100字范文 > 平等对象 the subject of equality英语短句 例句大全

平等对象 the subject of equality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-21 08:49:05


平等对象 the subject of equality英语短句 例句大全

平等对象,the subject of equality

1)the subject of equality平等对象

1.Rae had defined the category of equality,based on three aspects:the subject of equality,the domain of equality and the aim of equality.莱伊从平等的对象、范围和目标等三个方面对平等范畴做了界定,认为平等对象包括个人平等、组内平等和组别平等,平等范围有分配和所得两种,平等目标则包括结果平等和机会平等。

2)deceptive equivalence假象对等

1.On Ezra Pound s Solution to Deceptive Equivalence in Classical Chinese Poetry Translation;看庞德译中国古典诗歌之假象对等解决策略

2.This thesis is a trying study to analysis on how to translate the humorous style of Pride and Prejudice into Chinese with the method of literary stylistic and the guide ofdeceptive equivalence.在小说翻译的实践过程中,人们往往认为小说形式是自由的,从而忽视了文体价值,在翻译中只是获得“假象对等”。


1.On Ezra Pound s Solution to Deceptive Equivalence in Classical Chinese Poetry Translation;看庞德译中国古典诗歌之假象对等解决策略

2.Encoding of pseudocolor equidensities using combined Ronchi gratings用组合光栅屏对图象进行等密度假彩色编码

3.The Causes for and Solutions to the False Phenomenon of Over-education in China;试析我国高等教育发展过度假象的成因及对策

4."Deceptive Equivalence" in Chinese-English Classical Poetry Translation;中国古典诗歌英译“假象等值”现象

5.the method of distinguish disease feint from symptom.疾病假象的识别途径和疾病假象的辨析方法等等,对于提高临床思维水平和医疗质量,有着重要意义

6.Education Excess in Higher Education: Fact or Semblance;高等教育的教育过度:事实还是假象

7.Consider the problem in the abstract, ie as if it had no relation to any specific object, person, fact, etc.就事论事地考虑一下这一问题(假定不涉及任何具体对象、 个人、 事实等).

8.We discussed some basic theoretical problems of management accounting for intellectual capital, such as intention, target, object and elementary assumption.本文主要探讨了智力资本管理会计的内涵、目标、对象与基本假设等基本理论问题。

9.The Verification of Some Hypothesises for Element Reward Equalization in China--The Theoretical Explanation for Chinese“Labor Paucity”;要素报酬均等化若干理论假定在我国的验证——对中国“民工荒”现象的理论解释

10.A deceptive action calculated to divert attention from one"s real purpose.伪装,假象设计好的分散对方注意力的虚假行为

11.An optical method of pseudocolor equidensity encoding of photographic image is described.本文用光学方法实现了图象等密度假彩色编码。

12.As for me, vacation is no vacation without the sea.玛: 对我来说,没有大海,假期就不算是假期了[假期等于白过了]。

13.An erroneous perception of reality.错觉,假象对现实错误的看法

14.False Friends Phenomenon and Its Revelation to Foreign Language Teaching;“假朋友”现象及对外语教学的启示

15.On Hypotheses about"Sequence of Tenses"in English Clause Complexes;关于“时态一致现象”假设的对比研究

16.To Analyze the False and Inferior from the Commercial Enterprise;信息不对称与商业企业假冒伪劣现象

17.Returns whether the called object is equal to the given object.返回被调用的对象是否等于给定对象。

18.Maternity leave, paternity leave, carers" leave and sick leave are not costs but essential to our wellbeing.产假,初为人父假期,护理者假期,病假等对心灵健康至关重要,绝不是一种额外花费。


deceptive equivalence假象对等

1.On Ezra Pound s Solution to Deceptive Equivalence in Classical Chinese Poetry Translation;看庞德译中国古典诗歌之假象对等解决策略

2.This thesis is a trying study to analysis on how to translate the humorous style of Pride and Prejudice into Chinese with the method of literary stylistic and the guide ofdeceptive equivalence.在小说翻译的实践过程中,人们往往认为小说形式是自由的,从而忽视了文体价值,在翻译中只是获得“假象对等”。

3)image equivalence意象对等

1.Based on Newmark s theory of invariant elements , Fryes symbol theory and Nida s principle of dynamic equivalence , the thesis illustrates the clashes between paraphrasing translation andimage equivalence-- "paraphrasing translation" not only changes the images of the original poem, but also violates other basic translation theories.根据Newmark的"中心元素"理论、Frye的象征学说以及Nida的"动态对等"理论,举例探讨了"解释性翻译"与意象对等的冲突:"解释性翻译"不仅损害了诗歌的意象,而且违背了翻译的诸多基本原则。

2.By analyzing the English translations of The Zither and the shortcomings of hermeneutic standpoint in translating classical Chinese poetry which advocates the plurality of interpretations,this paper puts forward that the method ofimage equivalence should be applied to the translation of classical Chinese poetry in order to maintain the artistic effect and the aesthetic space of the original poem.以《锦瑟》英译为例,参照阐释学翻译观中译者主体性的发挥造成译作审美空间消减这一观点,提出中国古典诗歌英译应采用意象对等的翻译方法,以求最好的保持原作的艺术效果与审美空间。

4)voltage level object电平对象

5)equal dialogue平等对话

1.When the teachers practice teaching by the way ofequal dialogue,they are pondering man,while the questions asked by the students are the triggers arousing the teacher’s pondering.师生在同一个起点上探讨问题的课堂平等对话是有效教学的重要方式,其哲学基础是古希腊哲学家苏格拉底和柏拉图提出的知识理念论。

2.The Great Gatsby has the characteristics of dialogism to strengthen the subjectivity of the hero and create possibilities forequal dialogues.《了》具备了复调小说强化小说主人公的主体性特征,为平等对话创造了可能,也使得《了》这部模糊的小说,获得了新的阐释。

6)equal treatment平等对待

1.In order to realize students′transnational educational rights, through its case-law, the European Court of Justice has created two routes, namely vocational training-access to education-equal treatment route and workers-social advantages-equal treatment route.在受教育者 (学生 )跨国受教育权的实现方面 ,欧洲法院的司法判例创建了两条线索 :职业培训———教育准入———平等对待 ;工作者———社会福利———平等对待。


