100字范文 > 教育政策工具 educational policy instrument英语短句 例句大全

教育政策工具 educational policy instrument英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-15 12:52:12


教育政策工具 educational policy instrument英语短句 例句大全

教育政策工具,educational policy instrument

1)educational policy instrument教育政策工具

1.Differenteducational policy instruments will form different educational policy execution modes,and lead to different policy effect.不同的教育政策工具在不同的社会关系结构影响下会形成不同的教育政策执行模式,也就会产生不同的政策效果。


1.Solution of Educational Equity by American Federal Government:From the Perspective of Educational Policy Tools;美国政府是如何解决教育公平问题的——教育政策工具的视角

2.On the Execution Tools Analysis of Ethnic Education Policy of Tibetan Classes in Mainland China;内地西藏班民族教育政策执行工具分析

3.Earmarked Fund and Rural Compulsory Education: a Policy Instrument Perspective;专项资金与农村义务教育:政策工具的视角

4.The Instrumental Value of Political Symbolism in Contemporary US Education Policy Analysis论政治象征理论在当代美国教育政策分析中的工具价值

5.The senior vocational education on ideology and politics in the view of instrumental rationality;工具理性视域下的高职思想政治教育

6.The Instrument Theory and Its Harm to Foreign Language Education;外语教育“工具论”的危害及其对策

7.Psychological Counselling Language--the New Tools of Ideological and Political Education Work in Colleges and Universities心理咨询语言——高校思想政治教育工作的新工具

8.Current situation and countermeasure of i politica ideology education for adult students in college成人高等教育思想政治教育工作的现状及对策

9.An Analysis of the Policy Goal of China"s Higher Education Quality Project我国高等教育“质量工程”政策目标分析

10.I feel sad that education has been used as a means to attack the government.我对教育成为攻击政府的工具,感到难过。

11.Cognitive Tools:"Imaginative" Educational Strategies and Methods认知工具:“富有想象力”的教育策略和方法

12.Analysis of the Great Britain Labor Party Governments Educational Policies at the Beginning of World War II;战后初期英国工党政府的教育政策辨析

13.intermodal co-ordination policy [public transport]公共交通工具协调政策

14.Mechanism of Migration Employment Families" Decision on Children Performance and It"s Policy Implications;外出务工家庭子女教育决策机制及其政策内涵

15.The Implementation and Suggestions of Fiscal Game of Migrant Children Education Policy农民工子女教育政策执行的财政博弈与政策建议

16.On the Countermeasure of the Ideological Education and College Students" Worship大学生信教与思想政治教育工作的对策

17.Enlightenments from EU education policy on China"s education policy欧盟教育政策对中国教育政策的启示

18.What is the government policy on education?政府的教育政策是什么?


policy tools政策工具

1.Impact of Government Funding on the Technology Innovation:the Theory Analysis and Selection of Policy Tools;政府资助对技术创新的作用:理论分析与政策工具选择

2.Study on the Change of Policy Tools Selection of Foreign Capital;我国外资政策工具选择变化的研究

3.The Analysis for the Construction of Policy Tools Selecting and Evaluating Mechanism浅析政策工具选择和评价机制的构建

3)policy instruments政策工具

1.Then focus onpolicy instruments and evaluation of growth management.回顾城市增长管理的理论形成及其应用实践,并重点探讨增长管理的政策工具和实施效果评价,在此基础上提出增长管理对我国城市扩展模式合理化发展的启示。

2.University-industry co-operation becomes one of the majorpolicy instruments to channel knowledge flows into new sources of industrial innovation.随着社会经济的发展,如何充分运用大学产生的知识基础,以促进产业创新与经济竞争力,成为当今政府的当务之急,而产学合作也成为创新政策工具中最主要的一环。

3.This paper also makes empirical research on the relative effectiveness of differentpolicy instruments through special function form.文章还通过特定函数形式对不同政策工具的相对效果进行实证研究,分析表明对资本的补贴往往是最有效的政策工具。

4)policy tool政策工具

1.An analysis framework for public S&T policies:the perspective ofpolicy tools;基于政策工具的公共科技政策分析框架研究

2.Along with the variation of our country s economic situation in rece nt years, in the timely adjustment of the monetary policy, the central bank exis ted some problems such as the adjusting force was weaker, the structural regulat ing and controlling function was nor stronger, and thepolicy tool was limited, etc.随着近年来我国经济形势的变化,中央银行在对货币政策的适时调整中,存在调整力度较弱、结构调控功能不强和政策工具有限等问题,因此应进一步调整思路,加大调控力度,收紧总量,同时注重结构调整,发挥信贷政策的作用,并综合运用多种货币政策工具,不断改善政策实施的外部环境,引导货币信贷总量稳定适度增长,从而促进经济的持续稳定发展。

3.Thepolicy tool is one kind of efficient measures to stimulate technology innovation by government.本文首先从三个层面介绍了政府促进技术创新的政策工具 ,然后针对国务院颁布的《鼓励软件产业和集成电路产业发展若干政策》具体分析了其中三个层面政策工具的种类和数量 ,对我国促进软件产业发展的技术创新政策进行了实证性的分析 ,并在此基础上提出了加强软件技术创新的相应政策建议。

5)policy instrument政策工具

1.Mixed Regulation: China s Drugs Safety Regulation in Policy Instrument Perspective;混合型监管:政策工具视野下的中国药品安全监管

2.The strategic trends of westernpolicy instrument choice and its lightness;西方政策工具选择的战略取向及启示

3.An exploration of thepolicy instrument function of midium and small sizedenterprise technical innovation;中小企业技术创新政策工具功能探讨

6)educational policy教育政策

1.Summarization of study documents on ethic ofeducational policy in China;国内教育政策伦理研究文献综述

2.The establishment of publiceducational policy system in the process of educational modernization;教育现代化进程中公共教育政策体系的构建

3.On alienation of thoughts ineducational policy implementation;论教育政策实施中的教育思想异化问题


政策工具政策工具(policy instruments):政府用来影响政策变量的经济与社会变量,即政府用于达到一定目的的政策措施,其中主要的四种工具是:财政政策、货币政策、汇率政策和收入政策。此外,政府还通过社会与制度改革来影响政策变量,例如,通过改革工资协议制度来控制工资增长率。
