100字范文 > 音乐专业 Music major英语短句 例句大全

音乐专业 Music major英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-08 14:20:08


音乐专业 Music major英语短句 例句大全

音乐专业,Music major

1)Music major音乐专业

1.Reflections on Music Major Development and Strategies for it in Vocational Colleges in Guangxi广西高职音乐专业发展的反思与对策

2.It is of great importance to cultivate the music major s aesthetic ability in piano class in the normal college.在高师音乐专业钢琴教学中培养学生审美能力十分必要。

3.Artistic practice,a key component in the respect of music major teaching and education in the ordinary institutions of higher learning,function as an important stage where the students capabilities can be developed and forged.艺术实践是普通高等院校音乐专业教育教学工作中一个重要组成部分,它是培养和锻炼学生能力的重要舞台,也是展示教育教学效果的重要窗口。


1.The Similarities and Differences Between the Lessons of “Music Appreciation ” for the Musical and Non-musical majors in Universities or Colleges;音乐专业与非音乐专业《音乐欣赏课》异同初探

2.On Strengthening National Music Education in Music Teaching in Normal College;高师音乐专业加强民族音乐教育初探

3.Researches and Practice on the Reform of Musical Teaching inNon-musical Specialty in Nomal School;师专非音乐专业音乐教学改革的探索与实践

4.Discussing on Philosophy Thoughts in Vocal Music Learning in Music Specialty of University;高校音乐专业声乐教学中的哲学思考

5.The vocal music teaching Status quo and Strategy in Higher Vocational Colleges高职音乐专业声乐教学的现状与策略

6.The Mentality and Teaching Study about the Music Preferring of Being Not a Music Special Field College Student.;非音乐专业大学生音乐偏好的心理与教学研究

7.On Music Appreciation Teaching Aimed at Non-music Majors;非音乐专业音乐欣赏教学的探讨与研究

8.The Innovations in the Teaching of the National-music-class of Higher Normal College;谈高师音乐专业民族民间音乐课教法创新

9.The thought of Giving Non-music Majors Music Education;对高校非音乐专业学生进行音乐教育的思考

10.To Offer Curriculum Computer Music Composition For Music Majors in Normal Colleges and Universities;也谈高师音乐专业开设《电脑音乐制作》课程

11.On the Establishment of Popular Music as a Discipline in Conservatories and Music Departments;对于音乐院校开设流行音乐专业的思考

12.Study in Development of the Subject of Music Education in Consevatories of Music in China;我国音乐学院音乐教育专业发展研究

13.Discussion about Music Teaching Reform of Teachers College Musical Education Major;高师音乐教育专业音乐教学改革探讨

poses music as a profession.创作音乐的专业人士。

15.An Idea on Offering Musical Appreciation Class for Non-music Major s Students in College;对大专院校非音乐类专业开展音乐教育思考

16.a musician who is a gifted amateur, not a professional;一个有天赋的业余音乐家,而非专业音乐家的;

17.Research on the System of Vocal Music Curriculum for Music Education in the Normal University;高师音乐教育专业声乐课程体系研究

18.A Probe into the Teaching Method of Musical Instrument Teaching for Music Education Majors in Normal Colleges;高师音乐教育专业器乐教学法的探讨


music specialty音乐专业

1.Colleges with art specialty have started to offer non-educationmusic specialty on the basis of music education specialty.部分设有艺术类专业的院校纷纷在原有的音乐教育专业(师范类)基础上举办"非师"音乐专业。

2.The training goal of themusic specialty in the high normal schools is to foster the qualified music teachers for the middle and primary schools.高师音乐专业培养目标是为中小学培养合格的音乐教师,他们除了应掌握歌唱、演奏、表演、审美等音乐教学的基本技能外,还须具备音乐课堂教学的理论素养。

3)music speciality音乐专业

1.In the past,the quality of the examiness formusic speciality was not so desireable.高师音乐专业往届生的素质较差 ,二十一世纪对音乐教师提出了更高的要求 ,现代独生子女考生们具有较好素质 ,而传统高师音乐专业的面试方法已显著落后 ,必须加以改革 ,高科技的使用也促使改革必须进行 ,目的是适应二十一世纪对音乐教师的要求 ,为考生们营造一个公平竞争的机会 ,录取最优秀的人

4)music profession音乐专业

1.Ability Guide in Piano Teaching of Music Profession in Universities;浅谈高校音乐专业钢琴教学中的能力导向

5)the professional music专业音乐

6)non-music majors非音乐专业


《全国专业标准化技术委员会章程》《全国专业标准化技术委员会章程》Constitution of the National Specialized Standardization Technical CommitteeQua叩uo Zhuany6 BiaoZhunhua JishuW白fyUanhuiZhongcheng《全国专业标准化技术委员会章程》(肠甩‘i-tut婉ofthe八ht如翻以触c必l讼心Sta刀面心翻以勿n不兜人n交以肠刑威ttee)为实施《中华人民共和国标准化法》,对做好全国标准化技术委员会管理工作确定的基本准则。为充分发挥生产、使用、科研、教学和监借检验、经销等方面专家的作用,更好地开展各专业技术领域的标准化工作,1夕男)年8月24日国家技术监督局令第7号发布,规定自发布之日起实施。《章程》共6章39条。规定了制定该《章程》的依据和目的,全国专业标准化技术委员会的性质;建立委员会的程序和要求;各有关部门对委员会的管理职责;委员会的任务、工作程序和方法;职贵权利和义务,各委员会的组织机构、归口范围和分工;委员的任职资格;该《章程》的解释部门、实施日期和废止的规章。(邓瑞德)
