100字范文 > 自由直接引语 free direct speech英语短句 例句大全

自由直接引语 free direct speech英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-09 09:47:26


自由直接引语 free direct speech英语短句 例句大全

自由直接引语,free direct speech

1)free direct speech自由直接引语

1.This essay intends to reveal the distinctiveness of Dubin s Lives in the narrative technique by analyzing the employment of the third person inner focalization,free direct speech,swift transition in Dubin s Lives.本文从双重视角、自由直接引语、快速切换三个方面分析了马拉默德独巨匠心的叙事艺术,以期给读者提供一个欣赏该部小说的全新视角。

2.This paper intends to analyze narrative strategies including the paralleled structure,multiple points of view andfree direct speech to highlight the characterization and the theme of the novel.通过细致分析《中年》的平行结构、多视角叙述和自由直接引语等叙事特征可以揭示作品在表层叙述下的深层含义以及小说所蕴涵的主题意蕴。

2)free indirect speech自由间接引语

1.On the Contribution Made by Free Indirect Speech to the Realization of Reality in Western Stream of Consciousness Novels;论自由间接引语对意识流小说实现“自然真实”的贡献

2.Female discourse andfree indirect speech are the outstanding style and rhetoric device favored by feminist writers,which also form the important methods of interpreting the internal world.女性话语和自由间接引语是现代主义女性作家最突出的文体风格和修辞手段,是解读人物性格和内心世界的重要媒介,从这两个方面入手,可以展示一个立体多维的人物形象,是对吴尔夫研究的一个有益补充。

3.Infree indirect speeches,discourse connectives perform similar cohesive functions by sustaining or transferring narrative point of view.在自由间接引语语体中,话语联系语通过维持和转换叙事视角发挥类似作用。


1.The Quasi-FID in English Novels;英语小说中的混合自由间接引语研究

2.Cohesive Functions of Discourse Connectives in Free Indirect Speech;自由间接引语中话语联系语衔接功能译评

3.Tense and Aspect of English Verbs and Coherence in Free Indirect Speech;英语动词体形式与自由间接引语中的连贯

4.Free Direct Discourse and Situational Irony in Emma《爱玛》中的自由间接引语和情景反讽分析

5.On the Contribution Made by Free Indirect Speech to the Realization of Reality in Western Stream of Consciousness Novels;论自由间接引语对意识流小说实现“自然真实”的贡献

6.About the Use of Indirect Speech in Hardy’s Novels and Its Stylistic Effects;论哈代小说中自由间接引语的运用及其文体效果

7.Change the following from direct speech into indirect speech.把下列句子由直接引语改为间接引语。

8.indirect speechph.1. 间接引语

9.The Features and Identification Methods of Free Indirect Speech in French Discourse;法语语篇中自由间接话语的特点与判定

10.Direct speech is easier than indirect speech.直接引语比间接引语简单。

11.Change the sentences from indirect speech to direct speech.把间接引语变成直接引语。

12.Turn the following sentences into direct Speech or Indirect Speech.把下列句子变成直接引语或间接引语。

13.Change the direct speech of the following sentence into the indirect speech.把下列句中的直接引语改成间接引语。

14.Exploring How to Teach Direct and Indirect Speech;“直接引语——间接引语”教学的探索与实践

15.Direct and Indirect Speech-A Comparative Study of Japanese and English Speech;直接引语和间接引语——日英引语比较探析

16.Please learn indirect speech.请你学习间接引语。

17.Blending of Direct Discourse and Indirect Discourse in Actual Texts;实际语篇中直接引语与间接引语的混用现象

18.reported questionph.1. 【语】转述问句,间接引语问句


free indirect speech自由间接引语

1.On the Contribution Made by Free Indirect Speech to the Realization of Reality in Western Stream of Consciousness Novels;论自由间接引语对意识流小说实现“自然真实”的贡献

2.Female discourse andfree indirect speech are the outstanding style and rhetoric device favored by feminist writers,which also form the important methods of interpreting the internal world.女性话语和自由间接引语是现代主义女性作家最突出的文体风格和修辞手段,是解读人物性格和内心世界的重要媒介,从这两个方面入手,可以展示一个立体多维的人物形象,是对吴尔夫研究的一个有益补充。

3.Infree indirect speeches,discourse connectives perform similar cohesive functions by sustaining or transferring narrative point of view.在自由间接引语语体中,话语联系语通过维持和转换叙事视角发挥类似作用。

3)free indirect discourse自由间接引语

1.Sly substitution of subjects infree indirect discourse;自由间接引语的潜在主体代换

2.By use of the third-person limited point of view andfree indirect discourse,the characters conscious activities and ever-changing inner world are explored to show the true human nature.伍尔夫意识流小说的经典之作,在叙事策略上别具一格:运用第三人称限知视角和自由间接引语这种独特的叙事技巧,表现人物的意识活动,探索变化多端的人的内心世界,展示真正的人性。

3.As a way of speech or thought presentation in English novels,free indirect discourse has been explored by many linguists and writers and critics from different aspects.作为一种小说中人物话语或思想表达方式的自由间接引语被许多语言学家和文学家从各个层面研究和分析着,其中自由间接引语的鉴别问题引起了研究者们极大的兴趣。

4)Free Direct Discourse自由直接话语

5)direct speech直接引语

1.On the basis of a pragmatic analysis of changing an indirect request fromdirect speech into indirect speech,the author thinks that traditional grammatical rules are restricted by some contextual factors,which should be given priority to in the change.具有间接请求功能的话语,在直接引语转换成间接引语时,语境因素具有制约作用。

2.This paper tries to expound the merits and the demerits of direct and indirect speeches in the process of information conveyance from senders to receivers,thereby illustrating the role of the free indirect speech in bridging the information gap.本文通过分析间接引语和直接引语由于各自对话语主题的不同的叙述处理,不能真实地反映说话主体或叙事主体的意识从而造成部分话语信息的丢失,而自由间接引语和直接引语能够真实地反映说话主体和叙事主体的意识,从而实现对话语信息的补差作用。

3.Based on the research conducted by former scholars, the authoress attempts to describe in detail thedirect speech in Chinese classic novel on a basis of Prof.本文在前人相关研究成果的基础上,以邢福义先生的“小三角”理论为基础,试图对中国古典白话小说中的直接引语进行详细的描述,发现并概括出直接引语模式的发展变化,并解释这种变化的原因。

6)free indirect speech mode自由间接引语模式

1.There are three discourse modes in LU Xun s Ye Cao,namely,monologue mode,dialogue mode andfree indirect speech mode.鲁迅《野草》中包含了三种话语模式,即独白模式、对话模式和自由间接引语模式。


必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)realm of necessity and realm of freedomof口1 Iun Wongg口0 yU ZlyQU wangguo必然王国与自由王国(realmandrealm of freedom)necessity见必然与自由。
