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考研 postgraduate entrance examination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-18 02:07:34


考研 postgraduate entrance examination英语短句 例句大全

考研,postgraduate entrance examination

1)postgraduate entrance examination考研

1.Analysis and countermeasure of effect between clinical practice andpostgraduate entrance examination competition and employment pressure in medical students考研竞争与就业压力对临床实习的影响分析及对策研究

2.Objective To explore the relationship between the clinical practice andpostgraduate entrance examination,and to improve the clinical practice level in medical students.目的探讨实习生考研与临床技能学习的关系,以提高医学生临床技能水平。

3.Recent years, due to various reasons, the contradiction between the clinical practice andpostgraduate entrance examination in medical student has been ubiquitous in our country, which also has caused many discussions in medical school and teaching hospital.近几年来由于各种原因造成的医学生临床实习与考研的矛盾在全国各地已经非常普遍,也引起了医学院校和教学医院相关人士的诸多讨论,但目前仍没有一个两全其美的解决方案。


1.Invigorate the Students Enthusiasm for Graduate Exam and Improve their Behavior in Mathematics Exam;激发学生考研热情 提高数学考研成绩

2.The Thinking of Postgraduates Information Service from University Libraries高校图书馆提供考研信息服务的思考

3.Are you going to take a postgraduate exam?"你是要考研究生吗?”

4.As potential applicants have noted, it takes time and energy to prepare for the examination.一些报考的学生说,考研既费时间又耗精力。

5.Effects of Archaeological Obuectives on Archaeological Researches:A Retrospect of Archaeology;考古对象对考古学研究的影响──考古学反思之一

6.On the Educational idea of Research-oriented Universities Enrollment of College Entrance Examination;研究型大学高考招生的教育理念思考

7.A Thought of Comparative Literature Methodology Research;考古点与线──比较文学方法研究的思考

8.A Retrospect of Archaeological Studies of Fujian and Taiwan Area in the 20th Century;20世纪闽台考古研究的回顾与思考

9.Design and Analysis of Checking Students Work;“成绩考核设计”与“成绩考核分析”的研究

10.Research on Modulation of Psychological States before Examination in Examinees of Physical Education;对体育考生考前心理状态调整的研究

11.Study of the Middle School Chemistry Experimental Examination in Xing"an League兴安盟中考化学实验操作考试的研究

12.Study on Intelligent Examination Solid Method of Computer Rank Examination计算机等级考试智能考试模式的研究

13.Analysis and Reflection on Virtual Reference Service Research虚拟参考咨询研究文献的分析与思考

14.Reseach on Digital Reference Advisory Service基于数字参考咨询服务的研究与思考

15.First I must pass the exam to be his graduate student.首先要考上他的研究生。

16.Graduate Record Examination(GRE)研究生成绩考试(美)

17.GRE (Graduate Record Examination)美国研究生入学考试

18.Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology of Guangdong广东省文物考古研究所


College & postgraduate exams高考考研

3)Investigation and Research研修考察

1.Report ofInvestigation and Research on the Forestry of Qifu County in Japan;日本岐阜县林业研修考察报告

4)survey and investigation调研思考

5)readers attending the postgraduate entrance exam考研族

6)students who will take part in post graduation entrance examination考研读者




考研数学必做客观题1500题精析(文都教育考研精品系列)图书作者: 蔡子华出版社: 现代出版社isbn: 7801882156出版时间: -7第1版印刷时间: -7第1次印刷开 本:价 格(元): 30书籍介绍:本书就是针对上述情况,专门为报考硕士研究生的考生编写的。全书精选1500道考研数学客观题,分为客观题集和客观题解两部分;内容包括高等数学、线性代数、概率论与数理统计,适合选考数学一至数学四各卷种的考生备考使用。客观题集中,历年研究生入学考试真题占有相当大的比例,其余题目亦都且有很强的代表性,且内容全面。遴选该部分题目的原则是:紧扣硕士研究生入学统一考试数学考试大纲,重视基础,摒弃偏题、怪题,难度贴近历年考试真题。客观题解中,答案详尽,重视解析过程,对不同题型、知识点、解题思路与方法、答题技巧都有不同程度的揭示。考生可先尝试求解本书第一部分的题例,再在第二部分的帮助下找出自己在理解数学基本概念、基本原理及运用基本方法诸方面的差距,在实战中增强个人发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力,从而大幅度提高应试水平。
