100字范文 > 公众理解科学调查 Survey on Public Understanding of Science英语短句 例句大全

公众理解科学调查 Survey on Public Understanding of Science英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-08 17:25:34


公众理解科学调查 Survey on Public Understanding of Science英语短句 例句大全

公众理解科学调查,Survey on Public Understanding of Science

1)Survey on Public Understanding of Science公众理解科学调查

2)Public Understanding of Science公众理解科学

1.Brian Wynne s reflexivity model of public understanding of science;布赖恩·温的公众理解科学理论研究:内省模型

2.Then it summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of consensus conference as a new model of public participation andPublic Understanding of Science.本文从共识会议的产生背景、组织结构、运作程序等方面进行分析,指出其作为公众理解科学新模式的重要意义以及存在的问题。

3.The term public understanding of science(PUS) considers the relationship of science and society with a double focus.“公众理解科学”一词涉及科学与社会的关系, 有两个方面的含义。


1.Analysis of the Role of "the Public" in "Public Understanding of Science";公众理解科学中的“公众”身份辨析

2.Understanding and Practice of PUS in China;试论公众理解科学在中国的理解与实践

3.Brian Wynne s reflexivity model of public understanding of science;布赖恩·温的公众理解科学理论研究:内省模型

4.Through the Development Process Study Development Characteristics of "The Public Understanding Science";透过“公众理解科学”发展历程探讨发展特点

5.Review and Thinking: Public Understanding of Science in China for 15 Years;“公众理解科学”进入中国回顾与思考

6.Systematic View in the Building of Cultural Environment Promoting Public Understanding of Science;创建增进公众理解科学的文化环境的系统观

7.On the Development of Leisure Sports in China from the Perspective of Public Understanding of Science“公众理解科学”视野中的中国休闲体育发展

8.To Make the Public Get a Good Knowledge of Science--Thoughts on the basic scientific ability of the public and the duty of the technologists in our nation;要让公众理解科学——兼论我国公众基本科学素养及其科技工作者的责任

9.New Model of Public Understanding of Science:Origin and Study of Consensus Conference;公众理解科学的新模式:欧洲共识会议的起源及研究

10.A Case Study on Public Understanding of Science in Japan:Consensus Conference on GM Crop;日本公众理解科学实践的一个案例:关于“转基因农作物”的“共识会议”

11.The Investigation and Analysis forThree Important Reports about PUS in Britain;对英国有关"公众理解科学"的三份重要报告的简要考察与分析

12.But during the development of public understanding of science, some phenomena emerge contradictorily to the objectives.但在发展历程中,公众理解科学运动中出现了很多与其宗旨相矛盾的地方。

13.Improving Civic Literacy of Science and New View of Science Education;提高公众科学素养与科学教育新理念

14.From Pragmatic Value to Rational Way of Thinking;从实用价值到理性思维方式——兼论公众对科学的理解

15.Public Praises Science;Scientist Fault Public,Media公众盛赞科学,科学家责备公众和媒体

16.All his life , the scholar attempt to render science fathomable to the public这位学者一生都试图使科学为大众所理解

17.All his life, the scholar attempt to render science fathomable to the public.这位学者一生都试图使科学为大众所理解。

18.Developing Public Participation,Speeding Scientific Decision-making for Environmental Management拓展公众参与 推进环境管理的科学决策


Public Understanding of Science公众理解科学

1.Brian Wynne s reflexivity model of public understanding of science;布赖恩·温的公众理解科学理论研究:内省模型

2.Then it summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of consensus conference as a new model of public participation andPublic Understanding of Science.本文从共识会议的产生背景、组织结构、运作程序等方面进行分析,指出其作为公众理解科学新模式的重要意义以及存在的问题。

3.The term public understanding of science(PUS) considers the relationship of science and society with a double focus.“公众理解科学”一词涉及科学与社会的关系, 有两个方面的含义。

3)Citizens" Scientific Literacy Survey公众科学素养调查

4)public survey公众调查

1.Based on the data of thepublic survey on the eco-environment of Foshan,this article deals with the matter of regional significance on environment psychology of the Foshan residents.依据佛山市生态环境状况的公众调查的数据统计,对佛山市民环境心理的区域差异进行分析。

5)public understanding公众理解

1.The objective of the present paper is an attempt to measure thepublic understanding of science in the area of health and hygiene and test the efficacy of "cultural distance model".本文尝试对健康与卫生领域内的公众理解科学加以测度,并针对“文化差距模型”的有效性进行测试。

6)"Audience Research,Inc"公众调查公司


