100字范文 > 城市非点源污染 urban non-point source pollution英语短句 例句大全

城市非点源污染 urban non-point source pollution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-17 11:16:56


城市非点源污染 urban non-point source pollution英语短句 例句大全

城市非点源污染,urban non-point source pollution

1)urban non-point source pollution城市非点源污染


1.The Analysis of City Non-point Source Pollution Load under the Designed Storm;设计暴雨条件下城市非点源污染负荷分析

2.Study on non-point pollution characteristics of urban runoff in Fuzhou city福州城市地表径流的非点源污染特性

3.With the rapid urbanization, while point source pollution is of control, urban non-point source pollution turns into a serious threat to urban watershed.随着城市化迅速发展,点污染源基本得到控制,非点污染源对城市水体构成严重的威胁。

4.Nitrogen and Phosphorus Non-point Pollution for Urban Stormwater Runoff in Xiamen厦门城市降雨径流氮磷非点源污染负荷分布探讨

5.Harness Countermeasure of Non-point Pollution Sources on City Proper Reach of Shuzhou Creek苏州河市区段非点污染源及防治对策

6.The Research on Non-point Source Phosphorus Pollution Control Based on the Water Supply Source of Xi"an City西安市供水水源非点源磷污染控制研究

7.Influence of Air Quality by Key Sources in Nanjing Urban Area南京市重点污染源对城区空气质量的影响

8.Study of Control Measure of Rural Non-Point Source Pollution in Hangzhou;杭州市农村非点源污染及其控制对策研究

9.Elementary Study and Control on Nonpoint Source Pollution in the West of Zhangjiagang City;张家港市西片非点源污染初步研究与治理

10.Investigation and Analysis of Non-point Source Pollution in Mi Yun Reservoir of Beijing;北京市密云水库库区非点源污染分析研究

11.Regional Features of Non-point Source Pollution in Shiyan City十堰市非点源污染状况及其区域分布特征

12.Analysis of Socio-economic Driving Force of Non-point Source Pollution in Shiyan City十堰市非点源污染社会经济驱动力分析

13.Characteristics of Non-point Pollution of Fengqiao Industrial Park in Suzhou苏州市枫桥工业园区非点源污染特性研究

14.It is significant for us to understand and to control urban storm runoff.科学认识和有效控制城市雨水径流所带来的非点源污染有着重要的意义。

15.Analysis of Agricultural Non-point Source to the Pollution of Water Resources in Shaanxi Province;陕西水资源污染农业非点源贡献分析

16.Identification of Critical Nonpoint Pollution Source Areas In Songhuaba Watershed松华坝流域非点源污染关键源区识别

17.Study of Non-point Source Pollution in Jialing River Watershed and Its Effects on Water in the City Zone of Chongqing嘉陵江流域非点源氮磷污染及其对重庆主城段水环境影响研究

18.Study on System Simulation of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution and Management Strategy in Xinlicheng Reservoir of Jilin Province吉林省新立城水库农业非点源污染系统模拟与管理策略研究


source of city pollution城市污染源

3)Non-point source pollution非点源污染

1.Uncertainty of non-point source pollution;非点源污染不确定性研究进展

2.Subsidy policy for agricultural non-point source pollution control;农业非点源污染控制的补贴政策

3.Projection pursuit based correspondence factor analysis method of watershed non-point source pollution;流域非点源污染源解析的投影寻踪对应分析方法

4)non-point pollution非点源污染

1.Spatial distribution characteristics ofnon-point pollution of Miyun reservoir areas based on L-THIA model;基于L-THIA模型的密云水库地区非点源污染空间分布特征

2.The characteristics and analysis ofnon-point pollution in different land categories in small watersheds in the Jianshan River of Fuxian Lake抚仙湖尖山河小流域山地典型地类非点源污染特征与分析

3.Study onnon-point pollution characteristics of urban runoff in Fuzhou city福州城市地表径流的非点源污染特性

5)non-point source非点污染源

1.With the rapid urbanization, while point source pollution is of control, urbannon-point source pollution turns into a serious threat to urban watershed.随着城市化迅速发展,点污染源基本得到控制,非点污染源对城市水体构成严重的威胁。

6)non point source pollution非点源污染

1.To calculate average perennial load ofnon point source pollution, a direct measurement method is developed.本文提出一种适合中国国情的计算非点源污染永久荷载的直接方法。

2.The occurrence ofnon point source pollution, is not only related to its sources, landscape pattern, but also dependents on the factors such as soil erosion, rainfall, irrigation, surface and underground run off.非点源污染的形成不仅受到地表物质来源、景观格局的影响 ,同时还受到土壤侵蚀过程、降雨过程、灌溉过程、地表和地下水文过程的影响 。

3.In order to work out a minimum fertilizer application rate for both keeping conventional yield and reducing nutrient loading ofnon point source pollution, an experiment of formulated fertilization scheme on rice at different rates and.我国农业中化肥施用过多而利用率极低 ,过量N、P养分由农田向水系的迁移损失是农业非点源污染的重要问题 。


