100字范文 > 科研方式 modes of science research英语短句 例句大全

科研方式 modes of science research英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-25 19:30:16


科研方式 modes of science research英语短句 例句大全

科研方式,modes of science research

1)modes of science research科研方式


1.Evolving Trends of the Modes of Science Research and the Forms of Science and Technology in Information Times西方科研方式与科技形态在信息时代的发展趋势

2.Thinking Ways and Research Methods of Stereochemistry;立体化学研究的思维方式和科学方法

3.Transformation of Science and Technology Research Method with the Change of Economical Developing Mode;经济发展方式转变背景下科技研发方式的转变

4.A Study of the Scientific Motivation and Its Incentive Methods of College Teachers高校教师的科研动机及激发方式研究

5.Scientometric Study on Scientific Collaboration Pattern and Its Funcation;科学合作方式及其功能的科学计量学研究

6.Research on Innovation Element of Science and Technology and the Evolving Pattern of Discipline in Local University;地方高校科技创新元与学科演化模式研究

7.A Research on the Bachelor Degree Talents Education Model in the New Local Engineering Higher Education Institutions;新建地方工科院校本科人才培养模式研究

8.On the Exploration and Practice of Scientific Research Development Patterns in Regional Colleges and Universities;地方本科院校科研发展模式的探索与实践

9.Ectoplasm has been studied in a similar fashion.科学家也以相似方式对流质进行研究。

10.The Study on "Macro-micro" Thinking Mode of Chemistry Discipline;化学学科“宏观—微观”思维方式研究

11.The Research on Foreign Entry Mode for Zhejiang s Non-governmental Technology-intensive Enterprises;浙江民营科技企业国外进入方式研究

12.On the Situation and Its Model of Comprehension:A Multiperspective Study;情境与情境理解方式研究:多学科视角

13.Study on the Way to Train the Science and Technology Talent with Skilled Japanese;科技日语人才培养模式和方法的研究

14.Scientific Research Management Mode and Features of Maryland University;马里兰大学的科研管理方式及其特点

15.On Pattern Transformation of Local College s Social Research;简析地方性高校社科研究模式的转变

16.Research on Modular Teaching Methods of Marketing;本科“市场营销学”模块式教学方法研究

17.Reform Teaching Pattern,Develop Research Ability;改革教学方式,培养学生的科研能力

18.Studies on Ways about Humanities Quality Education of Graduates in Agriculural Universities;农科研究生人文素质教育方式的探讨


research direction科研方向

3)Scientific research method科研方法

1.The reason why CHEN Bi-hui can achieve a breakthrough in Marxist theoretical system and disciplinary system by using Marxist-philosophy and can foster an innovation in the academic viewpoint and disciplinary system is that CHEN has made a breakthrough and fostered an innovation in the scientific research methods to Marxism.马克思主义学之所以能够在马克思主义理论体系、学科体系的研究中取得突破,实现学术观点创新和学科体系创新,关键在于陈必辉在马克思主义学科研方法上取了重大突破,实现了科研方法的创新。

2.The status of the application of football scientific research methods and measures in common use since the football professionalization in China was investigated and analyzed.通过调查和分析国内足球职业化以来 ,我国足球科研工作中常用的科研方法和科研手段的现状 ,并通过研究 ,了解当前足球常用科研方法和手段与国内足球发展的相互不适应性及主要原因。

4)method of scientific research科研方法

5)Research method科研方法

1.Based on the objects of 145 teachers in over 10 new-established universities,this article analyses the main purpose,subjects of research,scientific research methods and achievements,educational exchanging,subjective and objective factors of scientific research,and it puts forward a series of reform measures.以河南省新建本科院校的125名教师为调查对象,从科学研究的主要目的、学科、掌握科研方法的程度、各类科研成果和学术交流情况以及阻碍科学研究的主观和客观因素等方面对体育科研现状进行了分析,并提出了改革措施。

2.Based on the objectes of 145 teachers of different levels in over 10 new-established univeristies, this article analyses the main purpose, subjects of research, scientific research methods and achievements, educational exchanging, subjective and objective factors of scientific research, and it puts forward a series of reform measures.以10余所新建本科院校的145名各层次教师为调查对象,对体育科研现状从科学研究的主要目的、学科、掌握科研方法的程度、各类科研成果和学术交流情况以及障碍科学研究的主观和客观因素等进行了分析,并提出了改革措施。

6)local scientific research地方科研


科研科学研究:~计划ㄧ推广~成果 。
