100字范文 > 营养盐通量 Nutrient fluxes英语短句 例句大全

营养盐通量 Nutrient fluxes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-19 07:34:16


营养盐通量 Nutrient fluxes英语短句 例句大全

营养盐通量,Nutrient fluxes

1)Nutrient fluxes营养盐通量


1.Study on Nutrient Fluxes Across Sediment-water Interface in Sea Cucumber Culture Ponds刺参养殖池塘沉积物—水界面营养盐通量的研究

2.Nutrient fluxes at sediment-water interface in the east Chongming tidal flat in winter长江口崇明东滩冬季沉积物-水界面营养盐通量

3.Study on Nutrient Fluxes Across Sediment:Water Interface in Different Sea Cucumber Experimental Enclosures刺参不同养殖模式实验围隔内沉积物——水界面营养盐通量研究

4.The Study on the Exchange Fluxes of Nutrients at the Sediment-Water Interface in Bohai Bay;渤海湾沉积物—水界面营养盐交换通量的研究

5.Distribution Features of Nutrient and Flux between the Sediment and Water Interface of East China Sea and Yellow Sea;东、黄海营养盐的分布和沉积物—水界面交换通量

6.Study on Distribution and Denthic Fluxes of Nutrients in Sediments of Yellow Sea and East China Sea黄东海沉积物中营养盐分布及交换通量研究

7.Study on the Vertical Flux of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Sungo Bay;浅海规模化贝类养殖系统氮、磷营养盐的垂直通量研究

8.Study on Groundwater Discharge Fluxs and Nutrient Salt Fluxs Transported by Groundwater to Ocean from the Yellow River Delta Area;黄河三角洲地区地下水及其营养盐入海通量研究

9.Investigation of Distribution and Influx Calculation of Nutrients in the Eight Pearl River Openings;珠江口八大口门营养盐的分布及入海通量的研究

10.Benthic Exchange Rates and Fluxes of Dissolved Nutrients at the Sediment-water Interface in the East China Sea;营养盐在东海沉积物—海水界面交换速率和交换通量的研究

11.A Study on the Nutrients Exchange Flux between Bottom Sediment and Water Layer for Bohai Bay;渤海湾沉积物和水界面间营养盐的交换通量研究

12.Distributions and seasonal variations of nutrients and DSi residual flux in Yangtze Estuary and adjacent area长江口及其邻近海域营养盐与DSi余流通量的分布和季节变化

13.Exchange flux and effect factors of nutrients between bottom sediment and water in Bohai Bay渤海湾沉积物和水界面间营养盐交换通量及影响因素

14.Concentration characteristics of nutrients and influx calculation in Changjiang Estuary before and after water storage of Three Gorges Project三峡蓄水前后长江口水域营养盐浓度变化特征和通量估算

15.Determination on the Nutrient Components and Nitrate Content in Portulaca oleracea L.马齿苋营养成分及硝酸盐含量的测定

16.Nutrient density is often expressed as the INQ (index of nutrient quality) of a food.营养密度通常用INQ(营养质量指数)来表示。

17.Distribution of Nutrient and Plankton Mass in Three Gorges Reservoir Water Body;三峡库区水体中营养盐与浮游生物量分布特征

18.The effects of nutritions on the C. vulgaris growth and the content of protein;营养盐对小球藻生长及胞内蛋白质含量的影响


nutrient accumulation rate营养盐沉积通量

3)benthic nutrient fluxes沉积物-水界面营养盐通量

1.Diffusional nutrient fluxes contribute to thebenthic nutrient fluxes slightly.对长江口崇明东滩冬季沉积物中营养盐早期成岩过程和沉积物-水界面营养盐通量及其影响因素进行了研究。

4)flow of nutrition composition营养物质流通量


1.Distributions and the factors influenced of nitrogen and phosphorusnutrients in the Daliaohe Estuary;大辽河口N、P营养盐的分布特征及其影响因素

2.The influence of organic modified clay onnutrients and main water quality index in sea water;有机改性黏土对海水中营养盐及主要水质因子的影响

3.The Concentrarions and Distributions of Nutrients in Pore Water of the Aoshan Bay;鳌山湾沉积物间隙水营养盐的含量及其分布


1.Influence of HgCl_2 onnutrient exchange rates in sediment——water interface in fish cage area of Dapengao;HgCl_2对网箱养殖海域营养盐在沉积物——水界面上交换速率的影响

2.Effect of atmospheric wet deposition onnutrients into Changjiang Estuary and eutrophication;大气湿沉降对营养盐向长江口输入及水域富营养化的影响

3.Sediment-water fluxes ofnutrients in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea;东、黄海沉积物-水界面营养盐交换速率的研究


