100字范文 > 煤仓堵塞 coal bunker jam英语短句 例句大全

煤仓堵塞 coal bunker jam英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-09 15:35:35


煤仓堵塞 coal bunker jam英语短句 例句大全

煤仓堵塞,coal bunker jam

1)coal bunker jam煤仓堵塞

1.According to the different phenomenon and cause of thecoal bunker jams in the underground mine,base on the analysis on the conventional treatment method for thecoal bunker jams,the paper provided the new dredge technology with the application of the dynamic high pressure principle for thecoal bunker jam.针对煤矿井下煤仓堵塞发生的各种现象及原因,在分析煤仓堵塞的常规处理办法基础上,提出了利用动高压原理的井下煤仓疏通新技术,开发出一种安全、有效而又方便安装和操作的新型便携式煤仓疏通机,并对其工作原理与结构进行说明。


1.Cause Analysis and Resolution of Mine Coal Bunker Jam矿井煤仓堵塞的原因分析和解决方法

2.The chimney was choked with soot.烟囱被煤灰堵塞了。

3.Analysis and solution of coal jamming in bunker煤仓堵煤的影响因素分析和处理方案

4.On how to clear the clogged bin by mechanical approach针对工程料仓堵塞的一种机械式清堵方案

5.We stop the leak In the gas pipe by means of lead我们用铅堵塞了煤气管上的漏洞

6.We to ed the leak i the ga ipe y mea of lead.我们用铅堵塞了煤气管上的漏洞。

7.a chimney blocked by an accretion of soot被聚积的煤烟子所堵塞的烟囱.

8.Causes of Die Bloke in Coal Column Machine and Measures for Improvement煤棒机机头棒模堵塞成因及改进措施

9.Coals are removed from circular seam of silo so that material section is increased and silo coal blockage is reduced.采用环式缝隙出煤,增加物料出口截面,改善筒仓蓬煤堵煤现象。

10.Application of Single-side Plough Discharger for Block Prevention in Raw Coal Bunker单侧犁式卸料器在原煤仓防堵中的应用

11.Blockage critical state of pulverized coal dense-phase pneumatic conveying in horizontal pipe水平管煤粉密相气力输送堵塞临界状态

12.Prevention and Treatment Measures of Primary Air Tube Plugging in Pulverized-coal-fired Boiler煤粉炉一次风管堵塞的预防及处理措施

13.Solution of Conveying Pumps Ventilating Valve Pipes Blocking of Pneumatic Ash Removal System in Thermal Power Plant火电厂气力除灰系统仓泵透气阀管易堵塞的解决方法

14.An instance of clogging or obstructing.阻塞堵塞或淤塞的实例

15.Bunker [coal]料斗,浅仓 [煤]

16.Clogged pipes backed up drain water.阻塞的水管堵塞了沟水。

17.A dense mass of material that obstructs a passage.堵塞物堵住通道的一团稠密的物质

18.Something that constricts or chokes.压制或堵塞的东西.


storage bunker obstruction料仓堵塞

1.Using the principles of mechanics,the reasons forstorage bunker obstruction of defibrator were identified,and the measures for eliminating the obstruction were described as well.应用力学原理阐明了热磨机料仓堵塞的原因,进而论述了消除堵塞所应采取的措施。

3)prevent blocking of coal bunker煤仓防堵

4)coal slurry blockage煤泥堵塞

5)bunkering troubles煤仓内发生故障(悬空,崩落,堵塞等)

6)a stoppage in a gas pipe煤气管道的堵塞.


