100字范文 > 传统思想文化 traditional thought and culture英语短句 例句大全

传统思想文化 traditional thought and culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-28 13:40:08


传统思想文化 traditional thought and culture英语短句 例句大全

传统思想文化,traditional thought and culture

1)traditional thought and culture传统思想文化

1.This paper systematically elucidates David Bohm s view of dialogue,and illustrates from the understanding of the essence of thought,the origins of human-beings conflicts and the radical roads of human-beings own salvation that David Bohm s view of dialogue is beyond thetraditional thought and culture of mankind.戴维·玻姆的对话观 ,是从对思想本质的理解、人类冲突的根源、人类自救的根本途径等方面对人类传统思想文化的超


1.Reference to Chinese Traditional Thought and Culture of Sun Zhongshan’s Thought of Civil Rights孙中山民权思想对中国传统思想文化的借鉴

2.Introspection on the Traditional Thought of "Emphasizing Agriculture But Restraining Commerce" in China我国传统“重农抑商”思想的文化反思

3.Sun Zhongshan"s Revolutionary Thought and Chinese Traditionary Culture孙中山的革命思想与中国传统文化

4.The thoughts on Great Harmony are gems of Chinese traditional culture.大同思想是中国传统文化中的瑰宝。

5.The Confucianism thought is the foundation of the excellent Chinese traditional culture.儒家思想是中华优秀传统文化的基础。

6.The Thought "Taking Heaven as Principle" in China s Traditional Legal Culture;中国传统法律文化中的“则天”思想

7.A Study on the Thoughts of Filial Piety and Provison for the Aged in Traditional Chinese Culture;中国传统文化中的孝与养老思想探究

8.Innovations of Chinese traditional cultural and ideological education;中国传统文化与思想政治教育的创新

9.Thoughts about Environment Ethics in Chinese Traditional Culture;浅谈中国传统文化中的环境伦理思想

10.The traditional cultural deposits in LU Xun s idea of "intermediate object";鲁迅“中间物”思想的传统文化底蕴

11.On the Sublimation of Conducting Aesthetics in Traditional Cultural Thoughts;论指挥美学在传统文化思想中的升华

12.Anatomizing the traditional ideology in Chinese culture from the phenomenon of women′s feet-binding with bandages;从缠足透析我国传统文化的思想要素

13.Thinking about Relations between College Student Thought and Tradition Culture;新时期大学生思想与传统文化的关系

14.The Affects of Laozi s Thoughts to the Chinese Tradition Science and Technology Culture;老子思想对中国传统科技文化的影响

15.On the Heritage of Chinese Tradition of LU Xun s Idea of "Intermediate Object";鲁迅“中间物”思想的传统文化血脉

16.An Analysis of Traditional Culture s Influences On Huizhou Architecture;试析传统文化思想对徽派造园的影响

17.The Thinking Source of "Harmonious Society" in the Traditional Chinese Culture;中国传统文化中的“和谐社会”思想源流

18.Influence of Chinese Traditional Culture on Modern Ideological Education;我国传统文化对现代思想教育的启示


ideological culture traditions思想文化传统

1.The field of Chinese contemporary science criticism has become a no-gun battlefield,Where there are variousideological culture traditions,which are trying to dominate the right to speak.中国当代科学批评领域已经成为古今中外形形色色不同思想文化传统争夺现代社会话语权的一个没有硝烟的战场。

3)traditional culture and ideology传统文化思想

1.Meanwhile,it was deeply influenced bytraditional culture and ideology,it have strong national characters.同时,它又深受传统文化思想影响,具有浓郁的民族特色。

4)Chinese traditional cultural idea中国传统文化思想

1.Furthermore, puts forward thatChinese traditional cultural idea is an important guideline of the research.应从演化性和整体性出发 ,应用综合方法去解决复杂性问题 ,并提出中国传统文化思想对复杂科学的研究具有重要的指导意义 。

5)rural thought & culture tradition农村思想文化传统

6)traditional achievements of ideology and culture传统思想文化成果


