100字范文 > 无机营养盐 inorganic nutrients英语短句 例句大全

无机营养盐 inorganic nutrients英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-24 03:15:28


无机营养盐 inorganic nutrients英语短句 例句大全

无机营养盐,inorganic nutrients

1)inorganic nutrients无机营养盐

1.The effect of Chlorella growth andinorganic nutrients absorption by marine heterotrophic bacteria海洋异养细菌对小球藻生长和无机营养盐吸收的影响研究


1.Study of the Influences of Inorganic Nutrients on Heterotrophic Bacterioplankton in Jiaozhou Bay;胶州湾无机营养盐对异养浮游细菌的影响研究

2.Dissolved Inorganic Nutrient Distribution of Shandong Coast山东近海溶解态无机营养盐的分布特征研究

3.The effect of Chlorella growth and inorganic nutrients absorption by marine heterotrophic bacteria海洋异养细菌对小球藻生长和无机营养盐吸收的影响研究

4.Autotrophism A type of nutrition in which the principal source of carbon is inorganic (carbon dioxide or carbonate).自养:主要碳源是无机物(二氧化碳和碳酸盐)的一种营养方式。

5.But inorganic selenite is just as nutritionally effective as selenium in organic form.但无机的亚硒酸盐却是以有机形式的硒起着营养作用。

6.Effect of Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients Composition on the Growth of HAB Algae in East China Sea;无机溶解态营养盐组成对东海典型赤潮藻生长的影响

7.The Study of Metabolism of Protein and Minerals for Cancer Patients Receiving Radiotherapy and the Effect of Protein Diets Support on Immunity Function;放疗肿瘤病人蛋白质与无机盐代谢及高蛋白质营养支持对其免疫功能的影响

8.Research of Effects on Different Winter Wheat Cultivars under Salinity Stress and Potassium Nutrition Alleviatory Mechanism;盐胁迫对不同冬小麦品种的影响及钾营养对其缓解机理研究

9.Study on Behavior and Mechanism of the Nutrient Release from Urban River Sediment at Plain River Network Area;平原河网区城市河道底质营养盐释放行为及机理研究

10.Nitrate Accumulation in Spinach (Spinacia Oleracea L.) in Relation to Nitrogen and Potassium Supply;氮钾营养对菠菜生长、硝酸盐累积的影响及机理研究

11.Reseach on Changeing Regularity of Nutrient, Functional Composition, Nitrite of Jiangshui Celery and Mechanism of Processing;浆水芹菜营养功能成分与亚硝酸盐变化规律及加工机理研究

12.Dynamics of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutrients in Low Salinity Controlled Enclosures;低盐度围隔调控养殖系统氮磷营养盐动态研究

13.Effect of Interaction between Manure and Inorganic Fertilizers on Soil Nutrient Characteristics and Salt Content and Ion Composition in Greenhouse Soil;有机无机肥交互作用对设施土壤养分和盐分含量变化的影响


15.inorganic carbonate of melts[double or complex]无机金属碳酸盐[复盐或络盐]

16.chlorate, inorganic, of metals, double or complex无机金属氯酸盐,复盐或络盐

17.Interclonal Differences in Phosphorus Efficiency of Poplar and Its Mechanism;杨树无性系磷营养效率的差异及其机理

18.Study on the Effect of Foliar Spray Inorganic Nutrition and Different Plant Growth Regulators;叶面无机营养+不同植物生长调节剂的效应研究


Absorption of inorganic nutrients无机营养盐吸收

3)Dissolved inorganic nutrient composition无机溶解态营养盐组成

4)inorganic nutrition无机营养

1.Through comparison and analysis the difference ofinorganic nutrition of Orychophragmus violaceus and Brassica napus, B.通过田间试验取样分析,比较了诸葛菜、甘蓝型油菜、芥菜型油菜、白菜型油菜在石灰土上的无机营养状况。

5)mineral nutrients无机营养

1.It was observed that the increases of chromatic values( a * and Δ E *ab ),fiber content,and the lose of soluble solids(SS)were the lowest under red light irradiation or white light irradiation withmineral nutrients,and lower under low light irradi.供给无机营养的处理在红光或白光照射下 ,色值 (a 和ΔE ab)变化率、粗纤维含量增长率和可溶性固形物减少率为最低 ,其次是无营养供给的红光或白光处理 ,以黑暗处理为最高 ;供给无机营养处理的芦笋嫩茎伸长率大于无营养处理的 ;光线照射与否和无机营养供给有无与芦笋失重率之间无明显相关

6)mineral nutrient无机营养物


无机1.任其自然;没有心计。 2.没有机会﹑机遇。 3.化学名词。一般指除碳酸盐和碳的氧化物外不含碳原子的化合物。如无机肥料﹑无机盐等。
