100字范文 > 磁扰 Geomagnetic disturbance英语短句 例句大全

磁扰 Geomagnetic disturbance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-26 20:56:53


磁扰 Geomagnetic disturbance英语短句 例句大全

磁扰,Geomagnetic disturbance

1)Geomagnetic disturbance磁扰


1.Electromagnetic perturbations before Wenchuan M8 earthquake and stereo electromagnetic observation system汶川8级地震前电磁扰动与电磁立体监测体系

2.Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility电磁干扰与电磁兼容

3.Research on the Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Analysis and EMI Model of the Inverter;逆变器的电磁干扰及其干扰模型研究

4.Electromagnetic Interference and Ways of Anti-Interference in Elevator System电梯系统中的电磁干扰及抗干扰措施

5.EMI and EMC of Solid State RF Module固态高频组件的电磁干扰与电磁兼容

6.The Source of Electromagnetic Interference and Compatible Design;电磁干扰来源及电磁兼容设计的探讨

7.Eletromagnetic Interference of Transmisssion Line in HEMP Environment核电磁脉冲环境中传输线的电磁干扰

8.And mainly introduced some important technology branches including disturbance frequence spectrum( lEMI) nature electromagnetism, disturbance and electromagnetism pulse etc.重点介绍干扰频谱分布、意电磁干扰(EMI)自然电磁干扰和电磁脉冲等几个重要技术分支。

9.The coupling between the transverse velocity and electromagnetic perturbation is considered.考虑了横向扰动速度与电磁场扰动的耦合。

10.Disturbance Rejection Based on Disturbance Observation for Magnetic Suspended Rotor基于干扰观测器的磁悬浮转子扰动抑制方法

11.Study on EMI and Anti-jamming Tactic for PLC System in AS/RS立体仓库PLC系统电磁干扰及抗干扰策略研究

12.Environment of EMP conducted disturbance and immunity test methods电磁脉冲传导干扰环境与抗扰度测试系统

13.Test items:① Insertion loss;② Disturbance voltages;③ Radiated electromagnetic disturbances;④ Harmonic current( emission).电磁兼容检验项目:①插入损耗;②骚扰电压;③辐射电磁骚扰;④谐波电流。

14.Possibility of Triggering the Geomagnetic Disturbances by the IMF Northward Bz Component行星际磁场北向分量触发磁层扰动的可能性

15.Study on polymer magnetic composites for shielding electromagnetic interference (EMI)屏蔽电磁干扰高分子磁性复合材料的研究

16.EMC and EMI of Power Electronic Devices电力电子装置的电磁兼容性和电磁干扰

17.Considerations of EMI and EMC in the Design of Micro-Computer Systems微机系统的电磁干扰预测与电磁兼容设计

18.EMC and EMI Rejection in Digital System数字系统中的电磁兼容与电磁干扰抑制


electromagnetic disturbance电磁干扰

1.With the rising of the automation level of transformer substation,PC automation protective devices are applied broadly but problems of PC protective devices being disturbed by strong-electricity environmentelectromagnetic disturbance are increasingly serious.随着变电站自动化水平的提高,微机自动化保护装置得到广泛地应用,但微机保护装置受强电环境电磁干扰问题却越来越严重,为确保变电站的安全可靠运行,提出电磁干扰问题。

2.The main factors of theelectromagnetic disturbance and various unti-disturbance measures are analyzed.叙述了变频钻机电传动系统的现场测量波形,分析了电传动系统电磁干扰的主要因素并综合了各种处理方法,同时叙述了有源动态滤波器的特点与配置。

3.To improve anti-disturbance capability of control system in engineering application,the classification and couple way ofelectromagnetic disturbance,as well as,basic way for anti-disturbance in engineering is introduced in detail.电磁干扰是一种复杂多变的随机过程,为提高控制系统在工程应用中的抗干扰能力,详细论述了控制系统在工程应用中最常见的电磁干扰的分类、干扰的耦合途径及控制工程中抗干扰的基本途径。


1.Suppression ofEMI in Produce System for Cemented Carbide;硬质合金生产系统电磁干扰的抑制

2.Analysis ofEMI in Switching Power Supply and Its Suppression Methods;浅析开关电源的电磁干扰(EMI)及其抑制措施

3.EMI Reduction of the Converter Based on Frequency Jittering;频率抖动技术抑制变换器电磁干扰分析

4)electromagnetic interference电磁干扰

1.Study on theelectromagnetic interferences in the numerical control equipment;数控设备中电磁干扰的研究

2.Measurement ofelectromagnetic interference and its effect on protection caused by switchgear operation in substation;变电站刀闸操作产生电磁干扰及对保护影响的测量

3.Electromagnetic Interference Research in PLC Application System;PLC应用系统的抗电磁干扰研究

5)electromagnetic interference(EMI)电磁干扰

1.This paper summarizes the meaning, purpose and measure of improving medical equipment application quality, and introduces especially electromagnetic interference(EMI) and countermeasures of preventing EMI.本文综述了保证医疗设备应用质量的意义、目的和具体措施,着重介绍了运行环境中电磁干扰对医疗设备的影响及措施。

2.It is a difficult problem to calculate and analyze quantitatively the electromagnetic interference(EMI) from the module.基于中频发电机AC-DC整流模块产生共模干扰的机理,利用频域法对共模干扰电压进行了计算,并通过MATLAB数学仿真得到了其频谱图,该方法可以推广到其他电力电子系统的电磁干扰分析计算中。

3.This paper detailedly analyzes a circuit breaker misclosing accident on the medium-voltage side of a main transformer,which resulted from misoperation of the measurement and control device under electromagnetic interference(EMI).对一起由于测控装置同期开入回路受到电磁干扰后误动,造成主变压器中压侧断路器误合闸的严重事故进行了详细分析,并说明了电磁干扰使得光耦元件“瞬态饱和”的现象和原理,指出了测控装置设计不当的地方,并由制造厂家进行了改进。


1.Reproducibility Assurance ofEMI Measurement Results;实验室电磁骚扰测量结果复现性保障

2.Optimize theEMI of Switch Power by Utilizing Spread Spectrum Technic;利用扩频技术抑制开关电源电磁骚扰


