100字范文 > 工艺价值观 views of value on craft英语短句 例句大全

工艺价值观 views of value on craft英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-12 18:21:25


工艺价值观 views of value on craft英语短句 例句大全

工艺价值观,views of value on craft

1)views of value on craft工艺价值观

2)view of artistical value艺术价值观

1.Undoubtedly, Nietzsche sview of artistical value is one of Nietzsche s important thoughts, which affect literature realm.尼采艺术价值观无疑是尼采影响文艺领域的重要思想之一。

3)Work values工作价值观

1.The Research of Software Engineer s Work Values and Its Relationship with Job Satisfaction;软件开发人员工作价值观及其与工作满意度的关系研究

2.Work Values among Different Generations in Shanghai in Comparison with the United States;上海地区不同代人的工作价值观以及和美国的比较

3.The Research of Work Values of Students in Campus and the Relationship between Work Values and Vocational Interest;大学生工作价值观及其与职业兴趣的关系研究


1.Study of Young People"s Attitude Towards Work and Work Ethics青年工作价值观研究

2.Study on the Work Behavior Tendency on the Basis of Work Value;基于工作价值观的工作行为倾向研究

3.A Comparative Study on the Job Values of the Chinese and Foreign Restaurant Employees:Illustrated by the Examples of G Hotel and Y Hotel;饭店中外员工工作价值观的比较研究

4.Exploiting and Applying the Resources of Traditional Culture and Localizing the Values of Social Work;传统文化与社会工作价值观的本土化

5.A Study on Scenic Spots Employees: The Relationship between Work Value, Job Satisfaction and Employee Effort;景区员工工作价值观工作满意度与工作努力度关系研究

6.The Research on Personnal Work Value Structure of Public Welfare Scientific Institutions in China我国公益类科研机构员工工作价值观结构研究

7.A Study on Work Values, Job Stress, and Organizational Commitment of Hospital Employees;医院员工工作价值观、工作压力与组织承诺的研究

8.The Relationship Research among Work Values, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment;企业员工工作价值观、工作满意度与组织承诺关系研究

9.A Study on the Relationship among Work Values, Job Satisfaction and Contextual Performances of Employees;企业员工工作价值观、工作满意度与关联绩效的关系研究

10.The intermediary Effect of Work Value on the relation between Perceived Organizational Support and Performance of Knowledge Staff;知识型员工工作价值观对组织支持感与工作绩效的中介影响

11.The Relationship between Work Values and Job Satisfaction of Xi"an Electronics Industry Employees西安电子行业企业员工工作价值观与工作满意度关系研究

12.Study on Employees" Work Values, Personality and Occupational Stress企业员工工作价值观、人格特征与工作压力的关系研究

13.A Study on Structure of College Teachers Work Values and the Relationship among the Relevant Variables;高校教师工作价值观的结构及其相关研究

14.Study on the Relationship between Work Values and Loyalty of the Technician in Enterprises;企业技术人员工作价值观与忠诚度研究

15.The Research of Work Values of Students in Campus and the Relationship between Work Values and Vocational Interest;大学生工作价值观及其与职业兴趣的关系研究

16.Evaluation for Work Values of Beginning Teachers with Method of Paired Comparison;新入职教师工作价值观的对偶比较研究

17.Working Group on Vision, Mission and Values远景、任务和价值观念工作组

18.Our work are guided by core values我们的核心价值观指引着我们的工作


view of artistical value艺术价值观

1.Undoubtedly, Nietzsche sview of artistical value is one of Nietzsche s important thoughts, which affect literature realm.尼采艺术价值观无疑是尼采影响文艺领域的重要思想之一。

3)Work values工作价值观

1.The Research of Software Engineer s Work Values and Its Relationship with Job Satisfaction;软件开发人员工作价值观及其与工作满意度的关系研究

2.Work Values among Different Generations in Shanghai in Comparison with the United States;上海地区不同代人的工作价值观以及和美国的比较

3.The Research of Work Values of Students in Campus and the Relationship between Work Values and Vocational Interest;大学生工作价值观及其与职业兴趣的关系研究

4)work value工作价值观

1.The intermediary Effect of Work Value on the relation between Perceived Organizational Support and Performance of Knowledge Staff;知识型员工工作价值观对组织支持感与工作绩效的中介影响

2.Investigation onwork value and work satisfaction degree of nurses;护士工作价值观与工作满意度的调查研究

3.A Study on the Relationship of Work Values and Organizational Commitment for QC Personnel;企业质量管理人员工作价值观与组织承诺的相关性研究

5)values of employee员工价值观

6)tool value concept工具价值观

1.Setting up the new faithtool value concept, with political faith as the cultural cornerstone of the contemporary political civilization constructing, effectively utilizing the political faith resources, will strengthen the governing ability of CPC powerfully, and will be helpful to the entire social civilization progress.树立新型诚信工具价值观,以政治诚信作为当代政治文明建设的文化基石,有效利用政治诚信资源,将有力地增强党的执政能力,并有助于整个社会文明的进步。


