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综合技能训练 comprehensive technique training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-22 11:20:42


综合技能训练 comprehensive technique training英语短句 例句大全

综合技能训练,comprehensive technique training

1)comprehensive technique training综合技能训练


1.An Integrated-skill Approach to Teach English Texts;采用综合技能训练方法组织英语课文教学

2.The practice and exploration of comprehensive skill training of concrete structure course混凝土结构课程综合技能训练的实践与探索

3.A Theoretical Exploration and Practice on Foreign Language Skills Cultivation on Computer and Network Base;基于计算机和网络的外语综合技能训练实证研究

4.Applying Integrated Skills to Improve Students Dictation Competence;训练英语听写能力的综合技能集成法

5.Study on comprehensive training on practice skills of fundamental nursing基础护理实践技能综合训练应用研究

6.Strengthen the Training of Teaching Skills; Improve Students Ability to Practice Comprehensively;强化教育技能训练培养学生综合实践能力

7.The Training of Work Skills and the Improvement of Comprehensive Quality of University Student Cadres;高校学生干部的工作技能训练与综合素质提高

8.Strengthening Military Skill Training and Enhancing Students,All-Round Development;强化军事技能训练 提高大学生综合素质

9.Brief on Comprehensive Real-Practice Skills Training of Public Security Transportation Management Major;浅谈公安交通管理专业综合实战技能训练

10.Darcy"s Job Assuming Presentation第一课:听力综合技巧训练(1)


12.Hijacking and Airport Security第三课:听力综合技巧训练(3)

13.A Report on Current Vocational Skill Training among Students in Jiangnan University综合性大学师范生职业技能训练现状调查报告——以江南大学为例

prehensive Dialectical Thinking Ability--The Classroom Trains Quest;综合辨治思维能力——课堂训练探索

15.Arranging Integrated Training Course and Increasing Students Practical Ability;设置综合训练课程 提高学生实践能力

16.Attaching Importance to the Training of Operation Skill for Training Talented Person;注重操作技能训练,培养合格技能人才

17.Using science and technology as the leading factor, intensify the training and management, improve the overall qualities and athletic ability of the coaches and athletes in an all-round way.以科技为先导,强化训练和管理,全面提高教练员、运动员的综合素质和竞技能力。

parative Study in the Treatment of Children Amblyopia with Intelligent Multi-dimensional Visual Training and Traditional Training;智能化多维视觉训练和传统综合训练治疗儿童弱视的对比研究


Comprehensive social intercourse skill exercise社交综合技能训练

3)special skill integrated training platform专项技能综合训练平台

1.Development practice ofspecial skill integrated training platform of construction engineering class specialty;建筑工程类专业专项技能综合训练平台开发实践

4)comprehensive training of English skills英语技能综合训练

1.From the analysis of the communicative language teaching,we see that,reasonable and advantageous,thecomprehensive training of English skills has made great impact o.英语技能综合训练作为较新的交际教学手段在教学和学习中对培养学生的交际能力,使课堂教学更贴近实际生活中的交流的需要具有积极的作用。

5)integrated-skill approach综合技能训练方法

1.This thesis proposes anintegrated-skill approach to teach non-English majors intensive reading through English texts.本文提出一种新途径讲授非英语专业学生的精读课文:采用综合技能训练方法组织英语课文教学。

6)global training综合能力训练


视觉技能训练视觉技能训练visual skill training视觉技能订11练(visual skill training)通过加强对运动员脑的信息刺激,强化眼肌,使眼球能快速和精确地运动,增强眼、脑、肌肉的密切联系及眼睛的同步性训练方法。运用这种训练,能够提高运动员的速度、时机感和精确度,对运动员的反应能力、空间判断、协调性、专注心等都会产生积极影响。其基本方法有:双目旋转训练法,双目敏锐性训练法,双目调节力训练法,专注力、协调性、视野、识别力、景深感等训练方法。(谢三才撰刘淑慈审)
