100字范文 > 音教专业 music-education major英语短句 例句大全

音教专业 music-education major英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-20 04:30:12


音教专业 music-education major英语短句 例句大全

音教专业,music-education major

1)music-education major音教专业

2)Professional music teaching专业音乐教学


1.Discussion about Music Teaching Reform of Teachers College Musical Education Major;高师音乐教育专业音乐教学改革探讨

2.Researches and Practice on the Reform of Musical Teaching inNon-musical Specialty in Nomal School;师专非音乐专业音乐教学改革的探索与实践

3.Study in Development of the Subject of Music Education in Consevatories of Music in China;我国音乐学院音乐教育专业发展研究

4.A Probe into the Teaching Method of Musical Instrument Teaching for Music Education Majors in Normal Colleges;高师音乐教育专业器乐教学法的探讨

5.My Comments on the Reform of Teachers College Vocality Teaching;论高师音乐教育专业声乐教学的改革

6.Discussing on Philosophy Thoughts in Vocal Music Learning in Music Specialty of University;高校音乐专业声乐教学中的哲学思考

7.The vocal music teaching Status quo and Strategy in Higher Vocational Colleges高职音乐专业声乐教学的现状与策略

8.On the Teaching Capability Improvement of the Students Majoring in Music Education in Normal Colleges and Universities;论高师音乐教育专业学生的音乐从教能力

9.The Mentality and Teaching Study about the Music Preferring of Being Not a Music Special Field College Student.;非音乐专业大学生音乐偏好的心理与教学研究

10.On Music Appreciation Teaching Aimed at Non-music Majors;非音乐专业音乐欣赏教学的探讨与研究

11.The thought of Giving Non-music Majors Music Education;对高校非音乐专业学生进行音乐教育的思考

12.Music education for the Non - music students in Normal colleges;师范院校中非音乐专业学生的音乐教育问题

13.A review of merits in current professional music education with a proposal for the change felt;专业音乐教育的现状与教学改革初探

14.On the Expansion of the Music Education in the Specialty of Pre-school Education论音乐教育在学前教育专业中的拓展

15.Probe into the Vocal Music Intensive Teaching in the Higher Professional Music Education;高职音乐专业教学中声乐速成教学初探

16.Dalian University of Vocal Music Teaching Reform the Teaching Profession and Thinking大连大学音乐教育专业声乐教学改革与思考

17.On the Subject of Piano in St. Petersburg Music Institute;圣彼得堡音乐学院钢琴专业教学简论

18.The Theoretical Exploring On Music Teaching in Colleges and Universities;普通高校音乐专业学科理论教学探讨


Professional music teaching专业音乐教学

3)music education音乐教育专业

1.The biggest problem ofmusic education in teachers college is transferring the music majors course structure and teaching mode, not protruding its own teaching characteristics.本文认为 ,师专音乐教育专业的课程设置与教学 ,最大的问题仍然是在移植专业音乐院校的课程体系和教学模式而离弃着自己的专科本色。

2.The article analyse the teaching characteristis and status ofmusic education major,point out the problems in the practice teaching.该文对音乐教育专业的教学特点和现状进行了分析,指出了在实践课教学过程中存在的问题,对搭建音乐教育专业的课程架构、改革教学模式、充分利用现代化教学资源等方面提出了合理化的建议及具体的改革措施。

4)professional music education专业音乐教育

1.Based on Xiao s conception onprofessional music education and contacting with the practice at present,the writer proposed his thoughts on two issues existed obviously:the engaging music master and singing Chinese songs.文章以萧友梅先生办好专业音乐教育的理念及精辟见解为指导,联系当下专业音乐教育的实际,对存在的“聘用音乐名师”、“演唱中国歌曲”两个较为突出的问题进行了较深入的思

2.A heated discussion aboutprofessional music education has always been worthy of publics’ attention.专业音乐教育问题的探讨一直是大家关注的焦点之一,而这其中许多问题的根本都涉及到了管理问题,所以对于专业音乐教育管理学的构建就显得尤为重要了。

5)music education major音乐教育专业

1.Accordion accompanying teaching is one of basic abilities for middle and primary school music teachers to have,at the same time,is the required course formusic education majors.手风琴伴奏是中小学音乐教师必须掌握的一项基本功,同时手风琴课程又是音乐教育专业学生的必修课。

2.Our vocationalmusic education major has got some achievements in recent years.近年来,我国高职音乐教育专业取得了不少成绩,但也存在诸多不足。

6)musical education major音乐教育专业

1.Based on analysis of the existing problems ofmusical education major teaching in teachers colleges,some countermeasures are discussed for optimize music classroom teaching.在分析高师音乐教育专业教学存在问题的基础上,探讨了改进音乐课堂教学的几点措施。

2.This paper aims to analyze the relationship between the theory examination ofmusical education major in full-time regular institutions of higher education and that ofmusical education major in self-teaching examination(from junior college to college), discussing the examination standard, way of setting questions and establishment of standard of grading.本文从分析全日制普通高校音乐教育专业理论课程的考核与自学考试音乐教育专业 (专升本 )理论课程考核的关系入手 ,探讨了自学考试的考核标准、命题方向及评分标准的确立等问


