100字范文 > 朝鲜日报 KOREA DAILY英语短句 例句大全

朝鲜日报 KOREA DAILY英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-12 03:10:00


朝鲜日报 KOREA DAILY英语短句 例句大全



1.An Overview of the Image of China in the Media of Korea during the Past Ten Years throughKOREA DAILY从《朝鲜日报》看韩国媒体中的中国形象


1.An Overview of the Image of China in the Media of Korea during the Past Ten Years through KOREA DAILY从《朝鲜日报》看韩国媒体中的中国形象

2.Research on the Reports of the Chinese Civil War of Chosun Daily during the Special Period from the Establishment of the Republic of Korea to the Establishment of New China;大韩民国成立至新中国成立时期朝鲜日报对中国内战的报道研究

3.Q: (Chosun Ilbo of the Republic of Korea) Yesterday, more than 20 North Koreans entered the Spanish Embassy in Beijing. How will China handle this?韩国《朝鲜日报》记者:昨天有20多个朝鲜人进入西班牙驻华使馆,请问中方怎么处理这件事?

4.The First Exploration into the Book Exchange Between Ming Dynasty of China and Li Dynasty of Korea and Japan Respectively;明朝与朝鲜李朝、日本图书交流初探

5.Japan-South Korea Liaison Council日本南朝鲜联络委员会

6.General Association of Korean Residents in Japan旅日朝鲜人总联合会

7.It is reported that Indonesia President Megawati will visit North Korea during March 28 to March 30 and then visiting South Korea from March 30 to April 1.据报道,印尼总统梅加瓦蒂将于3月28日至30日访问朝鲜,3月30日至4月1日访问韩国。

8.Koreans in Japan on the Impact of Japan and Japan-North Korea Japan-South Korea Relations;在日朝鲜人对日本及日朝·日韩关系的影响

9.Asian ginseng (P. schinseng) is native to Manchuria and Korea and is cultivated in Korea and Japan.人参原产于中国东北和朝鲜,栽培于朝鲜和日本。

10.A truth a day: Imperial Japan attempted to eradicate the Korean culture during its occupation of Korea.每日一真相:日本帝国在占领朝鲜时期企图消灭朝鲜文化。

11.A Study About The Korean s Report Policy of Japanese Threat During The Early Qing Dynasty;清初朝鲜的“倭情报告”政策之研究

12.A Study on Chinese-Korean Newspaper Serial Novels from 1949 to 19991949-1999年朝鲜族报纸连载小说研究

13.Japan and Korea before the Contemporary-Centered on "Western Barbarians Concept" and "Paying Tributes";近代以前的日本与朝鲜——以“西蕃观”与“朝贡”为中心

14.The dispute between China and Japan over the right of communication in Korea and the switch of foreign policy of the Qing government;中日朝鲜通讯权之争与清朝外交政策的转变

15.The Dissemination and the Influence of Confucianism in Korea and Japan during Tang Dynasty唐朝时期儒学在朝鲜和日本之传播及影响

16.Chinese fancy knots have long found their way to Japan, the Republic of Korea,中国结很早就传到了日本、朝鲜,

17.the name for Korea as a Japanese province (1910-1945).朝鲜作为日本一个省时候的名字(1910-1945)。

18.In the east, our country adjoins Korea and is close to Japan.我国东部跟朝鲜接壤, 跟日本邻近。


Korea and Japan朝鲜与日本

3)Koreans in Japan在日朝鲜人

1.Koreans in Japan on the Impact of Japan and Japan-North Korea Japan-South Korea Relations;在日朝鲜人对日本及日朝·日韩关系的影响

2.They have long lived there and become an ethnic group known as "theKoreans in Japan".但是,近现代以来日本帝国主义对朝鲜的殖民统治,迫使众多朝鲜农民东渡日本,他们长期居住于此而形成为“在日朝鲜人”这一少数民族群体。

4)the diplomatic relationships among Ch ing Dynasty Japan and Korea清、日、朝鲜关系

5)Korea lies (to the) west of Japan.朝鲜在日本以西。

6)Korean Residents Association in Japan旅日朝鲜人协会


《中国人民志愿军尊重朝鲜政府爱护朝鲜人民公约》《中国人民志愿军尊重朝鲜政府爱护朝鲜人民公约》Chinese People"s Volunteers Pledge of Respecting the Korean Government and Cherishing the Korean PeopleZhongguo Renmin Zhiyuanlun Zun-zhong Chaoxian Zhengfu AihuChaoxian Renmin Gongyue《中国人民志愿军尊重朝鲜政府爱护朝鲜人民公约》(e、i。。s。尸eo:z。,sVolunteeo Ple心e ofRe胡e“ing the KoreanGove胡mentand Cherishingth。肋rean People)中国人民志愿军政治部1958年2月1日颁布。主要内容是:①尊重朝鲜党、政、军人员,接洽办事,要有正式手续,言行举止,要有礼貌。②爱护朝鲜人民的一山一水一草一木,不损坏庄稼,不滥伐树木。③尊重朝鲜人民的风俗习J喷,尊重老人,爱护儿童。④尊重朝鲜妇女,不得有越轨言行。⑤遵守朝鲜政府法令,不在朝鲜市场使用人民币,不私自兑换和使用朝鲜币。⑥遵守交通规则和铁路规章,严禁超速行车,避免车祸发生。中国人民志愿军人朝后,遵照中央军事委员会主席毛泽东的《组成中国人民志愿军的命令》和司令员兼政治委员彭德怀、副司令员兼副政治委员邓华、政治部主任杜平的《政治训令》,广泛深人地进行尊重朝鲜劳动党、政府、人民军和爱护朝鲜人民的教育,结合作战、训练实际情况,普遍制定遵纪爱民“公约”和“守则”,开展群众性的遵纪爱民运动。1958年,为适应从朝鲜全部撤军的新形势需要,志愿军政治部在总结过去执行政策、纪律经验的基础上,结合停战后部队群众工作出现的新情况,制定了全军统一的《尊重朝鲜政府爱护朝鲜人民公约》。公约体现了人民军队的本质和国际主义精神,既是对全军的约法,也是全体官兵白觉遵守的行为规范,为圆满完成全部从朝鲜撤军任务起到了重大作用。(宋保恒)
