100字范文 > 治理方式 Modes of Governance英语短句 例句大全

治理方式 Modes of Governance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-31 02:24:21


治理方式 Modes of Governance英语短句 例句大全

治理方式,Modes of Governance

1)Modes of Governance治理方式

1.Research on Corruption, Bank Credit and theModes of Governance腐败、银行信贷与治理方式研究


1.On the Turn of the Way of the Administration--From the Folk Regulations to the Administration of Rule of Law of the Social Life Style;论乡村治理方式的转向——从乡规民约到作为社会生活方式的法治

2.Can such a manner of governance ultimately lead to greatness?此种治理方式能够达成终极伟业吗?

3.The Influence of Entering WTO to Administrative Pattern of China′s government;论加入WTO对我国政府治理方式的影响

4.Political Party and the Strategy of Rulingthe Country in Accordance with the Law;从政党政治特征和国家治理方式看依法治国方略

5.From Decentralization to Governance-Across-Boundary:Study on the Transformation of Local Government Governance Methods in China;从行政分权到跨域治理:我国地方政府治理方式变革研究

6.Two Forms of Tacit Knowledge within Enterprises and the Corresponding Ways of Governance;企业内两种形式的意会知识及相应的治理方式

7.Analysis of the Financial Resolution Mode in the Different Financing Decision Model不同融资决策模式下的财务治理方式分析

8.Government action administers one of the main body, explores the transforming and optimization governing way unceasingly.政府作为治理主体之一,不断寻求治理方式的变革与优化。

9.Pattern of this a kind of management that is an unit and with, you why much Lv.这只是单位的一种治理方式而以,你又何必多虑。

10.From “Domination” to “Governance”:the Analysis of The Transformation of Local Governance Pattern in China;从“统治”到“治理”:我国地方政府治理模式转型分析

11.Many homes are run like a democracy.许多家庭用民主政治般的方式来治理,

12.a constitution lays down the manner and means by which a state is governed.宪法规定治理国家的方式方法。

13.The Spread and Movement of Pollutants in the Groundwater and the Harness地下水污染物的传播方式与治理方法

14.The Local Governance Model Based on Embedded National-Local Relationship“嵌入式自治”:国家—地方互嵌关系下的地方治理

15.Governance from One Element to Three Elements:Paradigm Transition of Macro-Governance of Western Enterprises从一元治理到三元治理:西方企业宏观治理范式转型

16.Scientific Outlook of Development: A Perspective of Good Environmental Governance Paradigm;从西方环境治理范式透视科学发展观

17.Analysis on the Formative Forms of and Controlling Measures for the“Small Coffer”;浅析“小金库”的形成方式及治理对策

18.The Reformative Reflection of the Political Theoretical Course思想政治理论课教学方式改革的思路


method of corporate improvement法人治理方式

3)Administrative pattern of the goverment政府治理方式

4)the method of ruling the country国家治理方式

5)public administrative model公共行政治理方式

1.Through analysis, we brought forward thepublic administrative models in China are experiencing a series of transformations, such as from supervision-oriented pattern to that of ser.通过分析这些变化和影响,提出了中国公共行政治理方式转变的方向:由管理向服务,由封闭向开放,由人治向法制,由单一向多元的方向发展。

6)educating way of political theory政治理论教育方式

1.In the new stage of socialist modernization, theeducating way of political theory for the youth must be innovated.社会主义现代化建设的新阶段实践呼唤青年政治理论教育方式的创新。


