100字范文 > 综合实训 comprehensive practice training英语短句 例句大全

综合实训 comprehensive practice training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-18 11:07:58


综合实训 comprehensive practice training英语短句 例句大全

综合实训,comprehensive practice training

1)comprehensive practice training综合实训

1.As far as the questions in the traditionalcomprehensive practice training teaching of building materials are concerned,the authors expound the reform of the original practical plan.针对建筑材料传统综合实训教学中存在的问题,对原有的实训方案进行了改革,新的实训方案不但具有实践性强的特点,而且重点突出了以学生为主体的原则,通过在教学中的实践,收到了很好的效果。

2.The paper,learing demands and the teaching methods ofcomprehensive practice training were put forward on the basis of the knowledge and the ability in electric specialty,and have been realized with the help of designed equipment.该文在对电气类专业学生知识和能力构成进行分析的基础上,提出了综合实训的教学要求和方法,并在自行设计的实训设备中得到实现,通过教学实践达到了提高学生综合应用知识能力和操作技能的目的。

3.This essay discusses the teaching reform ofcomprehensive practice training of fermentation technology in higher vocational institutes from several aspects, such as content of practice training, form of practice training, examination method of practice training and so on.分别从实训的内容、实训的形式、实训考核方法等方面的改革创新等方面进行了关于高职院校中发酵技术综合实训教学改革的探讨。


1.Design and Practice of Comprehensive Teaching of Soil Mechanics;《土力学》综合实训教学组织设计与实践

2.The development of equipment for maintenance electrician’s comprehensive training and certification;维修电工综合实训、考证装置的开发

3.On Higher Vocational Market Sales Management Courses Practical Mode;高职市场营销课程综合实训模式探讨

4.Attempt and Experience of Delivering a Course of Integrated Electronic Practice;开设电子综合实训课程的尝试与体会

5.A Discussion on the Comprehensive Graduate Practice of Digital Control Specialty of Higher Vocational Education;对高职数控专业毕业综合实训的探讨

6.Project Comprehensive Training Design in IT SubjectIT学科中项目综合实训环节的设计

7.Constructing Integrated and Creative Practice Training Base against the Background of Big Engineering Systems以大工程为背景 创建综合实训基地

8.An ERP Approach to Comprehensive Training Course Development基于ERP构建经管类高校综合实训基地

9.Research in the Resource Integration of Special Comprehensive lab;资源整合校企共建专业综合实训室的成功探索

10.Research on Multifunction Hydraulic Integrated Practical Training System;多功能液压综合实训系统的研究与实现

11.The Development and Practice of Economic Management Comprehensive Major Courses;经济管理类“专业综合实训”课程的开发与实践

12.Innovation and Practice of Synthetical Practice-Training Teaching for Foodstuff Machanism Major食品机械专业综合实训教学的创新与实践

13.The Discussion and Practice of the Construction of Comprehensive Practice Training Industry for Modern Chemical现代化工综合实训工厂建设的探讨与实践

14.Practice and Innovation of Self-making Flexible Comprehensive Automatic Training Equipments自制“柔性自动化综合实训”设备的实践及创新

15.The Teaching Practice of Comprehensive Accentuation Training before Nursing Students Practice;护生实习前综合强化训练的教学实践

16.multi-purpose real fire training module真实火警综合训练单元课程

17.Research on the Design of Quality Electronic Commerce Synthesis Skill Really Teaching;高职电子商务综合技能实训设计研究

18.The Organizational Design for Integrated Practice Course Teacher Training;综合实践活动课教师培训的组织设计


Comprehensive training综合实训

1.However,the nature,status,curriculum standards as well as the practical ways of the comprehensive training courses are not well understood in forestry institutions of higher vocational education.综合实训课程是职业教育实践教学体系的重要组成部分,目前,我国高等林业职业院校,对综合实训课程的性质、地位、课程标准以及实施措施的认识存在不足。

2.Crime technology specialty comprehensive training is designed for comprehensive practice skill training item for students in crime technology specialty.刑事技术专业综合实训是为刑事技术专业学生设置的一项综合性的实践技能训练项目,为学生融合本专业多方面的知识和技能、办理刑事案件提供了一个实践平台,其主要的目的是提高学生综合应用本专业相关知识与技能的水平。

3)comprehensive practice综合实训

4)integrated practical training综合实训

1.Due to the restrictions of insufficient equipments and management rules and regulations, it is difficult to organize theintegrated practical training.虚拟机在网络互连综合实训项目上的应用,解决了在专业实验室中限于设备及管理条件和制度难以组织综合实训项目的问题,也规避了实训过程中有可能出现的破坏性风险。

2.This paper discusses the characteristics,task,goals and evaluation of electrical controlintegrated practical training course and explores the content of achievement assessment for the course.基于电气控制综合实训课程定位,明确了课程的性质、任务、目标,探讨了电气控制综合实训成绩评定内容。

5)integrated training综合实训

puter network training room is the carrier of practical teaching in the progress of computer network technology teaching, and is theintegrated training place to improve students’ operation ability of network.计算机网络实训室是计算机网络技术专业建设中实践性教学环境的载体,是提高学生网络操作动手能力的综合实训场所。

6)comprehensive training experiment course综合训练实验课


