100字范文 > 进度风险因素 Process Risk Factor英语短句 例句大全

进度风险因素 Process Risk Factor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-29 06:16:45


进度风险因素 Process Risk Factor英语短句 例句大全

进度风险因素,Process Risk Factor

1)Process Risk Factor进度风险因素

2)risk factor风险因素

1.Definedrisk factors in community health service of Heilongjiang province and discussion on control measures;黑龙江省社区卫生服务风险因素界定及控制措施探讨

2.Risk factors analysis of conversion to open procedure in 429 patients undergoing laparoscopic colorectal surgery;429例腹腔镜结、直肠切除术中转开腹风险因素分析

3.Risk factors for upper gastrointestinal bleeding in severe craniocerebral injury;重型颅脑损伤后上消化道出血的风险因素分析


1.Including risk, risk subject, risk factor, risk object, state of risk, risk event etc.包括:风险,风险主体,风险因素,风险客体,风险状况,风险事件等。

2.These risk factors include:这些风险因素包括:

3.It can be classified into inherent risk, control risk and detection risk.影响计算机审计的风险因素有固有风险、控制风险、检查风险三类。

4.Risk Analysis of the Venture Capital Based on SEM;基于结构方程模型的风险投资的风险因素分析

5.Analysis of Risk Factors of Mining Investment Projects and Measures for Risk Control;矿业投资项目的风险因素分析和风险控制对策

6.Fuzzy Analysis of the Economic Risk Factor and Degree of Mining Investment;矿业投资经济风险因素与风险程度的模糊分析

7.Analysis of the Risk Characteristics and Factors of Enterprises Capital Operation;企业资本运营风险特征及风险因素分析

8.An Empirical Study on Risk Factor of Imitation-Innovation Project in Company;企业模仿创新项目风险因素实证研究

9.Analysis of bid risk factors based on rough set theory;基于粗糙集理论的投标风险因素分析

10.On the Analysis of Risk Factors of Supply Chain Partnership;论供应链合作伙伴关系风险因素分析

11.A Study on Customer Evaluation and Selection Considering Risk Factors;考虑风险因素的客户评价与选择研究

12.Study on the Risk Factors and Allocation Process of PPP;PPP项目风险因素和承担机制研究

13.Research on Evaluation Indices System for Risk Investment Project;考虑风险因素设计项目评估决策指标

14.Study on risk identification and appraisal of dynamic alliance;企业动态联盟的风险因素及评价研究

15.Analyzing the Way of Success And Factor of Risk About Franchise;解析特许经营的成功之道与风险因素

16.Factor Analysis of Supply Chain Risks Based on Uncertainties;基于不确定性的供应链风险因素分析

17.The Research of BOT Project s Risks and Risk Management;BOT融资项目风险影响因素分析及风险管理研究

18.Identification of Human Error Factors in Venture Capital;风险投资中人因失误因素的识别研究


risk factor风险因素

1.Definedrisk factors in community health service of Heilongjiang province and discussion on control measures;黑龙江省社区卫生服务风险因素界定及控制措施探讨

2.Risk factors analysis of conversion to open procedure in 429 patients undergoing laparoscopic colorectal surgery;429例腹腔镜结、直肠切除术中转开腹风险因素分析

3.Risk factors for upper gastrointestinal bleeding in severe craniocerebral injury;重型颅脑损伤后上消化道出血的风险因素分析

3)Risk factors风险因素

1.Research on risk factors of ankle injury in basketball game;篮球运动踝关节损伤风险因素研究

2.Operative risk factors assessment for old orthopaedic patients:a review of 760 cases;760例骨科老年患者手术风险因素分析

3.Analysis for risk factors of IT outsourcing based on life cycle methodology;基于生命周期的信息技术外包风险因素分析

4)factor risk因素风险

5)progress risk进度风险

1.A model forprogress risk analysis based on multiple risk probability was constructed according to the risk distribution characteristics of naval gun system development.针对舰炮武器系统研制工程进度的风险分布特征,建立了基于多元风险概率的进度风险分析模型,给出了基于正态分布和指数分布的进度风险估算方法,并结合具体风险因素分析了舰炮武器系统研制进度风险评估的指标和准则,最后给出某型大口径舰炮研制的风险分析实例,验证了文中方法的有效性和可靠性。

2.Theprogress risk research in identifying and estimating of major model projects is described first, then a method ofprogress risk analysis based on Monte Carlo simulation is provided and a case study is presented in detail to illustrate the total process of the method.对重大型号工程进度风险的识别和估计方法进行了讨论,研究了总工期风险的蒙特卡罗仿真方法,并结合实例对某型号项目研制进度风险进行了定量分析。

3.tactical and technical targets,progress and cost) in the aerospace projects,this paper puts forwards a random network model of aerospace project development process by using the theory and method of random network,analyses the expensie risk and theprogress risk of the project.鉴于各种不确定性因素对航天三项关键参量(战术技术指标,进度和费用)影响的重要性,应用随机网络理论和方法,建立了航天项目研制过程的随机网络模型,对航天项目进度风险和费用风险进行了定量化分析和研究。

6)schedule risk进度风险

1.Study of Chemical Product Manufacturing Relocation Project Schedule Risks;产地转移化工项目进度风险研究

2.This paper established is a risk analysis models of normal distribution, β distribution and triangular distribution of Graphical Evaluation and Review technique, for the study of the character of developmental program of weapon equipmentschedule risk distribution.为研究装备研制工程进度的风险分布特征,建立了包含正态分布、β分布、三角分布的随机网络 进度风险分析模型,通过蒙特卡罗法仿真获得工程项目的进度估计及其统计分布特性,从而获得工程总工期的 风险,并结合实例进行了分析。

3.Then,the definition of constructionschedule risk is given and the MC simulation method for theschedule risk is proposed.分析水利水电工程施工进度计划对工程建设动态投资的影响 ,给出施工进度计划风险的定义 ,提出施工进度风险计算的MC仿真方法 。


