100字范文 > 单因素风险估计 risk assessment of single factor英语短句 例句大全

单因素风险估计 risk assessment of single factor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-15 15:21:39


单因素风险估计 risk assessment of single factor英语短句 例句大全

单因素风险估计,risk assessment of single factor

1)risk assessment of single factor单因素风险估计

2)multi-factor risk assessment decision-making多因素风险评估

3)standalone risk evaluation model单风险估计模型

1.Basing on thestandalone risk evaluation model of toll expressway investment and the index system of venture evaluation that we have built and using The Analytical Hierarchy Process and The Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Method,we built up a Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation model of expressway investment venture Then,it was applied to evaluate Tianjin section of the expressway.针对我国收费高速公路风险评估中存在的问题,分析了我国高速公路投资风险的特点,在建立收费高速公路投资单风险估计模型和风险评估指标体系的基础上,综合运用层次分析方法和模糊综合评价方法,建立了高速公路投资风险的模糊综合评估模型,并将该模型运用于京沈高速公路天津段等的风险评估,并进行了相应的比较。

4)Risk assessment风险估计

1.Using Case-Based Reasoning method to supply chain risk assessment, it successfully solves the problems like how to describe and save cases, how to find matching case, how to adjust the solution, etc.不确定偶发风险事件导致的供应链风险后果的估计是风险估计的难点所在。


1.HKKP-based Estimation on Operational Risks of Commercial Banks;基于HKKP估计的商业银行操作风险估计

2.The Estimated the Risk of Banking Operations and Credit Risk Classification Mathematical Research银行操作风险估计与信贷风险分类的数理研究

3.t constant risk estimator一致最佳不变风险估计量

4.Research on Probability Model of Seismic Risk Estimation for Building Group;建筑群地震风险估计概率模型的研究

5.Case-Based Reasoning for Supply Chain Risk Assessment;基于案例推理的供应链风险估计方法

6.The Application of the PERT Net in RiskEstimation of the Project Plan;PERT网络在工程风险估计中的应用初探

7.The Study on the Assessment of Risk Based on Modern Risk-oriented Auditing Approach;现代风险导向审计下的风险评估研究

8.Research on Modern Risk-oriented Auditing with Risk Assessment Methodology;基于风险评估的现代风险导向审计研究

9.Research on the Identification and Assessment of Business Risk under Risk Oriented Audit风险导向审计下的经营风险识别与评估研究

10.Risk Consolidation of Banking Group: Risk Measurement and Evaluation Techniques银行集团的风险并表:风险计量及评估方法

11.Estimation and Calculation of VaR and CVaR;VaR和CVaR风险值的估计和计算

12.Calculating Value at Risk by Using Bayes Estimation;基于Bayes估计的金融风险值——VaR计算

13.Calculation and Application of Expected Shortfall in Estimation Risk评估风险的期望损失计算及应用研究

14.You shouldn"t underestimate the risks of the enterprise.你不应低估这一计画的风险.

15.The Estimates of Lower and Upper Bounds of the Value-at-Risk for Functions of Dependent Risks;相关风险函数VaR的上下界的估计

16.Research and Design on Network Security Risk Assessment System;网络安全风险评估系统的研究与设计

17.Research on Internal Auditing Risk Assessment and Control of Schools of Higher Education;高校内部审计风险的评估及控制研究

18.E-Bayes Estimate in the Risk Forecast of the Stock Investment;证券投资风险预测的E—Bayes估计


multi-factor risk assessment decision-making多因素风险评估

3)standalone risk evaluation model单风险估计模型

1.Basing on thestandalone risk evaluation model of toll expressway investment and the index system of venture evaluation that we have built and using The Analytical Hierarchy Process and The Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Method,we built up a Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation model of expressway investment venture Then,it was applied to evaluate Tianjin section of the expressway.针对我国收费高速公路风险评估中存在的问题,分析了我国高速公路投资风险的特点,在建立收费高速公路投资单风险估计模型和风险评估指标体系的基础上,综合运用层次分析方法和模糊综合评价方法,建立了高速公路投资风险的模糊综合评估模型,并将该模型运用于京沈高速公路天津段等的风险评估,并进行了相应的比较。

4)Risk assessment风险估计

1.Using Case-Based Reasoning method to supply chain risk assessment, it successfully solves the problems like how to describe and save cases, how to find matching case, how to adjust the solution, etc.不确定偶发风险事件导致的供应链风险后果的估计是风险估计的难点所在。

5)risk evaluation风险估计

1.Firstly,this paper introduces the development of the security of network and information in today s China,analyses the problems and the corresponding solving methods and strategies,then it introduces therisk evaluation of the security of network and information and the quantitative evaluation of threat.介绍了我国网络与信息安全的现状,分析了其中存在的问题及相应的解决方法与对策,然后对网络与信息安全的风险估计、威胁量化评估等作了介绍,最后指出只有对网络与信息进行有效的管理才能确保网络与信息的安全。

6)risk estimation风险估计

1.Concerning therisk estimation,Bunke discussed the minimax of the best linear unbiassed estimator of a multiparameter controled statistical model which has the quadratic loss function with the positive definite "weighting" matrix.关于风险估计,Bunke曾讨论了一类多参数控制的线性模型在带正定"加权"矩阵的二次损失函数下,最佳线性无偏估计量的极小极大性。

2.This paper analyzes risk factors and risk events in accordance with risk discernment ,risk estimation and risk assessment.本文按风险识别、风险估计与评价的顺序 ,分析风险因素与风险事件 ,最后从适用性的角度阐述了在具体项目管理中如何选择最适用的风险对

3.(4) The principle and methods of constructionrisk estimation for subway station are discussed.(4)论述了地铁车站施工风险估计的基本原理与方法,给出了地铁车站施工风险概率和风险后果的定义及其估计方法,实现了地铁车站施工风险的定量估计。


财务风险评估与控制财务风险评估与控制财务风险评估与控制对财务风险进行的分析与估算,一般可以采用正态分布的原理来计算。其基本步骤如下:①假定机率P。指假定的某种情况出现的可能性大小。出现的最大可能性为1.出现的最小可能性为。,因此,1)尸》。。②假定结果D它通常是在一定机率下产生的某种结果(收益)的可能性。最基本的估计方法是设想某一方案会出现最乐观的估计,适度成功的估计和最悲观的估计等三种情况来加以讨论。③计算期望结果(收益)值西。计算公式为:刀一艺D·只一④计算标准差a。标准差是以期望值为中心的离散程度.即同一方案内不同情况之间的非集中性程度。标准差是根据正态分布的原理计算得来的,它的基本公式为: “一了冗(D一刀)“p标准差越大,表明在同等条件下各种情况之间的离散程度越大,相应的风险就越大。反之,标准差越小,表明方案的各种可能情况比较集中,人们的把握较大,财务风险比较小。⑤计算差异系数)。差异系数是进一步把标准差与期望值联系起来的一个数。它用来表明.在同样的期望值下不同方案的风险大小。计算公式为: 占了二二苏 刀现代理财理论的一个基本假定是.人们在经营过程中,是力求预防财务风险的,两利相权择其重,两害相权择其轻。在现代财务管理中.预防和控制风险的基本做法是:卫尽可能地加强调查研究。财务风险是未来因素的不确定性所引起的。因此,尽可能地了解本行业的发展历史、国内外现状、供求和价格的变化规律,就有利于克服盲目性,把各种不确定因素减少到最低限度,从而减少财务风险。②通过适当调整折现率来客观地估价投资风险和投资效益。一般地说,凡属于人们比较熟悉的市场、产品,由于人们对之了解较多,投资风险也较小;反之,进入新的市场、生产陌生产品,风险也随之增大。在后一种情况下,适当提高项目可行性研究中的折现系数,有利于引导人们进行正确决策。
