100字范文 > 地磁仪器 geomagnetic instrument英语短句 例句大全

地磁仪器 geomagnetic instrument英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-15 08:36:10


地磁仪器 geomagnetic instrument英语短句 例句大全

地磁仪器,geomagnetic instrument

1)geomagnetic instrument地磁仪器

1.State analysis on thegeomagnetic instrument in Earthquake Administration of Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省地震局地磁仪器工作状态分析


1.Calibration of geomagnetic instruments is an effective method for accurate and reliable geomagnetic measurements.地磁仪器比测是保障地磁测量准确可靠的有效手段。

2.Research on Underground Magnetic Fluid Detection Method and Instrument Development地下磁流体探测方法研究与仪器开发

3.An instrument used to determine the angle of the earth"s magnetic field in respect to the horizontal plane.磁倾仪用来测定地球磁场相对于水平面的角度的仪器

4.geophysical instrument, magnetic or gravimetric, used in prospecting for ores, oil, etc.找矿、石油等所用磁性或重力地球物理勘测仪器

5.Assistant Control Electronic Circuit Board for the Benthal MT Apparatus海底大地电磁探测仪器辅助控制电路设计

6.has a moving magnet and astatic coils arranged to cancel the effect of the Earth"s magnetic field.用移动的磁铁和无向的线圈的排列来消除地球磁场的作用的仪器。

7.electromagnetic rodmeter电磁计程仪传感器杆

8.isodynamic separator等磁力磁选机;等磁力分离仪;等磁力分选器

9.An instrument that detects electromagnetic radiation.辐射仪一种测定电磁辐射的仪器

10.moving-conductor electromagnetic pendulum seismograph动导体电磁摆地震仪

11.analog seismograph tape recorder模拟磁带地震记录仪

12.digital magnetic telluro sounding instrument数字大地电磁测深仪

13.The magnetic cores of transformers and other apparatus are laminated.把变压器及其它仪器的磁心分层。

14.seismometer testing apparatus地震检波器测试仪器

15.Design of Auto-compensation and Sensor Miniaturization for Fluxgate Magnetometer;磁通门磁力仪自动补偿与传感器小型化的设计

16.The reluctance seismogroph implies a variation of the principle of the moving-coil seismograph.磁阻地震仪改变了动圈地震仪的工作原理。

17.an instrument for measuring the angle of magnetic dip (as from an airplane).从飞机上测量磁倾角的仪器。

18.Obviously this instrument is capable of measuring absolute field as well.这种仪器还能用来测量绝对磁


Geomagnetic instrument地磁测试仪器

3)ground electromagnetic instrument地面电磁法仪器

4)electromagnetic wave device地震电磁波仪器


6)Magnetotelluric sounding (MT)大地电磁测深仪器


坦克夜间观察瞄准仪器(见坦克观察瞄准仪器)坦克夜间观察瞄准仪器(见坦克观察瞄准仪器)tank night observing and sighting instrumentstanke yelion guancha mia0Zhun yiqi坦克夜间观察瞄准仪器(t ank nightob-serving and sighting instruments)见坦克观察猫准仪器。
