100字范文 > 非点源 non-point source英语短句 例句大全

非点源 non-point source英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-12 20:40:57


非点源 non-point source英语短句 例句大全

非点源,non-point source

1)non-point source非点源

1.Problems and recommendations fornon-point source pollution identification in China;我国非点源负荷研究中的问题探讨

2.Study on partitioned and graded system ofnon-point source pollution in China;全国非点源污染分区分级

3.Identification ofnon-point source pollution in the Miyun Reservoir watershed;密云水库流域非点源污染识别


1.Analysis of Agricultural Non-point Source to the Pollution of Water Resources in Shaanxi Province;陕西水资源污染农业非点源贡献分析

2.Identification of Critical Nonpoint Pollution Source Areas In Songhuaba Watershed松华坝流域非点源污染关键源区识别

3.Research on Non-Point Source Pollution Based on AnnAGNPS;基于AnnAGNPS模型的非点源污染研究

4.Simulation of Non-point Source Pollution Load in Jialing River Basin;嘉陵江流域非点源污染负荷模拟研究

5.Simulating the Non-Point Pollution Load of Nirtrogen and Phosphorus in the Heihe Watershed Based on GIS;基于GIS的黑河流域非点源氮磷模拟

6.SWAT-Based Simulation on Non-Point Source Pollution in the North Watershed of Miyun Reservoir;基于SWAT模型的非点源污染模拟研究

7.Analysis of Nonpoint Sources Pollution in the Watershed on the Basis of WARMF Model;基于WARMF模型的流域非点源污染分析

8.Study on Control System of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution in Jilin Province;吉林省农业非点源污染调控体系研究

9.Preventing and Management Measures Research on the Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution;农业非点源污染防治及管理措施研究

10.Impact Study of Agricultural Non-Point Source ofNitrogen and Phosphorus to Water Environment;农业非点源氮磷污染对水环境的影响

11.An Empirical Study on Non-point Pollution of Livestock and Poultry Raising in Western Rural Area西部农村养殖业非点源污染实证研究

12.Control Ways of Non-Point Pollution of Typical Chernozem典型黑土区非点源污染控制途径研究

13.Study on non-point pollution characteristics of urban runoff in Fuzhou city福州城市地表径流的非点源污染特性

14.Research on the Relationship Between Non-point Source Pollution and River Fractal Dimension流域非点源污染与水系分维关系研究

15.Studies on the Control Measures of Non-point Source Pollution in Poyang Lake Area鄱阳湖区域非点源污染控制技术研究

16.Present Situation and Legislative Principle on Non-point Source Pollutuon Control非点源污染控制的现状及其立法原则

17.Study of the Inorganic Nitrogen Flux into LaiZhou Bay from the Non-Point Pollution Sources in the XiaoQingHe Basin;小清河流域陆源无机氮非点源入海通量的研究

18.Identification of Critical Source Areas (CSAs) for Non-point Source Pollution in Miyun Watershed;基于GIS的流域非点源污染关键源区识别与控制


nonpoint source非点源

1.Based on the water environmental quality analysis of Songhuajiang Rivers in Jilin Province,the water management model is developed,which meets the standards of water environmental functions in different river sections,by integrating point sources withnonpoint sources,introducing response coefficient and optimal theory.通过分析松花江吉林省段水环境质量现状,将点源与非点源污染负荷相结合,并引入响应系数和最优化理论,以各断面达到其水域功能水质标准为目标,建立水环境优化管理模型,并提出3个优化管理方案:(1)点源污水达标排放,城镇污水处理厂污染物按一级标准排放;(2)对非点源浓度进行控制;(3)在总排放量不变的情况下,实行点源排放量优化分配。

2.This paper reviews onnonpoint source runoff quality simulation models in foreign cities in order to take them as the reference for the city environment protectors when they managenonpoint source pollution.随着人们环保意识的提高 ,城市中的点源污染已大部分得到了控制 ,于是非点源污染变得越来越突出 ,越来越严重 ,并引起了城市环保者的关注。

3.This paper mainly introduces the complement, the condition and the use of applying the way of pollutant discharged trade to reduce thenonpoint source pollution,especially discusses the way to reduce the phosphorus pollution in Tai Lake.主要介绍采用排污交易的方法削减非点源污染的实施方法、条件及其应用, 重点讨论了太湖磷污染的削减对策, 并进行了效益评估, 认为排污交易是解决太湖富营养化问题的有效方法之一。


1.Fix-quantity research of non-point source pollution has to be imperative under the situation.中国已占水环境容量中,除了点源污染以外,非点源污染也占有相当比重,非点源污染负荷的定量化研究势在必行。

2.This paper elaborates the importance and effect of a network monitoring the non-point sources pollution of groundwater in urban areas.阐述了在城市区域设立地下水非点源污染监测系统的重要性及作用 ,简单介绍了国外城市区域地下水水质监测系统的布置及成果 ,并提出了建立该系统的方法 。

3.With carrying on the protection projects, the non-point pollution becomes one of the major reasons of the inorganic nitrogen pollution of the XiaoQing River Basin.随着小清河流域综合整治工程的实施,非点源污染已成为小清河流域无机氮污染的主要原因之一。

4)non-point sources非点源

1.Based on field survey,it is identified that thenon-point sources of Wuli Lake are from urban roads,residential areas,agriculture,and fertilization of greensward.现场调查显示,五里湖非点源污染物来源于城区道路、居民区、农业和绿化施肥等方面,在降雨时通过河道、湖周散流和大气沉降方式入湖。

2.Studying and Applying advancednon-point sources (NPS) pollution model in China is not only the need of theoretical study of NPS pollution model, but also the need of the practices of NPS pollution control in China.将国外先进的非点源污染模型引入国内进行非点源污染模拟、预测与控制管理方法的研究既是非点源污染模型理论研究的需要,也是国内非点源污染控制管理实践的需要。

5)non-point source pollution非点源

1.The simple storm-runoff pollution and the annualnon-point source pollution loading of inorganic nitrogen in Xiaoqing River basin were calculated by using the mathematic model.利用数学模型对小清河流域无机氮次暴雨径流污染和非点源污染年负荷进行量化分析。

6)purple soil farmland非点源氮

1.Nitrogen output and transportation observation was conducted in surface runoff plots of differentpurple soil farmlands.研究表明:紫色土早坡地非点源氮输出以无机氮和颗粒态为主,全氮输出量不高。


