100字范文 > 双语教育政策 bilingual education policy英语短句 例句大全

双语教育政策 bilingual education policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-23 18:07:40


双语教育政策 bilingual education policy英语短句 例句大全

双语教育政策,bilingual education policy

1)bilingual education policy双语教育政策

1.This paper first introduces several related concepts, and then separately reviews each country’sbilingual education policy evolution course from the historical angle, afterwards carries on the crosswise analysis to both countries’bilingual education policy using compariso.本文在重点介绍了几个相关概念之后,从历史的角度分别对两国双语教育政策演变历程作了一个简单的回顾,之后又运用比较法对两国的双语教育政策进行横向分析。

2.Beginning with Sino-American bilingual education, the dissertation explores the intrinsic factors affecting contemporary Sino-American bilingual education policies, and attempts to reveal the nature of bilingual education and the ought-to-be trends of Chinesebilingual education policy.本文以中美双语教育为切入点,通过追溯当代中美双语教育政策演变的历史,从而探讨影响中美双语教育政策的内在因素,并试图揭示双语教育的本质和中国双语教育政策的应然走向。

3.The thesis mainly adopts such research approaches as analytic approach of documents,historical approach,factor analytic approach and comparative approach to carry on the research of the American bilingual education Policy.通过对美国双语教育政策的分析,可以为我国的少数民族双语教育提供值得借鉴的经验。


1.The Orientation of Language and the Bilingual Educational Policy in the United States;美国的语言文化倾向与双语教育政策

2.A Summary of the Development of Policy of Bilingual Education for Ethnic Minorities in Xinjiang;新疆少数民族双语教育政策发展综述

3.Analysis of New Bilingual Educational Policy in California从教育政策学看美国加州新双语教育政策(227提案)

4.A Research on the Status and Countermeasures of the Implementation of "Zhuang-Han" Bilingual Education Policy壮汉双语教育政策实施的现状与对策研究

5.The Factors of Affecting Singapore"s Bilingual Education Policies Effective Implementation and Its Enlightenment影响新加坡双语教育政策有效执行的因素分析及其启示

6.Bilingual Education in Pluralistic Societies: Policy and Practice;多元社会中的双语教育:政策与实践

7.Bilingualism is an important feature of our education system. It is as important for the future as it has been for the past.双语政策是我国教育体系的重要一环,正如过去的举足轻重影响,双语政策在未来也同等重要。

8.Bilingual Education for Minorities in China A language policy based on Chinese social context;中国少数民族双语教育——基于中国社会背景的语言政策(英文)

9.Problems and Countermeasures on Bilingual Education of Normal Subjects in Colleges高校师范双语教育教学的问题与对策

10.The Policy of National Language Education:Teaching of Native Language and Learning of English;国家语言教育政策:母语教育与英语学习

11.The Legal and Policy Defects in Bilingual Teaching;“双语教学”的法律缺失与政策缺陷

12.A multilingual policy and the related foreign language education policy in the EU;欧盟语言多元化政策及相关外语教育政策分析

13.Problems and Suggested Solutions to Bilingual Education in Tertiary Institutions;高校双语教育存在的问题与对策研究

14.A Comparative Study of the Impact of State Language Policy on Bilingual Education of Native American and Chinese Ethnic Yi;美国印第安和我国彝族双语教育对比研究——基于两国少数民族语言政策的研究

15.Experiment and study on bilingual teaching in ideological and political education major;思想政治教育专业双语教学的实验与研究

16.Analysis of Case Studies of Implementation of School Vouchers in USA:A Win-Win Education Policy;教育券:教育领域的双赢政策——美国教育券实例分析

17.The American Language Education Policy美国的语言教育政策:学校内外的争辩

18.Interpretation and Construction of Education Equality under the Context of Modern Public Policy;现代公共政策语境下的教育公平问题


policy of bilingual education双语教育政策

1.In the development ofpolicy of bilingual education for ethnic minorities in Xinjiang,we can see that in Xinjiang,experience home and abroad has been summed up and learned from on the basis of national and regional conditions and great efforts have been made to create a more optimized env.从新疆少数民族双语教育政策的演变中,可以看出新疆在不断总结和借鉴国内外经验,紧密结合国情、区情,努力营造一个更加优化的双语和多语教育环境,为双语教育的顺利实施提供了强有力的政策保证。

3)new bilingual educational policy新双语教育政策

4)foreign language education policy外语教育政策

1.On nationalforeign language education policy:A new strategic perspective;我国外语教育政策新战略思考

5)language education policy语言教育政策

1.We should seriously analyze the causes in a rational way and take practical measures to adjust our policies based on nationallanguage education policy.对此,应该用理性的态度认真地分析,在国家语言教育政策层面上,更应认真总结经验教训,调整政策导向,采取切实措施。

2.Language policy is an important study of sociolinguistics,whilelanguage education policy is the important part of language policy.语言政策是社会语言学的重要研究内容,语言教育政策则是语言政策的一个重要组成部分。

6)ELE policy英语语言教育政策


