100字范文 > 煤粉仓 pulverized coal bunker英语短句 例句大全

煤粉仓 pulverized coal bunker英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-05 21:03:00


煤粉仓 pulverized coal bunker英语短句 例句大全

煤粉仓,pulverized coal bunker

1)pulverized coal bunker煤粉仓

1.Being directed against the pulverized coal caking problem existing in thepulverized coal bunker of pulverized coal preparation s ystem of utility boiler,the paper put forward a new method to clear the heaped pulverized coal by using sonic wave vibrator,i.针对电站锅炉制粉系统中煤粉仓内煤粉结块的问题,提出使用声波振动器清理堆积煤粉的新方法,利用声波的全方位传播和空气质点的高速周期性振荡,使粉仓壁粘着的煤粉脱落,达到清除堆积煤粉的目的。

2.This paper introduces the present status and problems of the level measurement forpulverized coal bunker of coal-fired boiler.介绍燃煤炉煤粉仓粉位测量现状和存在问题,并介绍研制的、经过实际应用证明可靠的、可推广的落地式粉位监测系统的功能、技术指标和特点。


1.The Intelligent Radar Signal Process and Modeling and Simulation of the Application of FMCW Radar in the Coal Level Measurement;智能化的雷达信号处理和FMCW雷达在煤粉仓料位测量中的建模仿真

2.The Radar Level-sensing Device Based on Neural Network and its Application in Pulverized Coal Bunker in the Heat-engine Plant基于神经网络的雷达料位计及其在火电厂煤粉仓中的应用

3.Treatment to Bunker Blocking of Coal Pulverizing System Under Positive Pressure of Thermal Power Plant火电厂正压制粉系统煤仓下煤不畅的治理

4.Bunker [coal]料斗,浅仓 [煤]

5.A conclusion is drawn that dust pollution of coal warehouse bottom is caused by haulage wind flow, inducd wind flow and impact wave wind flow.研究发现,毛煤仓仓下粉尘污染主要是由皮带牵引风流、落料诱导风流和空气冲击波风流造成的。

6.Slipform Construction of Large Diameter Raw-coal Buffer Silo Wall大直径原煤缓冲仓仓壁滑模施工技术

7.Analysis and solution of coal jamming in bunker煤仓堵煤的影响因素分析和处理方案

8.The fire protection design on the bunker/hod of the coal disposal system燃煤处理系统煤仓/煤斗的消防保护设计

9.Mechanism of seacoal in greensand and development history of placement addition of seacoal煤粉防粘砂机理及煤粉代用品的发展

parison of the Economic Results Between the Structure Reinforcement of Landslip Bunker and New Constructed Concrete Tube-shaped Bunker;滑坡煤仓结构加固与新建砼筒仓经济效果对比

11.Production workmanship and dust resource of the coal warehouse bottom in ZhunGeer Coal Washery have been clarified.以准能公司选煤厂毛煤仓仓下为例,对准能公司选煤厂仓下的生产工艺系统和尘源进行了分析。

12.Investigation of Pulverized Coal/Blast Furnace Gas Blended Combustion that Affect Pulverized Coal Complete Combustion;煤粉/高炉煤气混烧对煤粉燃尽性影响的研究

13.Fenmeihui from drift-Chu, iron, powdered coal in the comprehensive development and utilization.粉煤灰提取漂珠,铁粉,粉煤在综合开发与利用。

14.For coal bin, a coal arch breaker can be installed at its outlet or hyperbola wall coal bin be used.对于煤仓,可在其出口处设置破拱装置或采用双曲线壁煤仓。

15.Improve Design About Clear Storehouse Applicance Four Arris Awl Tpey Bottom Catch Coal Storehouse in Jiexiu Coal Washing Plant介休洗煤厂受煤坑四棱锥底清仓器的改进设计

16.The Analogy Research of Crucial Parameter of HSB with Helix Loader;螺旋装煤机式水平煤仓关键参数模拟研究

17.Application of Anti-well Drilling Rig to Main Shaft Coal Bunker Construction in Xinyi Coal Mine反井钻机在新义煤矿主井煤仓施工中的应用

18.Design and Construction of Inclined High-capacity Bunker for Tinpot Coal under High Stress and through Multi-layer in Deep Mine深井穿层大容量倾斜劣质煤煤仓设计与施工


pulverized coal bunker粉煤仓

3)material level of pulverized coal bunker煤粉仓粉位

4)the coal powder granary of the kiln熟料窑煤粉仓

5)pulverized coal storage system煤粉仓储系统

6)coal bunker煤仓

1.Discussion on rational millisecond time for sectional blasting of full depth of mine undergroundcoal bunker;井下煤仓全深度分段爆破合理微差时间的探讨

2.The comparison of the two disposal schemes ofcoal bunker ground treatment with different ground conditions;不同地基条件下选煤厂煤仓地基处理方案的比较


低NO_x煤粉燃烧器低NO_x煤粉燃烧器low NO_x pulverized-coal burner(1 iN()[11、、一f、一、一:一、11:一,‘一i低NO二煤粉燃烧器(low NOJ pulverized一eoalburner)能降低和抑制NO,生成的煤粉燃烧器。低N认煤粉燃烧器通过特殊的结构设计,采用空气分级(见空气分级)、燃料分级(见二次燃料再燃烧)、浓淡燃烧和烟气再循环等技术措施,尽可能地降低燃烧区的氧浓度和火焰的峰值温度,减少在高温区的停留时间,抑制NO,的生成,或使已生成的NO,在下游区域还原成NZ。其中空气分级是应用最广.比较成熟的低NO,技术。现有电站锅炉上采用的低NO,燃烧器的结构型式很多,随着制造厂的不同而有较大的差异,但基本原理类同。双调风旋流燃烧器将二次风分成内二次风和外二次风两股气流,通过调风器和旋流叶片分别控制各NO,的生成,见图5。二次空气SGR一孟二次空气一次空气二次空气S口砚一二次空气图5 SGR燃烧器对于采用低NO,嫩烧器的锅炉,除燃用贫煤和无烟煤的以外,经过燃烧优化调整后,通常均可使NO,的排放量低于650 mg/m3(02=6%)(液态排渣锅炉NO,的排放量可能会比较高)。对于已有锅炉改用低NO二燃烧器时,因燃烧推迟而有可能会使效率降低一些。自的风量和旋流强度,以调节一、二次风的混合,使其在燃烧器出口附近的火焰根部形成缺氧富燃料区,使燃烧推迟,火焰温度降低,NO,的生成量减少,在下游形成富氧的燃尽区,保证燃料的完全燃烧,见图1。外二次风调风俗┌─┐ ┌────────┤川│ │l/沪.│ │ └────────┤ │┌─────────┤ ││一仁业班丛旦止罕生│ │└─────────┴─┘点火油枪次风+煤粉或烟气 图1双调风旋流燃烧器低NO,直流燃烧器将80%左右的燃烧空气送人主燃烧器,在主燃烧器区域形成缺氧富燃料的工况,降低火焰峰值温度,既减少NO二的生成,又有可能使已生成的NO,还原成氮分子(NZ).从而减少NO二的排放量。而在主燃烧器的顶部设置燃尽风OFA,将剩余的空气由此送人炉膛,使未完全燃烧产物燃尽.见图2。
