100字范文 > 平等法律保护条款 Equal Protection of the Laws Clause英语短句 例句大全

平等法律保护条款 Equal Protection of the Laws Clause英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-15 18:26:18


平等法律保护条款 Equal Protection of the Laws Clause英语短句 例句大全

平等法律保护条款,Equal Protection of the Laws Clause

1)Equal Protection of the Laws Clause平等法律保护条款

1.The original intention of theEqual Protection of the Laws Clause was to protect the black people\"s equal rights.在美国重建时期,为了保护刚刚获得解放的黑人的权利,联邦国会以宪法条款的形式制定了“平等法律保护条款”。


1.The Dormancy of the Equal Protection of the Laws Clause in American Constitution and the Loss of Black People"s Civil Rights after American Civil War论内战后美国宪法“平等法律保护条款”的蛰伏与黑人权利的丧失

2."equality before and equal protection of law [Article 22, Hong Kong Bill of Rights]"在法律前平等及受法律平等保护〔香港人权法案第二十二条〕

3.Research on Amending the Objective Clause of "Environmental Protection Law";《环境保护法》修改中的法律目的条款探究(续)

4.Equal Protection Clause and Americans Right to Interstate Migration;“平等保护条款”与美国公民的“州际迁徙权”

5.WTO and Social Clause--A Legal Dilemma in the International Protection of Labour Rights;WTO和社会条款——劳工权益国际保护的法律困境

6.On the Legal Protection for Equal Employment Right of Female University Students;试论女大学生平等就业权的法律保护

7.Equal protection of the law is also guaranteed to each person by the Constitution.美国宪法也保证人人都受法律平等保护。

8.All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law.法律之前人人平等,并有权享受法律的平等保护,不受任何歧视。

9.On the Public Ownership,Property Law and the Principle of Equal Protection of Property Right--Based on the Interpretation of Provision 1,Article 12 of Constitution of P.R.China公有制、物权法和物权平等保护原则——以《宪法》第12条第1款之解释为中心

10.Towards the Article 286 of the Contract Law--Also on Perfecting the Protection of the Contractor s Right of Claiming Payment;《合同法》第286条研究——兼论建设工程款债权法律保护的完善

11.Peasants, Peasant Workers And Rights Protection-speculation on Law and Equality;农民、民工与权利保护——法律与平等的一个视角

12.A Study on Legal Protection of Macau Consumers Rights and Interests under Contract of Standard Terms;合同格式条款下澳门消费者权益法律保护之研究

13.It sought to achieve legal security for everybody and sponsored the principle of equality before the law.它力求使每个人都得到法律保护,主张法律面前人人平等。

14.Law and Equality of Social Gender:A Case Study of the Legal Protection for the Land Contractual Right of the Countryside Women;法律与社会性别平等——以农村妇女土地承包经营权的法律保护为例

15.Rethinking about the 33rd Article of China"s Marriage Protection of Military Plight in "Marriage Law"《婚姻法》第33条军婚保护条款之再思考

16.In term of law, they is equally authentic.就法律条款而言,它们具有同等的效力。

17.To Discuss the Legal Protection for the Handicapped"s Rights to Work from: "Equal Protection" and "Special Treatment"从“平等保护”与“特殊照顾”谈残疾人劳动权法律保障

18.The Legal Protection of Chinese Citizens Equal Employment Rights--A Perspective of International Law & Comparative Law;透视我国公民平等就业权的法律保护——以国际法与比较法为视角


Equal Protection Clause平等保护条款

1.Equal Protection Clause and Americans Right to Interstate Migration;“平等保护条款”与美国公民的“州际迁徙权”

3)protection item保护条款

4)umbrella clause保护伞条款

1.Research on Umbrella Clause in Bilateral Investment Treaties;双边投资协定中的保护伞条款研究

5)Protective clauses保护性条款

6)equal protection平等保护

1.The intension reading of theequal protection of property rights——on the visual angle of Radbruch s justice theory in broad sense;平等保护物权的法哲学解读——以拉德布鲁赫的广义正义论为视角

2.The Equal Protection of Real Right and the Development of Administrative Relief System in China;物权的平等保护与我国行政救济制度发展

3.Private rights sacred,public rights sacred andequal protection——to real right protection way legislation tendency discussion;私权神圣、公权神圣与平等保护——对物权保护方式立法趋势的探讨


