100字范文 > 技术经济比选 technical and economic comparison英语短句 例句大全

技术经济比选 technical and economic comparison英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-11 09:32:53


技术经济比选 technical and economic comparison英语短句 例句大全

技术经济比选,technical and economic comparison

1)technical and economic comparison技术经济比选


1.Technical and Economical Comparison of Proposals for Deep Foundation Pit Excavation Support建筑深基坑支护方案的技术经济比选

2.Methods for Comparison and Selection of Technical Economy of Mining Project Development Scheme;矿山项目开拓方案的技术经济比选方法

3.The Analysis of the Technology and Economy to the Highway Subgrade Widening Project高速公路路基加宽方案的技术经济比选分析

4.Techno-economic comparison of design schemes for soft ground foundation较软弱地基基础设计方案技术经济比选

parison Study of Integrative Technical Economy about Science Museum Station s Construction Schemes in Shenzhen Metro;深圳科学馆地铁车站施工方案的综合技术经济比选研究

6.Techno-economic comparison and construction organization design of simple box girders on passenger dedicated lines;客运专线简支箱梁施工技术经济比选及施工组织设计

7.Technical and economic comparison of construction schemes of track lumber yard in passenger dedicated railway铁路客运专线轨道板场建设方案的技术经济比选

8.A Discussion on the Techno-Economic Analysis of Refining & Chemical Project Multi-Case Study谈炼化项目工艺方案比选的技术经济分析

9.Round Centrifugal Flotation Machine and Conventional Flotation Machine Process Techno-economic Comparison圆形离心浮选机与常规浮选机工艺系统技术经济比较

10.Technique & Economy Evaluate and Select on Ningbo-Xiangshan Harbour Cross-sea Bridge and Tunnel Proposals;宁波象山港跨海通道桥隧方案技术经济评价及比选研究

11.The Applied Research of Evaluation on Technical Economy in Scheme Alternative of Green Building Project经济评价在绿色建筑技术方案比选中的应用研究

12.Discussion on the Selection of the Methods for the Reclamation of Rural Domestic Sewage and the Comparison of the Economy and Practicability农村生活污水资源化处理技术的选择及经济实用性比较

13.Appropriate Technology,Technological Selection,and Economic Growth in Developing Countries;适宜技术、技术选择和发展中国家的经济增长

14.Toward the Strategic Modeling and Economic Growth of Technology Imitation and Innovation;技术模仿、技术创新的战略选择模型和经济增长

15.The Two Economic Effects of Innovation and the Choice of New Technology Faced a Firm;技术创新的二重经济效应与企业的技术选择

16.Technology Choices of Farmers Affected by the Social Economic and Cultural Factors;农民技术选择中的社会经济文化因素

17.Research on the Industrial Key-technology Selection in Economic Development;经济发展中的产业关键技术选择研究

18.Technology Choice,Upgrade of Industrial Structure and Economic Growth技术选择、产业结构升级与经济增长


technical economical comparison技术经济对比

1.According to the characteristics of high density, high viscosity, low light fraction yield and low sulfur content of Liaohe Tiandu 84 crude,technical economical comparison of three processing schemes including suspension bed hydrogenation, residue oil pretreatment succeeded with hydrogenation and delayed coking were discussed.根据辽河田杜 84稠油密度大、轻馏分少、粘度大、硫含量低的特点 ,对悬浮床加氢 延迟焦化、ROP工艺 加氢处理 渣油催化裂化、延迟焦化三种加工方案进行了技术经济对比 ,认为采用延迟焦化方案加工流程短 ,可得到 6 8。

3)technical and economic comparison技术经济比较

1.At the same time,technical and economic comparison was carried at in consideration of various factors.同时结合多方面因素 ,进行技术经济比较 ,最后确定厂址。

2.Using Three-Gorges to Shanghai ±500 kV transmission line project in Hubei (Yue 2 section) as an example, throughtechnical and economic comparison, the "running over the forest" scheme turns out to be more economical than "chopping through the forest" scheme and can save up to 10.以三峡至上海±500kV输电线路工程在湖北境内线路(鄂2标段)为实例,通过对过林区砍、跨方案技术经济比较,跨树方案所需砍伐费和植被恢复费较少,与砍树方案相比仍有一定经济性,线路可节省投资约1039万元,同时线路在经过林区时采用跨树方案,对森林保护、生态环境保护都有积极的意义,因此跨树方案不仅有较好的经济性,同时还有着显著的社会效益。

3.Finally a simpletechnical and economic comparison is made between the original ventilation system scheme and the improved one.最后,本文对改进前后的方案作了简单的技术经济比较。

4)techno-economic comparison技术经济比较

1.Thetechno-economic comparison of the different modes is made.分析了寒冷地区采用的直供气相LPG方式和LPG混气供应方式,前者包括自然气化瓶组供应方式、强制气化瓶组供应方式和储罐储存直供气相LPG方式,后者包括引射式、比例阀式和流量比例式LPG混空气方式,对各种方式进行了技术经济比较。

5)technical economical comparison技术经济比较

1.Technical economical comparison of voltage levels for Shanghai HV distribution networks;上海电网高压配电网络电压等级技术经济比较

2.After calculating the power flows of two typical distribution modes of 10kV transformers and through thetechnical economical comparison in six aspects such as network power losses, voltage loss, economy, reliability, ratio of investment to income and future development, the obtained results are as follows.对 10 k V变压器 2种不同的典型配电模式进行潮流计算后 ,通过网损、电压损失、经济性、可靠性、投资收益比、远期发展等 6个方面的技术经济比较 ,得出了采用 10 k V电源接近低压负荷点、小容量变压器和短低压导线的配电模式是较经济、合理的结论 ,它能使配电网损耗大、电压损失大、故障多、经济性差等缺点得到改进 ,投资收益比得到提高 ,适应远期发展 ,能为用户提供优质电能 ,增加供电企业的经济效

6)Technical economic comparison技术经济对比


吉林工程技术师范学院经济技术学院吉林工程技术师范学院经济技术学院 经济技术学院是隶属于吉林工程技术师范学院的一所高职院校。它坐落于长春市区西南部,北于西解放立交桥、交通指挥中心相邻;西于长春市国际展览中心、汽贸城相望;南于电影城相汇,这里地理位置优越,交通便利。我院师资力量雄厚,办学经验丰富。教学设施完备,现有教师138人,其中教授1人,副教授9人,高级讲师17人, 具有中级职称的教师49人。近年来,随着高职教育的发展,现有扎实的理论基础,又有丰富实践经验和动手能力的“双师型”教师逐年增加,并占有很大的比例,为高职教育发展带来了新的生机和活力,也为高职人才的培养提供了有力的师资保障。我院建有先进的电教室、语音室、微机室、电子电工实验室、化学实验室、土畜产实验实、多媒体实验室、财会模拟实验室,为学生学习和动手操作提供了强有力的保证。为适应社会主义市场经济的需要,我院近年相继开设了计算机应用、电子商务、会计电算化、国际贸易、涉外会计等高职专业,受到了学生和家长的普通欢迎,为社会培养大量具有专业理论知识和实践动手能力的实用型、外向型、复合型人才。随着教育改革的不断深入,我院将税意进取,勇于开拓,大力加强校风、教风、学风建设,努力使我院成为质量一流、特色鲜明的高职学院。欢迎您报考吉林工程技术师范学院经济技术学院,这里是您成才的摇篮 !
