100字范文 > 经济比较 economic comparison英语短句 例句大全

经济比较 economic comparison英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-15 04:24:11


经济比较 economic comparison英语短句 例句大全

经济比较,economic comparison

1)economic comparison经济比较

1.Technical andeconomic comparison of ESP and bag filter for boiler gas of thermal power plants;火电厂锅炉烟气电除尘与袋式除尘技术经济比较

2.This article describes the production processes using two different feedstock routes and makes simpleeconomic comparison.本文叙述了两种不同原料路线的工艺过程,并作简单经济比较。

3.This article describes the new process of methyl methacrylate which uses methanol,carbon monoxide and acetone as raw materials,via acetone cyanohydrin(ACH) route;makes the simpleeconomic comparison between the concept design of Chem.描述了日本三菱瓦斯化学公司以甲醇、一氧化碳和丙酮为起始原料,经丙酮氰醇制取甲基丙烯酸甲酯的新工艺以及化学系统公司的概念设计流程与传统丙酮氰醇工艺的简单经济比较。


1.Vienna Institute of International Economic Comparison维也纳国际经济比较研究所(经比所)

2.A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Europe Feudal Economy--Comparison of the Landlord System Economy and the Laird System Economy;中西封建经济比较研究——地主制经济与领主制经济的比较

3.The Comparison Studies about the Transportation Economies of Scope and Scale;道路运输范围经济与规模经济比较研究

paratively relaxed economic environment比较宽松的经济环境

parative socialist economics比较社会主义经济学

parison of Civil Law and Economic Law in Economic Security Value;民法和经济法的经济安全价值之比较

7.Opinion on the Relation Between New Economy and Traditional Economy;新经济"及其与传统经济的比较及关联

8.A Comparison Among Parameters of Synthetical Economic effect in a Sytem;经济系统综合经济效益评价方法比较

parison of the process of Chinese Modernization and That of Japanese Modernnization;中日现代化进程比较——中日经济现代化阶段比较

10.The Visual Angle of Research of New Comparative Economics and Its Comparitive Study;“新比较经济学”的研究视角及其比较研究

11.A Comparative Study of Economic Transition --On Sino-Russian economic transition;经济转轨度的比较研究——兼论中俄经济转轨度

12.The Comparison between Chinese Economic Consideration System of Divorce and Economic Aid System of Divorce;我国离婚经济补偿制度与经济帮助制度之比较

13.A Comparative Analysis of the Development Mode among the Economic Area of Straits,Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta;海峡经济区与长三角等经济区发展模式比较

14.The Influence of Comparative Economics on the Development of China s Economic Theories(1978-);比较经济学对中国经济理论发展的影响(1978~)

15.A Comparison between the New Economic Policy Reform by Lenin and the Economic Reform by Deng Xiao-ping;列宁新经济政策改革与邓小平经济改革之比较


parison of Marxism Institutional Economics and Neoinstitutional Economics;马克思制度经济学与新制度经济学之比较

parative Analysis of Three Developmental Stages of Thought of Developing Economy in Developing Economics;发展经济学经济发展思想三种思路的比较分析


economical comparison经济比较

1.Based on the pile type analysis process of Nanjing Library, suggestions are given in aspects of the design possibility, studying the prospecting reports carefully and discussing with wide minds,economical comparison, etc.通过对工程基础设计中桩基持力层的不同选择以及比较,提出确定单体工程桩基设计方案时应注意的问题:不拘泥于通常做法,仔细研究技术资料,对得到的建议具体分析,在进行经济比较时应充分考虑各种因素。

2.Giving the result of the different foundation forms of several real engineeringeconomical comparison to the CFG pile in combined foundation.给出了几个实际工程不同基础形式与CFG桩进行经济比较的结

3.Makes a technical andeconomical comparison between two air-exhaust methods in underground garage, and derives a conclusion that the method of all exhaust air drew in top is reasonable and economical.针对地下汽车库排风方式是采用下排 2 / 3上排 1/ 3,还是采用全部上排的排风方式进行技术经济比较 ,从而得出采用全部上排的排风方式是合理的也是经济的。

3)economy comparison经济比较

1.The general situation of the study of this technique in world, the applied direction and the specialty, and theeconomy comparison with other non-pipeline techniques to storage and transport gas is presented in this paper.本文介绍了世界上天然气水合物储运技术研究的概况、应用方向、特点,以及与其他天然气非管道储运技术的经济比较。

4)economic evaluation经济比较

1.Theeconomic evaluation in selection of design standards for waterlogging control had never been proceeded all over the county.排涝设计标准的选择,各地大都没有进行经济比较论证,都是凭经验确定。

5)economic comparison经济性比较

1.This paper makes aeconomic comparison for several main heating ways in the residential buildings of centralized heating area, and proposes several principles of heating way selection based on the comparison results.对集中采暖地区住宅建筑几种主要的采暖方式进行了经济性比较,在分析比较结果的基础上,提出了采暖方式的选择原则。

2.The author took a practical engineering project as an example,basing on her design experience of recent years,she compared the simplified design method that is usually used with the finite element method on the patterns of distribution of stress and input method,then she proceeded to a primaryeconomic comparison between the results of the two methods.并根据近年来的设计经验,以实际工程为例,对过去常用的简化设计方法和有限元计算方法进行了受力方式和计算模型输入方式的比较,并对两种不同方法的计算结果进行了经济性比较。

6)comparative economics比较经济学

1.The theory of regulational public enforcement is becoming a hot study area of the newcomparative economics.规制公共实施论是新比较经济学的一个热点研究领域。

2.Referring to the development of China s economic theories after 1978,this paper discusses the influence ofcomparative economics over the development of Chinese economic theories and the role it has played.文章结合1978年以来中国经济理论的演进,论述了比较经济学在中国经济理论发展进程中所发挥的作用与影响。

3.This article, by application ofcomparative economics, is dedicated to analyze loan costs in different conditions and conclude that minimization of costs can be achieved by small and medium-sized enterprise s introducing professional credit guarantee organization, as well as borrower, commercial bank and guarantee organization.本文通过信用担保的比较经济学分析,分析在各种情况下的信贷成本状况,得出在中小企业融资过程中引入专业信用担保机构不管对借款企业或者是商业银行等信贷机构,或者是担保机构自身都可以做到成本最低化。


方案经济比较方案经济比较economic comparison of optionsfong’onJ一ng]一b甲00方案经济比较(eeonomie eomparison of opti-ons)以经济评价的准则对方案进行比选。方案经济比较是对建设项目优化决策的重要手段,是选择电源开发方案、确定电站规模和工程主要特征值的必要手段,也是项目经济评价工作的重要组成部分。方案经济比较在水电规划设计中应用范围广泛,主要包括:电力系统电源开发方案优化、河流梯级开发方案或抽水蓄能电站规划选点方案比较、电力系统或水电站厂内机组运行优化、水电站工程特征值比较选择等方面。方案经济比较的一般准则按国民经济评价结果进行比选从国家整体角度比较各方案的效益和费用。对于产出物基本相同、投人物构成基本一致的方案进行比选时,为了简化计算,在不会与国民经济评价结果发生矛盾的前提下,也可通过财务评价结果确定,即从企业的角度比较各方案的财务效益和费用。方案比较可按各个方案所含的全部因素(相同因素和不同因素),计算各方案的全部经济效益和费用,进行全面的对比;也可就不同因素(不计算相同因素),计算各方案的相对经济效益和费用,进行局部的对比。但要特别注意各个方案间的可比性,遵循效益与费用计算口径对应一致的原则,必要时应考虑相关效益和相关费用。采用价格方案比较时,一般可采用财务现行价格,对于在项目费用中占比重较大、国内价格明显不合理的投人物应采用影子价格。方案经济比较的一般方法对效益相同的方案进行比较的方法对效益相同或效益基本相同但难以具体估算的方案进行比较时,为简化计算,可采用最小费用法,包括费用现值比较法和年费用比较法。(l)费用现值比较法(简称现值比较法)。计算各比较方案的费用现值并进行对比.以费用现值较低的方案为优。(2)年费用比较法。计算各比较方案的等额年费用并进行对比.以年费用较低的方案为优。对效益不同的方案进行比较的方法按照不同方案所含的全部因素(包括效益和费用)进行方案比较,可视不同情况和具体条件分别选用差额投资内部收益率法、净现值法、年值法或净现值率法。在不受资金约束的情况下,一般可采用差额投资内部收益率法、净现值法或年值法;当有明显的资金限制时,一般宜采用净现值率法。(l)差额投资内部收益率法。计算两个方案的差额投资内部收益率(即两个方案各年净现金流量差额的现值之和等于零时的折现率)。当差额投资内部收益率大于或等于社会折现率(采用国民经济评价结果)或财务基准收益率(采用财务评价结果)时,以投资大的方案为优;反之,投资小的方案为优。
