100字范文 > 教育技术学科理论体系 Theory System in Educational Technology英语短句 例句大全

教育技术学科理论体系 Theory System in Educational Technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-28 19:15:53


教育技术学科理论体系 Theory System in Educational Technology英语短句 例句大全

教育技术学科理论体系,Theory System in Educational Technology

1)Theory System in Educational Technology教育技术学科理论体系

2)Theory Fundament in Educational Technology教育技术学科理论基础

3)The theoretical system of science education科学教育理论体系

4)theoretic system of science technology科学技术理论体系


1.Cognition for the "Three Stake"s" Formwork--the basic structure on the oretic system of science and technology (TSST)科学技术理论体系基本结构——“三桩柱”框架的认识

2.Discussion of Theory Framework for Simulation Science and Technology Discipline仿真科学与技术学科的理论体系探讨

3.Reconstruction Basic System of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Science and Technology;中医基本理论体系的重建与科学技术

4.From Field to Discipline:The Development of Educational Technology Theory;从领域到学科——教育技术学理论体系的发展

5.Strengthen the Study on Criminal Technology Theories Perfect the Construction of Subject System;加强刑事技术理论研究 完善学科体系建设

6.The Basic Theories,Subject Construction and Technique Support System of Land Science;土地科学的基础理论、学科结构及其技术支持体系研究

7.Scientific and Ethical Reflection on Academic Erosion in Universities-On Scientific and Research Assessment System in China’s Universities;高校学术腐败的科技伦理反思——兼论我国高校科研评价体系

8.On the Intetmediary of the Trinity of Teaching Science, Teaching Technology and Teaching Art;教学科学、教学技术、教学艺术三位一体中端论——视点结构教学原理及其技术系统研究

9.On Subject System Construction of "Criminal Science and Technology"in Forest Public Security;论森林公安“刑事科学技术”学科体系建设

10.Scientific positioning and disciplinary system of science and technology studies;科学技术学的科学定位及其学科体系

11.Society as Body: Mauss s Anthropological Thought via the Concept of "Body Technique";从“身体技术”看莫斯的人类学理论体系

12.Qian Xuesen s Contemporary System of Science andTechnology and Meta-synthesis;钱学森的现代科学技术体系与综合集成方法论

13.Theoretically Thinking of Constructing Curriculum System of Technical Undergraduate Course;技术本科教育课程体系构建的理论思考

14.The Rise of MOT and Establishment of Its Subject System;技术管理学的兴起及其学科体系的构建

15.Course Development in Educational Technology;论教育技术学本科专业课程体系的构建

16.The Knowledge System of Intelligence Science and Technology:Deduced from the Semantic Analysis智能科学与技术的知识体系:语义分析的结论

17.Some Cognition on the Theory of Science & Technology and Productive Forces;关于科学技术与生产力关系理论的几点认识

18.An Current Study of Curriculum Innovation in Physical Education Based on Both Theoretic and Technical Subjects;体育教育专业理论学科与技术学科课程设置改革的现状研究


Theory Fundament in Educational Technology教育技术学科理论基础

3)The theoretical system of science education科学教育理论体系

4)theoretic system of science technology科学技术理论体系

5)theory system of education教育学理论体系

6)science and technology education科学技术教育

1.At the beginning of initiating modern Chinascience and technology education, Li Hung-chang s basic advocacy and practice included the following aspects: reform the Ke-ju system, establish the new style schools, send students abroad and organize the science and technology works translation.本文主要就李鸿章在中国近代科学技术教育创始之初的基本主张和实践 ,即改革科举、创办新式学堂、派遣留学生以及组织翻译科技书籍等史实进行了梳理 ,并指出了这些举措对中国近代科学技术教育发展的贡献和影响。

2.The paper argues the necessity and significance of implementing the integration ofscience and technology education with humanistic education and puts forward the means and strategies of conducting the humanistic education: regarding the emotionality and individual differences,adopting new testing methods and reforming the system of teaching materials.论证实施科学技术教育与人文教育相融合的必要性及重要意义,提出实施人文教育应注意情感性、个体差异性,采用新的测评方式,改革教材体系。


