100字范文 > 湄潭翠芽 meitancuiya英语短句 例句大全

湄潭翠芽 meitancuiya英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-30 20:56:52


湄潭翠芽 meitancuiya英语短句 例句大全




1.Meitan Green"s three dry ways and matters needing attention湄潭翠芽的三种干燥方式及其注意事项

2.On the Analysis of the Flood on the 7th,June in 2002 in Meitan County;湄潭县湄江“2002.6.7”暴雨、洪水分析研究

3.Extraction processing of polyphenols in tea from Meitan County湄潭茶叶多酚提取工艺研究(英文)

4.Current Development Situation,Restriction Factors and Development Countermeasures of Animal Husbandry in Meitan County;湄潭县畜牧业发展现状、制约因素及发展对策

5.Aspects of Folk Soul Faith in Guizhou:An Investigation of Barrier Passing Rites in Meitan County (Part 2);贵州民间魂魄信仰——湄潭过关仪式之研究之二

6.On the Belief in the Spirits Held by Guizhou Local People -a study of the practice of “passing a barrier" in Meitan;贵州民间魂魄信仰——湄潭过关仪式研究之一

7.Governance in Acquaintance Society--A Survey in Juhe Village,Meitan County,Guizhou Province as an Example熟人社会的治理——以贵州湄潭县聚合村调查为例

8.Evaluation on Difference of Three Main Flue-cured Tobacco Varieties in Meitan Base of Shanghai Tobacco Group上海烟草(集团)湄潭基地主栽烤烟品种差异性评价

9.Analysis and Evaluation on Main Chemical Components of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaf Planted in Shanghai-Meitan Base上海湄潭烤烟基地烟叶主要化学成分分析与评价

10.A Systematic Analysis of Ural Population Center--the Case of Meitan County in Guizhou Province西部山区农村居民点整理分析——以贵州省湄潭县为例

11.With the flowers in bloom, trees sprouting, spring is very much in the air of Shijiazhuang.仲春的石家庄百花盛开,春芽吐翠,生机盎然。

12.The harmonious development of new rural cooperative medical system and rural medical assistance--Take Maopin town,Guizhou for example新型农村合作医疗与农村医疗救助的协调发展——以贵州省湄潭县茅坪镇为样本

13.This place, at a bend in a long lake, was flanked by high cliffs on the peaks of which grew small bamboos, an enchanting emerald the whole year round.这地方是个长潭的转折处,两岸是高大壁立千丈的山,山头上长着小小竹子,长年翠色逼人。

14.Beautiful as a traditional blue-and-green landscape painting, the pool of clear spring water was surrounded on all sides by verdant mountains.四围是山,怀里抱着一潭春水,那又浓又翠的景色,简直是一幅青绿山水画。

15.Wash lettuce and cut into thin shreds. Place at bottom of glass. Add prawns with tail removed, mango and red bell pepper. Decorate with chive and pea sprout.生菜洗净切丝,放进玻璃杯底,再加入无尾虾、果和红甜椒。另以九芽和翡翠豆苗作装饰。

16.A kingfisher, especially one of the genus Halcyon.翡翠鸟一种翠鸟,尤其是属于此种的翡翠属的

17.a jade vase, necklace, etc翡翠花瓶、 项练等

18.Laugh, koo-ka-bur-ra, laugh,笑吧,笑翠鸟,笑吧,



1.Investigated on Disinfect and Insecticide of Plant Natural Resources inMeitan of Guizhou;贵州省湄潭地区杀虫杀菌植物资源调查研究

2.On the Belief in the Spirits Held by Guizhou Local People —a study of the practice of “passing a barrier" inMeitan;贵州民间魂魄信仰——湄潭过关仪式研究之一

3.Evaluation on Difference of Three Main Flue-cured Tobacco Varieties inMeitan Base of Shanghai Tobacco Group上海烟草(集团)湄潭基地主栽烤烟品种差异性评价

3)Meitan county湄潭县

1.Strategic Thoughts on Developing Tourism of Meitan County;关于发展湄潭县旅游业的战略性思考

2.The paper expounds the current situation and problems in development of economic forest industry and puts forward the countermeasures including drafting scientific plan,quickening demonstration and strengthening standard management to guide the healthy and orderly development of economic forest industry and to promote increase of farmers′income after the investigation inMeitan county.对湄潭县经济林产业的现状进行调查,阐述了该县经济林产业发展现状及存在的问题,并针对性地提出搞好科学规划、加大示范带动、强化规范管理等对策,以指导全县经济林产业的健康有序发展,促进农民增收致富。

3.By use of this indicator system, mainly to individual indicators, supplemented by a composite indicator , this thesis study the history of intensive use of cultivated land in Meitan County which include the characteristics, variation trends and their causes after the county\"s setting up as well as the space differentiation characteristics since the 1990\"s.运用此指标体系,以单项指标为主,综合指标为辅,研究了湄潭县建县以来耕地集约利用的历史变化特征、存在的问题、趋势及其成因,以及上世纪90年代以来湄潭县耕地集约利用的空间分异特点。

4)Meitan Formation湄潭组

1.Herein we conduct a study of the graptolites from theMeitan Formation at Dajiaosi section of Gaoqiao Town, Zunyi, Guizhou, which was regarde.对贵州遵义高桥大角寺剖面的奥陶系湄潭组下段和中段笔石的研究结果表明,湄潭组下段从下而上可以识别出Didymograptellus eobifidus带、Corymbograptellus deflexus带和Azygograptus suecicus带;中段含有一层笔石,缺少特征属种,根据其总体面貌,可能相当于Expansograptus hirundo带。

2.Detailed correlation between the Daguanshan Formation (Changning of Sichuan), theMeitan Formation (Tongzi and Yanhe of Guizhou) and the Dawan Formation (Yichang of Hubei.对四川长宁大官山组、贵州桐梓和沿河湄潭组以及湖北宜昌大湾组的比较研究发现,扬子区下、中奥陶统阿仑尼格期(Arenig)的地层按照其离岸的远近,在地层厚度、沉积相以及腕足动物分异度上呈现出规律性的变化。


6)Meijiangcuipian tea湄江翠片茶

1.The paper introduces the different process combination and looks for the rational technological combination by comparative analysis on the basis of analyzing effects of tea factors on the quality ofMeijiangcuipian tea according to the principle of tea process.详细介绍了湄江翠片茶各种工艺组合,并根据制茶原理,分析了制茶因子对湄江翠片的品质影响,通过分析对比,找出了湄江翠片比较合理的工艺组合。


湄潭苔茶(Meitan taicha)湄潭苔茶(Meitan taicha)又名苔子茶。茶树有性群性体品种之一。原产贵州省湄潭县,分布在乌江流域,浙江、安徽等省也有引种。植株灌大型,树姿半开展,呈40-50°的开枝角度,分枝密度适中,树高1.5m左右,叶长8-11cm,呈椭圆形,叶脉7-9对,水平着生,叶色深绿,叶面平整或略有隆直,叶尖渐尖或稍凸出,叶肉肥厚,锯齿浅密。清明前后萌发,谷雨前后采摘,属中生种。同一标准的芽梢,比其他品种短10天左右;芽叶水分含量高,持嫩性强,故有“多、快、壮、嫩”的生育特点。开花较多。花下垂,花萼5片,花瓣5片。柱头多三裂,果形多扁状,每果种子1-3粒,种子呈圆锥形,结实率尚高。适应性广,抗寒力能在-4.8℃的低温下持续10天以上,抗病力强,但抗茶蚧类能力很弱。鲜叶一芽二、三叶,多酚类含量22.07%,水浸出物35.88%,儿茶素2.76%。制红、绿茶品质居中,但滋味浓、耐冲泡。在原产地较其他品种鲜叶产量高出20%以上。
