100字范文 > 避孕知识 Contraceptive knowledge英语短句 例句大全

避孕知识 Contraceptive knowledge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-20 05:38:08


避孕知识 Contraceptive knowledge英语短句 例句大全

避孕知识,Contraceptive knowledge

1)Contraceptive knowledge避孕知识

1.Effect of informed choice intervention in contraception on contraceptive knowledge levels of women of childbearing age;知情选择干预对育龄妇女避孕知识水平的影响

2.Survey of contraceptive knowledge in married couples at reproductive age in 5 Chinese cities;我国5城市育龄夫妇避孕知识掌握现状分析

3.OBJECTIVE The aim is to find the effect of the interfering measures of carrying out informed optional contraceptive methods on contraceptive knowledge,of rural married women with childbearing age,and to supply scientific proofs for best serving informed option of contra captive birth control.目的了解实施避孕方法知情选择干预措施后对甘肃省农村已婚育龄妇女避孕知识知晓状况的影响,为避孕节育优质服务知情选择的推广提供科学依据。


1.Analysis of Contraceptive Knowledge and Practice among Young Women Seeking Induced Abortion人工流产妇女避孕知识、避孕方法使用现状及避孕失败原因初探

2.Investigation of contraception knowledge of women with intrauterine device放置宫内节育器妇女避孕知识现状的调查分析

3.Study on the acceptability for the knowledge of emergency contraception in unwilling pregnant women非意愿妊娠妇女紧急避孕知识的可接受性研究

4.Intervention study on contraceptive knowledge of abortion women at hospitals in three cities三城市医院流产妇女避孕知识的干预研究

5.Investigation on Knowledge of Emergency Contraception among Women Seeking Induced Abortion人工流产妇女紧急避孕知识及其影响因素

6.Analysis on knowledge of contraceptive in technicians of family planning in grass roots甘肃省基层计划生育技术人员避孕知识调查

7.Survey on the Knowledge,Attitudes and Practice of Contraception among Floating Population of Taizhou City in Zhejiang Province浙江省台州市流动人口避孕知识、态度和行为调查

8.Cognition and Attitude About Antemarital Sexual Behavior and Abortion of College Students from a College in Hangzhou杭州某高校学生婚前性行为及避孕知识态度行为调查

9.Survey on status of emergency contraception knowledge among undergraduate students at universities in minority regions in Hunan Province湖南省民族地区高校大学生紧急避孕知识的现状调查

10.Exploring and Understanding the Promotion of Contraceptive Informed Choice;推进避孕节育知情选择的探索与认识

11.Relationship between contraceptive use behavior and related knowledge and cognition among vocational high school students;职业学校学生避孕行为及相关知识与认知的关系

12.The Current Status and Countermeasures of Their Education for Rural Reproductive Women s Reproduction and Contraception;农村育龄妇女生殖与避孕状况及其知识教育对策

13.The Study of the Peri-marital Health Counseling Impacts on Newly Married Women"s Knowledge and Behaviors about Contraception and Better-birth围婚保健咨询对新婚妇女避孕与优生相关知识和行为的影响

14.Survey on the Demands of Contraceptive Knowledge and its Influencing Factors among Floating Population in Shanghai上海市流动人口避孕节育知识的需求及影响因素调查

15.a contraceptive pill, device, drug, etc避孕丸、 避孕器、 避孕剂.

16.A survey on knowledge of prenatal care of 250 pregnant women250例孕妇孕期保健知识的调查分析

17.The Relationship between the Informed Choice of Contraceptive Methods and Induced Abortion;避孕方法知情选择与人工流产的关系

18.chlormadinone acetate(CA)氯地孕酮(避孕药)



1.A survey of the ante-marital sexual behavior and contraception knowledge among undergraduate students;大学生性行为状况及避孕知识认知度调查

3)Contraceptive knowledge score避孕知识得分

4)Informed choice of contraception避孕知情选择

1.Objective To understand the current situation of informed choice of contraception in Shenzhen after related policy was implemented.方法在深圳地区选取研究对象998名,采用定性定量分析方法,对避孕知情选择政策实施后的态度和知识行为情况进行调查。

5)anti-collision knowledge base避碰知识库


1.Immunocontraceptive effects of pSG.SS.C3d3.YL.F_(β.ECD) expressing mouse sperm antigen fertilin β subunit;真核表达质粒pSG.SS.C3d3.YL.F_(β.ECD)免疫避孕效应研究

2.Microbicides with contraceptive action;具有避孕作用的杀微生物剂

3.C3d molecular adjuvant increases the immunity of human chorionic gonadotropin β DNA contraceptive vaccination and changes its immune response from Th1 to Th2;分子佐剂C3d增强人绒毛膜促性腺激素β基因避孕疫苗的免疫效应及转变免疫应答模式的研究


美伊儿避孕针,甲孕雌醇避孕针药物名称:甲孕雌醇避孕针英文名:Mego-E别名:美伊儿避孕针,甲孕雌醇避孕针适应症:甲地孕酮微晶水混悬液作肌肉或皮下注射后,能局部储存并缓慢释放,产生长效抗排卵作用。其与天然雌激素17β-雌二醇配伍组成美尔伊避孕针,能使单独应用时发生的闭经等不良反应减少,续用率较高,每月注射1次,可避孕1个月。微囊复方甲地孕酮避孕针是一种生物降解型释放系统,避孕效果好。 用量用法: 1.美尔伊避孕针,第1个月于月经第5日和第10~12日各肌注1支,以后每月在月经周期的第10~12日肌注1支。 2.微囊复方甲地孕酮避孕针,第1个月于月经第5日和第12日各肌注1支,第2个月起每30日注射1支。 注意事项: 1.开始时,可有月经周期缩短,经期延长或不规则出血,少数有恶心、呕吐、头晕、乏力、乳胀等不良反应。 2.美尔伊避孕针临用时,应将药液充分摇匀,注射时,针头应刺入臂部肌肉深部。 规格: 美尔伊避孕针剂:每支含甲地孕酮25mg和雌二醇3.5mg。 微囊复方甲地孕酮避孕针剂:每支含甲 孕酮25mg,环戊丙酸雌二醇5mg.类别:避孕药
