛盾以及开放性等问题 ,随着高等教育的大众化及普及 ,出现了考试改革的新趋势 ,如扩大统一考试、推行标准化考试、选拔方式弹性化、入学多样化以及考试改革法制化等。

5)entrance exam入学考试

1.As graduateentrance exam is designed to eliminate unqualified students,disparity in the difficulty of different subject tests results in injustice in admitting students.硕士生入学考试是选拔考试,专业课试题的难度不同会影响录取的公正,而要求专业课试题难度相同又不现实。

6)surgery exam外科学考试

1.Thesurgery exam is only a way to evaluate the level of the students theory and practice and to promote the reform of surgery teaching by feedback information.外科学考试仅是一种手段,其真正的目的是检测学生的理论水平和动手能力,通过考试所获得的反馈信息来促进外科学教学改革,进一步提高教学质量。


入学1.谓学童初次进入学校读书。 2.旧指生徒或童生经考试录取后进府﹑州﹑县学读书。 3.今泛指入校学习。
